Chapter 5

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Chapter 5, Consequences

As she arrived to her office, there was a stack of files on her desk. Her thoughts were on Dom while she got started. Hobbs nodded at her from his office. The day seemed to linger on while she worked. Anna would take breaks in between grabbing coffee. She went back into the lab seeing her phone vibrating. It was a text from Dom. "Want to hang out after work?" Smiling at that, she put her phone off to the side.

Hobbs came into the office seeing her working along with picking up with files that were already done. "Didn't see you at the party last night," he spoke.

"Nah, I hung out with Dom. He seems like a nice guy," she looked over at Hobbs.

"He is. It took me a while to realize that," Hobbs said leaving the room. Anna heard her phone vibrating again. Assuming it was Dom, it was an unknown number. "Meet me in the parking garage tonight." Anna thought a moment, realizing it could be Deckard texting her. She wasn't sure what he wanted unless it was to catch up.

The text had stuck with her the rest of the day until it was time for her to leave. She started cleaning her area straightening everything out. When she finished, she headed for the parking garage. Not many people were around at this time. It was literally empty with just a few cars parked. Anna noticed the black Audi parked next to hers. As she got closer, Deck was leaning against it waiting for her.

"Deck, what are you doing here?" She wondered.

"I had some free time tonight. Maybe we could do a little catching up," he said giving her a serious look. He knew what she had been doing not fully aware that him and Toretto were enemies.

Deck had her get in his car leaving her car there. She sat in the passenger seat watching him getting in next to her. It felt a little awkward, but it didn't hurt for her to catch up.

He turned the car on and pulled out of the parking garage. "So tell me, what have you been up to?" Anna asked him.

He looked over at her a moment before speaking figuring he could trust her. "I went on to be an Operative agent for the Clandestine Operations. Then became a Lieutenant and was in the Special Boat Services. Then was a major in the Special Air Services until I was no longer needed. They sent my own superiors after me to kill me. I trust no one," he explained.

"You trusted my dad," Anna added.

"He was one of the few I trusted." His tone was calm with her. Deck pulled up to a place that looked like a warehouse. He had her get out and follow him. He opened the door allowing her to walk in first. People were everywhere working.

A man walked their way with short dark hair and a mustash. "There better be a damn good reason why you decided to take time off," he said to Deck. Then he immediately noticed Anna.

"I thought this would be a good enough reason," Deck spoke.

"It's been a long time my dear," he said recognizing her.


"Yes it's me. You have grown a lot since we last seen you." Owen stood in front of her scanning her with his eyes.

"She works for Hobbs," Deck said looking at his brother.

"Not by choice," she added.

"You're a cop?" Owen questioned her.

"No, I work in the lab," she answered him. Owen seemed a little hesitant with her here. The last thing he needed was another person to try to run to the cops.

"Why did you bring her here?" Owen asked annoyed with Deck.

"We can trust her,". Deck assured him.

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