Chapter 15

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Chapter 15, Consequences

Anna left Shaw's place knowing it was suppose to be her last day off. Deck didn't seem to give her any options as far as work went. So she did what she had to do sending an E-mail letting them know she was going to quit and not come back before she left Deck. Part of her wanted to quit while the other part of her didn't. Deckard made her see that it was his way of protecting her from Hobbs.

As she pulled up, she noticed Dom's car in parked next to her. He must have been waiting for her. Anna felt very lousy for avoiding Dom. She got out of her car grabbing her bag out of the passenger's seat. Dom got out of his car seeing her carrying a small duffle bag. "Where have you been?" Dom questioned her worried. His expression looked hurt and confused.

"I had things to do." She said slowly.

Dom knew better than to believe that. "I don't believe you. You're doing something and you're not telling me," Dom said approaching her.

Anna tried to walk past him and he blocked her way. "Dom don't please," she said trying to avoid him.

"I want to know why you lied to me. You were with him. I know it," he confronted her. Dom knew many people and somehow it had gotten back to him.

"Are you having people spy on me?"

"No, but I know a lot of people around here. Why couldn't you be honest with me?" Dom raised his voice.

"Look, I wasn't aware of anything until I started hanging around them. Why in the hell does it matter who I hang around?" Anna said angry.

"You know why. I already lost Letty to them. I don't want to see you go down the same path," he argued. She sighed at that knowing she couldn't get anything past him. He placed his hand on her shoulder as he kept his eyes on her.

"Shaw wouldn't hurt me. I only came back to switch out some things."

"You don't know that for sure. Now tell me. Where are they?" He asked her.

"I can't break a promise nor do I want to be stuck in the middle." She said slowly.

"I can protect you. Nothing would happen to you," he assured her. Anna sighed at that not wanting to go against the man she had feelings for. She feared what would happen to her.

"Then I'm going to tell Hobbs everything. So I'm not giving you much of a choice." Dom warned her.

"It's too late. I quit and it won't do any good." She started understanding why Deck had her quit. If she didn't, it would be her job on the line. Dom remained calm, but not happy about her getting involved with Shaw.

"You sure this is what you want?" He asked her.

"Shaw and I have history. You out of all people should understand that." Anna reminded him. Dom did understand and he had no choice than to let her go. He wasn't going to fight for her or do what he had tried doing for Letty. He would let her go. Disappointed with her decision, he went to his car turned the engine on and took off. Anna looked back a moment before going inside to switch out her clothes.

Deck kept himself busy waiting for Anna to come back. He briefly glanced over at Letty seeing her fixing something of Owen's. He didn't understand his brother's reasoning for keeping her around. He believed that it could still be possible that her memory could come back.

His thoughts were on Anna. Ever since their intimate moment, it made him feel closer to her. Not once has any woman made him feel the way she did. His life was focused on his work and running from the law. These feelings were different for him. They made him want to do things he wouldn't have considered doing before. He knew he cared for Anna more than he has cared for anyone. Deck knew he was capable of loving someone, he just never thought it would happen to him.

"You seem like you have something on your mind," Owen said coming up to him.

"Maybe." Deck spoke. Owen stood there a moment watching him work.

"I have a plan to get Toretto out of our hair," Owen changed the subject. Letty looked over at them hearing Owen. She walked over to the drawer opening it up finding the cross Owen had put in there. Letty picked it up looking at it a moment. She could see his face in her mind, but couldn't figure out why she couldn't remember him.

Anna came in from the other direction seeing Letty looking at the necklace. She thought a moment before speaking. "You don't remember him do you?" Anna said coming up to her.

Letty looked up at her seeing her standing a few feet away from her. "I keep seeing his face in my mind. I just don't know how I have anything to do with him. I've run into him before and claims that he knows me." She explained.

Anna nodded listening. She looked at the necklace Letty was holding. "Apparently, he hasn't forgotten about you. He's tried so hard to get you to remember. Did you ever stop and think that he was trying to help you," Anna wondered. Letty gave her a blank stare not sure what to think.

Both Owen and Deckard noticed Anna talking to Letty. Deck approached her placing a hand on her shoulder. Anna turned around noticing him behind her. "She doesn't belong here," Anna said looking at Deck.

"I can't say I don't agree with you, but my brother insists on keeping her around." Deck said eyeing Owen.

She's of good use to us." Owen said hearing them. Anna sighed at that disagreeing. She knew Letty belonged to Dom. Letty stayed quiet listening to them talk. Anna placed her hand on Deck's chest. He grabbed it kissing it holding on to it. Deck led her away from them so he could talk to her.

"I have a feeling he's only keeping her around to use her against Toretto. He knows she's a weak point," He explained.

"I doubt that."

"Why is that?"

"When I went back to my place to switch out clothes, Dom was there waiting for me. He seemed to have given up on her. He said he was trying to save me from you," Anna explained. Deck didn't seem too happy with that. It just gave him more reason's to want to kill him.

"Do you have any idea where Toretto may be tonight?" Owen asked Anna.


"That gives me an idea," he said coming up to Deck and Anna. Anna wished she hadn't told Owen. She had a feeling something was going to happen. Letty heard the conversation going on. For some reason, she felt that she had to help Dom. Deck's hand was still in Anna's. Owen walked away from them planning his next move.

"Everything will be alright. I promise," Deck said having her look at him.

For once, she felt that she could admit what she felt. "I don't want anything to happen to you or to Dom," she admitted to him.

"You leave Toretto to us. As for me, nothing will," he said kissing her cheek. Deck would take Anna with him after they took care of Dom. Nothing would come between them and he would make sure of it.

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