Chapter 22

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Chapter 22, Consequences

Dom would text Anna periodically. She was good at hiding the text. What was suppose to be a vacation for Deck turned out to be more busy than expected. He was a man in charge along side with Owen. Anna started feeling a little lonely these past couple of days. She saw less of Deck and ended up being by herself.

There were footsteps coming in her room. As she turned around, Deck walked in the room grabbing his suitcase. Anna got up walking towards him. "I guess your leaving me here," she said looking at him.

"Just for a few days." He looked at her.

"Was this your plan? You just wanted me to come with you. Then you leave?" She asked irritated.

"I have something to take care of. You will be safe here," he said comforting her.

"Have fun drinking with all the drunken women," she said sarcastically leaving him there. He put his stuff down a minute going after her.

"You're the only one that matters to me," Deck assured her.

"I know how this goes. Man leaves woman and then he finds someone else to fuck around with," she said getting pissed. Deck pulled her close to him looking into her eyes.

"Since you want to get technical. You're the only women I want to be fucking." He cornered her up against the wall leaning in kissing her a moment.

"Please don't go," she looked at him.


"If I tell you. Will you stay?" She begged.

"It depends on the circumstances," he looked at her.

She took a deep breath deciding to tell him. Anna knew she couldn't keep anything from him. "I saw Dom. He's here. I was driving and got blocked by street racers. He thought you would have hurt me. I told him you wouldn't." She explained.

"Why didn't you tell me?" He questioned her.

"You had to leave the room remember?" She reminded him.

"I appreciate you not keeping this from me. In this case I will stay." He rubbed his hand along her face. What she did made him love her even more.

"Deck...I.." Before she could finish, Owen came into the room. She sighed a little annoyed that she got interrupted.

"Are you ready?" Owen asked him.

"I'm staying Toretto is here."

"What do you mean he's here?" Owen questioned him.

"Anna saw him. She told me." Deck said giving him a serious look.

"Very well, I will go finish this job and will be back in a few days. Don't do anything major until I get back," Owen said leaving.

"I'm not going to make any promises." Deck assured him. He then turned his attention on Anna.

"I love you," she looked at him. Those words meant everything to him coming from her. Anna got close wrapping her arms around his neck. Deck embraced her wrapping his arms around her waist . Their lips met as they kissed.

"I love you Anna. I always have. No other woman can compare to you. Don't forget that." His tone was calm.

"I know." They looked at each other a moment before he pulled away. He grabbed his gun starting to load it.

"I think we should pay him a little visit." He said looking back at her as he was loading his gun.

"It's almost dark. He will be racing," Anna spoke.

Deck motioned Anna to walk with him. He stuck his gun in his pocket. His hand went in hers while they headed out the door. They got into his black two door sports Audi. Both of them were silent for a while. Deck looked her direction noticing how nervous she was getting. "Dom didn't want me to tell you that he was here," Anna said looking at him.

"I would have found out anyway. it's not easy to keep things from me. That's why I can trust you. You're just like your father," he said kissing her hand.

"You know he's not going to give up." He didn't answer as he kept his hand in hers squeezing it a little.

Deck pulled up seeing the street being blocked. Anna got out of the car as he watched her closely. She disappeared into the crowd looking for Dom. He was standing off to the side where she couldn't see him well. "Dom," she yelled for him.

He came out to the front seeing her standing there. "Anna?"

"Leave Dom. Shaw knows your here. You're going to get yourself killed," she said trying to do what she could to save him.

"I'm not leaving here. Not without getting my revenge after him and bringing you home," he said in a serious tone.

"Dom please just go. It was bad that you were crazy enough to get involved with me. Please just leave me I'll be fine." Anna assured him.

"I'm not leaving you. As crazy as it sounds to you I care about you," he said grabbing her hands putting them in his.

Anna pulled away from him and footsteps were coming towards them. "As I said before she is not your concern." Dom heard Shaw's voice turning around. He eyed him and Anna could see the hatred Dom had for him in his eyes.

"She is my concern." His tone was calm but sounded angry.

"I've wanted nothing more than to get Letty out of my brother's hair. He uses her you know." Deck said half lying.

"Why?" Anna looked at Dom.

Before Dom could answer, a few cars drove up to them. Their window rolled down and gunshots were fired. Dom grabbed Anna having her get down. Dom came prepared carrying a gun in his back pocket. He pulled it out shooting at them. Deck did the same shooting it at them as well Everyone in the crowd was scattered and running getting into their cars taking off.

After a few minutes, the cars drove away leaving both men still shooting at them. When it was safe, Dom helped Anna stand up. "Who were they?" Dom questioned him.

"I don't know."

"Bullshit, this is probably one of your plans to kill me," Dom argued.

"It's not me," Deck argued back.

"Either way your ass should be in jail." Anna stood there a moment as both men were trying to compose themselves. She looked behind Dom seeing another one of those cars drive their direction. The window rolled down and their gun aimed at them. The bullet hit Anna. She fell to the ground. Deck immediately got out his gun shooting at them again. When they had left, he turned around noticing Dom holding on to Anna. Deck made a phone call for an ambulance to come letting them know where they were. He hung up the phone kneeling down to her.

"Stay with me," Deck said looking at her.

"Deck," she said scared. he took her into his arms. Dom watched for the ambulance. Within minutes they had shown up. Her eyes started to close.

"Anna, stay awake love." Deck wasn't much for showing emotion for someone. Mostly when people would die it wouldn't phase him. Seeing someone who he loved that could easily die was starting to get to him. Dom looked over seeing the ambulance pulled up. For the first time, he noticed Shaw showing that he cared for someone. It was enough to prove to him that he was capable.

Deck got into the ambulance with her. Dom stood outside watching him go in with her. Before looking away, he had notice a tear run down Shaw's face. The paramedics put oxygen over her. "Whoever did this will pay, I promise," he said looking down at Anna.

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