Chapter 21

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Chapter 21, Consequences

They did lay low enjoying their time off. Owen postponed his plans for now. Both Deck and Anna enjoyed their time together not being able to keep their hands off one another. This was rare for Deck to have a lot of free time. Keeping himself busy and staying focused on his work was something he always obligated himself to. Having Anna around was a good distraction for him. It gave him time to think about his sexual needs and she always made sure they were met. Deck never realized how much he wanted it until now. They both were intimate every chance they got. It almost didn't seem to matter where they were as long as no one was around.

Anna was at the desk on Deck's computer. She was bent over trying to look into information. Deck came up behind her placing his hand on her butt squeezing it a little. He looked over her shoulder figuring it was something for Owen. "You didn't tell me you knew how to hack into a computer," he looked at her impressed.

"You never asked me," she said looking back at him.

He gave her a small smile kissing her cheek. "Keep that up and we won't be getting this done and Owen will throw a fit," she warned him.

"That was my intention." He said seductively.

"Don't be selfish." Deck snickered at that as she did what she had to do sending the information to Owen.

As she stood up turning to face him. He kept his eyes on her. Owen came into the room seeing them both standing there. They looked over at him as he came in. "Well looks like I can pay you for doing the job."

"I'll take care of her. Don't worry about it," Deck assured him.

"Very well, we have a job to do," Owen reminded Deck.

"I'm coming. Call me if there is any trouble," he said looking back at her as he left with Owen. Anna grabbed her wallet putting it in her back pocket. She walked out of the room grabbing one of the many keys hanging up there. She got into a red Mercedes sports car. The top was down making it easy for her to jump in.

She drove a bit enjoying the peace and quiet. When Anna made it in town all seemed to be calm with your typical crowd. Then she noticed a bunch of street racers blocking the road. Anna parked off to the side getting out. There were people everywhere. Someone must have just won seeing the crowd start cheering. The crowd broke up allowing the person to get out of the car. It was a blue Mazda with lightening on the sides of it.

Anna got a little closer seeing the man getting out of the car. She immediately recognized him. It was non other than Dominic Toretto. Anna wasn't sure how he got here. He looked like he was in pretty good shape. None of what she saw before being injured was even visible.

"Congrats Toretto," The man said shaking his hand and handing him the money.

He walked around the car counting his money and women were trailing behind him looking at him literally swooning over him.

"Hello baby, want to come by." Anna saw a blonde walk up to him hearing her. Dom looked at her a moment then tried to avoid her.

"Come on," she said getting close to him.

"Thanks, but no thanks," he said nicely to her. Anna took a few steps forward towards him.

"I would have taken her up on her offer," she spoke. Dom stuck his money in his pocket looking over at Anna. He immediately walked over her direction looking relieved that she was alright.

"You ok?" He asked concerned.

"I'm fine." Anna stood there with her arms folded watching his every move.

"I was worried about you," he said putting his hand on her shoulder.

"I told you Shaw wouldn't hurt me. Not unless I gave him a valid reason. Where is everyone else?" She reminded him.

"I let them while they were asleep. They don't know I'm here."

"Why did you come back?"

"You know why." He reminded her.


"Maybe, but mostly you. Things don't have to be like this. How can you guarantee that Shaw will be there? If he is arrested you would have to deal with the fact of being alone," he said concerned.

"I've been alone before." Dom took a step closer looking into her eyes. His feelings for her were so strong. It was something he hasn't felt in a long time. He wanted nothing more than to have that back. His hand rubbed along her face as he wanted more than anything to kiss her. Anna pulled away taking a few steps back.

"Letty is fine. She's still the same," Anna said changing the subject.

"I know she is. She made her choice Anna." She could feel his breath close to her lips. She closed her eyes a moment.

"Why me Dom? You need to get away before you get yourself killed," she warned him.

"I'll take my chances." Dom was so kind and gentle with her. It was something she admired in him. Anna started to see what a great guy he was.

"I should go," she said looking at him.

"Don't tell Shaw I'm here until I can come up with a plan." He said trusting her.

I can't keep things from him. I...I love him," she admitted.

"It seems like you love him more out of fear," he looked at her. Anna walked away from him as he watched her from a distance. She got in her car driving back home. Anna knew she couldn't keep this from Shaw.

As she pulled up she noticed more cars parked. She parked next to one of them getting out. The front door was unlocked. Men were standing around with Owen and Deck in the middle. The man who Deck had shot was still alive and she must have caught them in the middle of something. Deck had his gun pointed at his head trying to get him to explain why he was there. They all heard her footsteps. Deck looked up at her briefly then going back to what he was doing.

After a brief moment a gunshot was heard causing her to jump. Within about five minutes, Deck came into their room. He leaned in kissing her cheek placing his arms around her waist.

"I noticed you took the Mercedes," he said holding her.

"I drove around and I realized how I didn't ask for this. I only wanted to live a normal life. Maybe be married have kids. My life may not be completely normal. Then I realize I couldn't see myself without you," she said looking at him. He smiled at that leaning in kissing her.

Anna pulled back. "I just want you to know..." A man came into the room knocking outside the door.

"What is it?" Deck turned around.

"Owen needs you."

"Give me a moment." He looked at him then put his attention towards her.

She sighed knowing he had to go. "Just go. We can talk later." Anna said nicely. He rubbed his hand along her face giving her a small smile before heading out of the room. "I just want you to know that..I love you," she said to herself. Anna could have told Shaw about Dom, but for some reason she didn't. She felt that she wanted to some how maintain a friendship with him no matter how complicated it would be.

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