46. Be Venkman! 'There's Only One Venkmam' As Mike Wheeler Says!

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"So, what do you want to be for Halloween?" I ask Lucas as we walk around the park.

"Can I be a vampire?" he asks with a small smile.

I let out a breathy chuckle as I look at our surroundings. It's kinda ironic how no one thinks something is wrong in someone else's life until they are explicitly told about it.

"How about you be one of the Ghostbusters? Be Venkman! 'There's only one Venkmam' as Mike Wheeler says!" I say, referencing to "Stranger Things."

"Who's that?" Lucas asks.

"Nobody that you'd know," I say with a sigh.

"I heard the name 'Mike Wheeler' so I'm here," a familiar voice says behind me.

"Could it be... the Bean?" I shout with a small smile.

"Indeedy it is!" he says. "And this is Lucas right?"

"Stranger danger!" Lucas says, knowing it would annoy Corbyn.

"Hurtful!" Corbyn says, putting a hand to his chest.

"Oh shush it would ya," I say, punching Corbyn's shoulder.

"Fine! But Christina wants to hang out with you, so I'll be taking care of this munchkin while you guys go shopping or something," Corbyn says.

"Yeah, 'munchkin' is overkill," I say with a chuckle, walking to his car.

"Sorry, I'm new to this 'taking care of a kid thing'," he replies.

"Interesting," I reply mysteriously.

"Do I even want to know?" he asks with a sigh.

"Not really," I answer truthfully.

We walk to his car where I quickly reunite with Christina and we drive to the mall. Watching the scenery pass by seems like the most calming thing I could do, especially with so much on my mind. Little did I know that that calming thing would turn bad...

wow. this just happened. idk wher im going with this. anyways, i'll be writing the next chapter soon bc of the cliffhanger.

What do you think happened?

also, i'm sorry for not updating. it's been getting harder and harder to update since i have harder tests and more tests. ily guys. Have a good day!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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