5. He'll Never Like You

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"Because they're actually hot, unlike you," a snooty voice says behind me.

"And who's the judge of that?" I ask, spinning around.

"Me," a blonde girl says.

The boys avert their eyes but mine stay trained on her makeup-filled face.

"Who are you?" I ask, getting impatient with her.

"Lavender Winters, I wish I could say I was pleased to meet you but I'm not," she says.

"The feeling is mutual," I say, faking a polite smile.

"Well anyways, back off of Jonah. He'll never like you," she says.

"Well I don't want him to like me," I say.

"Really? Because it doesn't seem like it. Anyways, back off him or you will pay the consequences," she says, pointing a perfectly manicured nail at me.

I roll my eyes and turn back to the boys, giving them questioning looks.

"That's Lavender Winters, Jonah's ex. He dumped her but she thinks that they are meant for each other. She only threatens people that she thinks has a chance with him," Zach says.

"Yeah, she threatened Cindy Kimberly even though Cindy didn't even talk to Jonah," Daniel says. "Damn, girls are insecure."

"Nope, just some of us. The others like Lavender are just bitches," I simply say. "I have to talk to Cindy Kimberly, where is she?"

"Well she usually goes back home as soon as school ends so you won't be able to meet her today. But tomorrow I could introduce her to you, we're more or less friends," Zach says, blushing a little bit.

"Does Jacob have a crush?" I say, wriggling my eyebrows.

"No," he says, his cheeks tinting an even darker red.

"Yeah you do," Daniel says.

"Hey guys what's up?" Jack says, walking up to us while Jonah trudges beside him, not offering me a glance or wave of recognition.

"Just got threatened by Lavender so nothing much," I reply.

"Lavender threatened you? Why would she ever threaten you?" Jonah scoffs.

"Maybe because she realizes my STAR POWER!" I say, adding jazz hands when I say "STAR POWER."

"Yeah sure," Jack scoffs.

"You do not want to get on my bad side Jacky Chan," I tut.

"Why?" He asks.

"Because I have a ship name that will ruin both yours and Daniel's high school career," I smirk.

"Why do I have to suffer?" Daniel asks, shooting me a pleading look.

"Because you're the 'aniel' part of 'Janiel'," I say, causing Jack and Daniel to smack their heads.

"I told you... IM NOT GAY!" Daniel shouts.

"And I told you... it's fun to agitate you," I say before skipping over to my car.

"Bye Amber!" Zach and Daniel shout.

"Bye Jacob! Bye Dani!" I shout back.

I see Jonah get into his car a few spaces next to me as I pull out. I drive home and see his car following me. He parks in the driveway of the house next to me and I smirk.

"Why are you here?" I shout.

"Oh crap," he says.

"You're my neighbor!!!" I shout. "I'm gonna have so much fun!!"

"I hate you!" He shouts, walking into his house.

"You love me!" I shout before he slams his door shut.

I stand there, laughing for a while before I walk into the house.

"How was your day honey?" She asks.

"Pretty good. I got threatened, I challenged the bad boy who is our neighbor, and I made some new friends," I say.

"That's pretty good?! You got threatened?! You challenged the bad boy?!" She exclaims.

"Yup now if you'll excuse me I have homework to do," I say before running up to my room.

I look out my window to see if the cliche thing happens. I smirk as I see Jonah enter his room.

I open my window and say to him, "Isn't this the cliche thing that happens in every love story? They become neighbors and have windows across from each other, have late night talks about their feelings, and so forth."

He lets out a groan of frustration and shouts, "GO AWAY!"

"Never!" I shout back, spinning around, causing my chocolate locks to flop as he closes his window.

I smirk to myself as I think, I'm gonna have a lot of fun messing with him.

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Hi! I have other books too... oh and A LIFE. Don't get butthurt when I say that I may be able to update and I don't. I never say that I'm gonna one hundred percent update. I will update as much as possible but starting next week, it will be WEEKLY updates. I'm glad you like this book but it is stressful and hard to write with you guys saying "Update" anyways, I'm glad you like this book enough to actually comment that. I don't have an updating schedule, I update whenever I can. I use all of my free time to update for you guys so don't you dare try to make me the bad guy. I'm sorry if I seem mean or like a bitch but deal with it.

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