56. Who Said I Wanted It To Be Fine?

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"That was fun wasn't it?" Jonah asks with a sigh.

"It was maybe the best night I've had in a long time," I reply with a small smile.

"Look, I'm sorry," he says abruptly, shoving his hands in his pockets.

"Why?" I ask, folding my arms over my chest to stop my shivering.

"For everything," he says. "I'm sorry that you've gone through so much, but Lavender is still after you. I wish I could make it up to you."

"You don't have to. I understand. You can't control everyone, it's fine," I reply reassuringly. "This is actually just a test for me. Just like the ones at school but this one matters more. And I've always been a pretty good test-taker."

"Then it's good we only have one more day of school before break," he says with a smile.

"Yeah it's weird isn't it? Our classes just stop on Wednesday?" I question. "Not that I have a problem with it."

"I was thinking, wanna go to a movie?" Jonah asks.

"Sure! 'The Greatest Showman' is what we're watching! Nothing else! No siree!" I shout exuberantly.

"Fine," he says with a chuckle. "We'll watch that. And I promise everything will be fine."

"No it won't, but who said I wanted it to be fine?" I ask before walking into my house just as it turned 11 p.m.

I smile to myself as I walk up to my room. Thoughts and fantasies creep into my thoughts.

Hey guys! Sorry for not updating! Please check out my IT fanfic (for Richie) please vote! Enjoy! It's Christmas! Hope it's a great One!

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