43. It's... Something Different

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"Hey Christina!" I shout as I chase after Jonah.

"Hey Amber!" She shouts back.

"What are they doing?" Lucas asks quietly.

"Cute stuff," she whispers back with a giggle.

"But she's chasing him," Lucas says uncertainly.

"Exactly," Christina replies, leading him to the couch.

"You win!" Jonah shouts, jumping on the couch.

"I always do," I say with a small smile.

"Why did you guys come here though?" Christina asks and my mood immediately drops.

"Lucas, do you wanna play baseball?" Jonah asks.

"Yeah I do!" Lucas chirps.

"I have baseball stuff in my car, we're going to the park. Bye guys," Jonah says, taking Lucas away.

"Bye Bambi!" Lucas chirps.

"Bye bubba!" I shout back.

"It must have been bad since he took Lucas away," Christina says after the front door shuts.

"Um, so my dad cheated on my mom and she kicked him out," I say quickly, not trusting my voice to stay steady for long.

"Oh," Christina says simply as I burst out into tears.

"He wasn't even there that much, why is it still so heart breaking that he betrayed us?" I sob.

"Because he did. Look sometimes, people do you or someone you're close to a wrong. It fills you up with an anger or a sadness which is irrational. But it's just feelings and it's just life, it doesn't make any sense," Christina says, wrapping me in a firm hug.

"Feelings are stupid," I pout.

"Some are," she agrees.

"Some aren't," I say with a sad smile.

"So how do you think life is going to be like from now on?" She asks.

"It's gonna be... something different," I say, wiping the tears from my eyes.

"And sometimes different is good right?" She asks.

"But sometime it isn't," I counter.

"True, but now you've got us. And you know we'll make sure your life will be fantastic," she says.

"I don't doubt that," I reply with a chuckle.

"If you doubted that, you could cash me outside," she says sassily.

"How bouddat?" I finish with a chuckle.

"Yep," she says.

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