13. Never Underestimate The Female Kind, Jonah

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Time skip to the day of the party bc I'm lazy af

"They bought her something she can't pull off," Jonah scoffs.

"Never underestimate the female kind, Jonah," Corbyn tuts.

"Couldn't have said it better myself! I'm rubbing off on you," Christina says with a giggle.

"Oh my god you are," Corbyn says in realization, causing us all to laugh.

"Anyways, where is the party at?" I ask after we finish our laughing fit.

"It's at Lavender's house," Jack says.

"No shit, Sherlock. I mean, where is her house?" I ask.

"Just get a ride with Jonah and get a big cardigan or something," Christina says.

"I'll see you guys there," Zach says, rushing off.

I look in the direction that he goes in and I notice a special someone. I smirk to myself before paying attention to the conversation.

~another time skip bc I'm still lazy af~


"What?" she asks.

I repeat, "I'm going to a party."

"No you're not. Unless you're going with someone I know," she says firmly.

"I am. Jonah's giving me a ride," I say with a confident smirk.

"Oh ok then," she says, a little confused that I'm going with someone she knows.

I smile a little and run upstairs, rushing to finish my homework before the party.

I smile a little and run upstairs, rushing to finish my homework before the party

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I push my glasses up my nose as I write down the equation. Somewhere in my mind I recognize a slight thump on my balcony but I'm too focused to realize.

Well I was too focused until some doofus waved their hand in front of my face.

"Hello?" Jonah asks.

I turn toward him, my anger clear on my face.

"We have to go soon," he says.

I look at my watch and see the time and ask, "How soon?"

"Like thirty minutes," he responds.

'' THIRTY MINUTES!?" I freak out, jumping out of my chair and rushing him out of my room. "I have to get ready. You should have told me before."

"Eh," he replies before hopping over back to his room.

I shut the window and pull the blinds before changing into my outfit. Remembering Christina's words, I grab a duster cardigan hanging around my room. I open up my window.

"Ready!" I shout.

"Let's go!" he shouts back and I hear some scuffling indicating that he's going down.

I hop downstairs and say, "Bye mom!"

"Where are you going?" Lucas asks.

"Just a place to hang out with my friends," I answer sweetly.

"Pwease be safe," he says, pulling out his best puppy dog eyes out.

"No problem bubba," I say with a chuckle, ruffling his brown curls.

"Hey!" he protests, trying to swat my arms away.

I walk out and wrap the cardigan around me as a cool breeze makes its way over to me.

I'm glad she told me to get this. I think as I bundle it all around me. I walk over to his car and open the passenger seat door, sliding in.

"Shall we go?" I ask with a smirk.

and you will have to wait for the next chapter for the party :) I like torturing you guys... is that bad? XD eh whatever. Next update will be tomorrow or the day after, I'm not really sure but if you guys could wait this long, you can wait another day or so :D 

Thanks for reading! Vote and comment! Love y'alls! <3 <3 

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