11. Forget About It, I Have A Plan

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I drop my tray on the table with a loud Bang!

"Yeesh! What happened?" Christina asks.

I nod my head over to where Callie and Lavender are. She follows the direction of my nod and nods her head in understanding. Corbyn, Jack, and Zach follow the direction of my nod but don't get it.

"Forget about it, I have a plan," Christina says with a smirk.

"What is it? Anything to take her down," I say, throwing a glare at Lavender.

"She's harassed many people, even before she dated Jonah," Christina says.

"Wait then why would Jonah date her?" I ask.

"Because she was--and I quote-- 'badass'," she says with a roll of her eyes.

"She was!" Jonah defends himself.

"She was a bitch," Christina says.

"Yeah, I got that now," Jonah says. "Forget bitch, she's a psycho."

Daniel and I laugh at his reaction and I decide to take advantage of it, "What are you scared of a doll in heels?"

"A very pretty doll," Jack says.

"Snap out of it!" Christina says, snapping her fingers in front of his face, effectively snapping him out of his trance.

"Huh? What?" He asks, looking around.

"So we know how she gets them under her trance," I mutter.

"Exactly and one boy we all know that has never succumbed to her is your best friend," Christina says, pointing to Daniel.

"I'm gonna have to do something in your plan won't I?" Daniel whines.

"Yup," she says, popping the "p."

"Okay what is it?" I ask, starting to get a little impatient.

"So Lavender always has this big party at the beginning of the year when her parents are out of town. It's always really big; alcohol is always there and people there are definitely underage," Christina says.

"Your point," I prompt.

"She has a lot of money so she pays her neighbors and stuff to not say anything. If we get videos of her party and her there, we show her parents and the school and we could potentially get her expelled," she finishes.

"Wait how does the school not know about it? And why hasn't anyone done this before?" I ask.

"Her house is on the other side of town and no one really cared enough before you," she shrugs.

"Did you guys normally go to these parties?" I ask.

"Kinda," Jack says.

"Definitely," Jonah says.

"Not usually," Corbina says.

"Never," Daniel says and Zach nods with him.

"Oh I used to go to them all the time, but I'm not the best role model," I say with a chuckle.

"The party is gonna be on Friday," Christina says.

"So just a few days," I nod my head.

"Yup, we have to go shopping," Christina says.

"What?" I ask in disbelief.

"Yeah, should I come over today? I'm coming over today," she finalizes before I can say anything.

"She's my neighbor," Jonah says with a smirk.

"I that was something I shouldn't advertise," I retort.

"Yeah, but this is annoying you so I'm fine with it," he says, the smirk on his face as prominent as ever.

I glare at him and finish my lunch.

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