29. Who Dis?

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"Lovebirds huh?" A familiar voice asks.
We turn to see all of our friends smirking at us. And a new face.

"Hey guys," I say awkwardly.

"Hey, now let's get to the real question..." Christina says.

"Yes, I totally agree," I say, nodding my head. "Who dis?"

"Oh I'm Attalie," the Puerto Rican girl says.

"She normally hangs out with us but she was on vacation for a little longer so she missed some school," Jack says.

"Yup, your days must have been boring without me," she sighs, putting an arm on Jack's shoulder.

"Actually we've been pretty busy," Zach says.

"From shipping Jamber," Christina says.

"To watching their thing play out," Corbyn says.

"So it's been actually pretty interesting without you here," Jack says.

"I'm hurt!" Attalie says with a mock hurt look on her face.

"I feel like I'm intruding on a friend moment," I say awkwardly.

Jonah just laughs at my comment.

"Yeh your right, but we still haven't addressed WHAT THE HELL YOU TWO DID SKIPPING SCHOOL!" Christina says.

"Oh yeahhh," I say, looking to Jonah for help.

"Stuff happened, we're best friends. Do ya need anything more than that?" Jonah questions.

"Yeah! Cause I'm your best friend!" Daniel shouts, looking at me.

"Oh yeah," I say.

"What's something that's pretty much as good as best friends?" Jonah asks.

"A couple," Attalie coughs, giving an innocent smile after.

"Nope, not that. Esther already asked and it's a clear NO!" I say, glaring at them.

"What did she ask?" Jack asks.

"She asked, and I quote, 'Is Jamber Official?'," Jonah says.

"Now, I wonder why she would ask that?" Christina says sarcastically.

"We weren't doing anything! We were just sitting!" Jonah exclaims.

"Mhmm, so replicate the position," Corbyn says skeptically.

Jonah and I share a look and say, "No."

"So she definitely was right in thinking that Jamber was official," Zach ruminates.

"Wait what? How?" I question.

"Cause if you don't replicate the position, it was definitely a coupley kind of sitting," Jack clarifies.

"No it wasn't!" I exclaim.

"Mhmm," they all hum, disbelievingly.

"Oh would you look at the time! We have to go!" I say, pulling Jonah away.

"WE SHIP IT!" Christina shouts after us.

New cover? What do you guys think?

What did you guys think? Sorry for the crappy chapter ❤️ I just didn't know what to do that much for this chapter

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What did you guys think? Sorry for the crappy chapter ❤️ I just didn't know what to do that much for this chapter. Thanks for reading! Vote and comment! Also, I will do a face reveal if this story gets to 1K votes in the next couple of days!!

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