74. For a Chocolate Bar

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Oh my god. It's here. The end. Oh my. I. Can't. Believe. It.

"You're graduating today!" Mom cheers as I walk downstairs.

"I know right!" I scream.

"You look very nice, Bambi," Lucas says kindly.

"So do you, bubba. Did Mom tell you to say that?" I ask.

"Yeah, for a chocolate bar!" He cheers, holding up the king-size Three Musketeers she bribed him with. She smiles sheepishly as I walk out of the house. It was already arranged that I'd go with Jonah and our families would go separately.

The wind blows fiercely as I walk out of my house and I grip my hat to keep it from flying away. I stumble over to Jonah's car.

"Hey," he says as I sit.

"Hey," I respond, smiling warmly.

"So, we're graduating," he says awkwardly. "That's going to be... sad, in a way."

"Yeah, it definitely is. But it's fine cause everything will stay more or less the same," I say. "We'll still be together, our friends will still be our friends, and our family will always be there."

"Yeah," he says like I just reassured him that everything will be alright. "You're right. It's like a new chapter in our lives."

"Exactly!" I say.

We get out of the car and walk to get in our seats.

I wait quietly until I hear my name called. Most of my class has gotten their diplomas and all of my friends have officially graduated high school. I'm not sure if I'm ready for this.

"Amber Thompson." The principal announces my name as I get up and my family erupts in cheers and hoots. It didn't matter if I was ready, the time was now. Now or never.

I accept my diploma with a smile. Pride fills my heart as reality strikes me: I graduated high school and I'm going to UC Davis. Fearing I'll start crying, I quickly walk off and return to my seat. At this point, I'm even thankful for Lavender sitting next to me. It gives me a familiar face to associate this year with.

The ceremony continues and we all throw up our hats as soon as it's done. Daniel and I start shrieking to each other as we all walk back to our parents. We contain our excitement until we get into the parking lot where we all unite just like the day before.

"WE FUCKING GRADUATED HIGH SCHOOL!" We all shout gleefully.

"I DIDN'T!" Zach shouts afterwards.

"Don't worry, baby Zach. You'll get your day," I say, ruffling his hair.

"Don't touch the hair!" He screams, trying to repair the damage as I laugh.

"Coming to the party today?" Jonah asks as he snakes an arm around my waist.

"Of course I am," I say, planting a kiss on his lips.

Let's jus say that night, I got a lot more that I thought I would that night. If you know what I mean.

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