Chapter 55

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I apologize for the long wait.  I have been busy plus a big writers block.  This is short but I will try to get a longer one later.  

Chapter 55, Consequences

For now, Anna was alone. Everyone else left for a while. She had no reason to go seeing they had a few small jobs to do here and there. she sat at the hotel lobby watching people go by. Deckard would text her here and there making sure she was ok. Anna got up walking into the small gift shop a few feet away from her. She continued to browse through different things that caught her interest. Being alone did make her nervous but she just dealt with it.

"Didn't think I could find you here." Anna turned around hearing a female voice. Cipher was standing behind her watching her every move. She remained calm and didn't panic.

"What do you want?" She asked her.

"Your help. I think we can work something out right? Both of the Shaw bothers have been after me for a while. It's a shame they put you in the middle of all this." Her tone was calm and sounded almost convincing.

"You give me no reason to trust you." Anna tried walking away and she followed her.

"Then what does Shaw really want with you? Does he really care for you or is he going to leave you like the rest of them?" Anna wanted to believe her but she knew Shaw better than that. Her phone beeped with Deckard texting her. Cipher took her phone throwing it out. She guided Anna out with her not giving her much of a choice with a gun pointed to her back. They got into the car and Dom was sitting there quietly.

He immediately noticed her right away. Anna made eye contact with him. Dom knew this was her way to bring Shaw to her. They drove a little bit until Cipher got out of the car leaving them both in there. She shut the door behind her and the car started to move.

"Everything will be alright." Dom spoke.

"Right now you say it," Anna said sarcastically.

"I won't let anything happen to you." He assured her.

"Right, but you abandon everyone else." He sighed at that knowing she was right but wasn't going to argue. Dom still loved her knowing she wasn't his. Still he was upset about what Letty had done. The only thing that sounded good was to him was to run away with Anna and completely start over.

If it was to keep his family out of harms way he would leave everything to keep them safe. At that moment nothing else mattered except for Anna. He felt nothing but sorry for her for being stuck in the middle.

"What do you think it would have been like if I were with you?' Anna wondered.

"I would have taken care of you and would have been the person you needed." Dom answered her.

The vehicle stopped and Dom opened the doors. It lead them to a small building. As they went into the building, Cipher was there waiting on them. She had Anna hacking into things. Anna only hoped that Deckard would find her.


Deckard had arrived back to the hotel noticing Anna was gone and she had not responded to any of his texts. He knew something was wrong. She even told him that she was going to stay behind. Owen came in the room seeing his brother in a bit of a panic.

"What is it?" Owen wondered.

"She's gone. Something isn't right." Deckard said worried. This was one of the few times he had ever worried for anyone. It amazed Owen what love did to his brother. In a way he could relate.

Deckard had made some calls to see if anyone had seen Anna anywhere. Instead he had left and would search everywhere.

Owen had followed his brother's lead helping him look for Anna. At first he seemed to care less but now she was family. He had learned to accept her.


Anna was left alone in a room when she had finished. It was quiet and the lights were dim. She noticed a cell phone not too far from where she was sitting. It had some battery life on it and she immediately started dialing Deckard's number. He answered on the first ring.

"Who is this?" He answered.

"It's me. Cipher has me and I don't know where I am." She said nervously.

"I can track the phone your on. Call me with the number." Anna hung up and call him back. It rang a couple of times until the phone immediately taken from her. Cipher hit her in the back of the head knocking her out leaving her on the ground.

Dom came in seeing Anna on the floor. He held on to her trying to get her to get up. Then he guided her to his room lying her in his bed. He sat there beside her waiting for her to wake up.


Deckard used his computer he had in his car taking the number that had shown up on his phone to locate where Cipher was headed. At this point everything was put on hold until Anna was safe.

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