Chapter 56

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Chapter 56, Consequences

Dom sat quietly keeping his eyes on Anna. Cipher stayed away only calling when he was needed. Anna didn't even bother to escape seeing Dom wouldn't let her try to risk getting hurt. She looked away as Dom was sitting there watching her. He watched the woman he loved feeling scared and confused wondering why she was even caught up in all of this. It almost didn't matter to him that she was Shaws or not. Part of him wanted to feel loved by someone.

"You ok?" He finally spoke.

"Fine." Her answer was brief as she just sat on the ground. He got up sitting next to her. Anna looked at him watching him sit next to her.

"I will get us out of here." She nodded not wanting to say much. Dom knew he could get her to talk. For now they were trapped in a room alone. Men were outside with guns ready to shoot if they were to escape making it difficult now that Anna was with him.

"You know there are tons of men out there with loaded guns. It's will be a war zone just to get us out," Anna said looking out the window.

"I'll figure something out just trust me." She felt him get close to her. He wrapped an arm around her as she sat there.

"I guess I have no choice." Anna looked directly at him. In a way she felt some sort of an attraction towards him. He was good despite him being here. "This isn't you. You're not a bad person. I knew you did this because you had no other choice."

"That means you know me pretty well."


"What no smart remark saying I should just stick with Letty?"

"I realize its pointless. You can't deny the obvious." Dom nodded agreeing. His eyes study her as she stretched some. Anna reached over grabbing a cigarette from a left open cigarette pack on the nightstand. She got up and and grabbed a match and started lightening it. "Don't tell Deckard," she said lighting the cigarette.

Dom got up grabbing the lit cigarette throwing it on the ground stomping on it. "Don't do this." He said worried.

"Do what? I can't seem to stay pregnant. I pretty much had a heavy period a little after I told Deckard." She said disappointed.

Anna started grabbing for the cigarette pack and Dom moved it away from her reach. "Really?" She said annoyed.

"I'm not going to sit here and watch you try to waste your life away."

"It's just a cigarette."

"Yeah its how it starts then it gets worse." Dom raised his voice.

"Stop being paranoid." Dom hated that she went to cigarettes to make her feel better. It wasn't the fact that she wanted a cigarette but he had seen so many people start with something small and end up wasting their life away. Anna didn't realize how over protective Dom was to her. He knew she was starting to get at her breaking point. She couldn't be pregnant and being with Shaw wasn't easy either.

"I'm surprised you made it this far with him." Dom's tone seemed more calm.

"Me too. I was just wondering, what would have happened if I ended up with you.?" Anna wondered.

"We would have had a good relationship. I would have taken care of you and we would have been happy. Maybe married you."

Anna listened as she sat back on the bed. "I wonder sometimes if Deckard really does love me. He has never really said it to me. Maybe once. It's not that I expect him to. He's affectionate in his own way but not so much the lovey dovey type."

"Is that a bad thing?"

"Not really. I have gotten use to it." His arms went around her pulling her in a hug. He held her for a moment then let her go.

"So how do we get out of here?" Anna changed the subject.

"More like I'm getting you out of here." Dom corrected her.

"Dom please we can both escape."

"I don't have a choice." He hesitated. Anna knew something was holding him back but he wouldn't tell her what it was.

The door opened causing them both to look over. A few men grabbed Anna and Dom just watched as they forced her to walk. They kept their guns pointed at her making her keep walking. No one around them seemed to care assuming they were doing their job. No words were spoke as they were walking. Anna could feel nothing but fear. She had no idea what was happening and if she was going to end up being shot. She was so far away from where she was. They had her get in the car.

She slowly got in and they drove for a good hour. They stopped the car forcing her out as they drove away. She stood their alone in the dark. Anna had walked a mile not sure where she was at. There was a bar near by that she walked into. It was the typical loud bar with tons of drunken people everywhere.


Deckard sat in his car a moment as he lit a cigarette. Rarely, he would smoke but he was worried about his wife. That seemed to help calm him down. He sat there quietly watching people go by. His phone started to ring and he saw his brother calling him. "Yeah." He answered.

"Any sign of her?"

"Still looking. I'll let you know if I find her." He said hanging up. Deckard turned his car on moving it to a parking spot. He parked and got out heading into a small diner. He sat up at the bar and just ordered a coffee.

"Looks like you had a rough day," the waitress said pouring his coffee.

Deckard snickered at that as he took a sip. He knew if something happened to Anna he would probably go back killing anyone who gets in his way. At this point nothing else seemed to matter.

"Must be a lucky girl," he heard someone else speak to him. Deckard turned his head seeing a lady about his age sitting a few feet away from him. She must have noticed his ring on his left hand.

"You can say that," he answered. His phone started to ring.

"One of our men has found her. She's at a bar about forty miles from you." Deckard quickly got up nodded at the girl as he made his way out the door.  

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