Chapter 32

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Chapter 32, Consequences

Owen had everyone gathered around giving instructions. He had plans on robbing more military equipment along with going on a killing spree. Elena glanced over at Anna seeing her standing next to Deck. Their attention was on Owen as he explained who they were after and what to do.

Elena made the choice to go at this alone without Hobbs consent. She noticed Deck's arm go around Anna's waist. Tonight, Owen had them going after someone he had been after for a while. He noticed Elena looking his brother's direction. "I"be never seen my brother love someone so much as he loves her," Owen spoke standing behind her. Elena noticed how Deck was very affectionate towards Anna. Her body turned towards his as they kissed on each other and he smiled at her as she spoke.

"Who is she?" Elena asked.

"Someone from our past. We never thought we would cross paths again. I almost envy him for finding love," Owen explained.

Anna kissed his cheek again before breaking away. She put a small hand gun in her pocket.

"We need to get ready, the things I need is on a semi headed this way. Everyone grabbed their stuff heading out the door. Owen got a location on where the truck was.

Anna rode with Deck while they headed out. It was almost dark and there wasn't a lot of traffic around. They caught up to the truck. Owen had the license plate number and was able to match it to the truck. Deck got close to it trying to figure out how to get the door open with the vehicles moving. "Take the wheel," he said unbuckling his belt.

"Are you crazy?" Anna asked him.

"Trust me. Just keep the car close to the truck." He said getting ready to climb out the window. Anna shifted to the driver's side while Deck was able to climb out without hurting himself. Owen went along side Anna throwing a rope that was already attached to his car. It had a hook on it so he could hook it to his belt. Deck then jumped just making it to the truck in front of him. Anna was close enough making it easy for him.

Deck got close noticing there was a small key pad on the back. He took a small pin that was in his pocket trying to pick at it. It made it a little difficult for him to keep still while they were moving at about 50 miles per hour on the road along with the wind.

Anna looked in the rear view mirror noticing the car behind her was Dom. He hit the back of her car a little causing her to hit the semi in front of her. Deck was smart enough to hold on without falling. Her phone rang and she answered it. "Dom's behind me," she said looking back.

"You're going to have to get out of there. I will slow a little down and you will have to jump in to my car," Owen said into the phone.

"What about Deck?" Anna asked worried.

"Just trust me. I will come up to the passenger side. I can catch you." Anna had no choice than to trust Owen. He slowed down to try to even his car up to her driver's side. His door to his Lamborghini was open. Anna opened the door very hesitant to make the jump.

"Come on," Owen yelled at her. Anna held on to the side of her car slowly getting out. Dom watch from behind seeing what Owen was having her do. If she would fall he would be there to catch her. Deckard turned around seeing what was going on. He got out his gun shooting at Dom's car. Anna finally jumped almost missing Owen's car. He had her arm pulling her in with him. Deck nodded at Owen seeing Anna was safe. The car Anna was in drove straight into a tree crashing into it. Deck kept shooting at Dom's car. Then a few more cars were next to Dom. Brian was in one of them and Letty in the other. Deck got the back of the truck open

He went in getting what Owen needed. A few of Owen's men covered him shooting at Letty and Brian from their cars. Something started going on with Owens cars that wasn't right. Deck held on to a small box. It looked like someone else was driving the semi. Anna assumed they shot the driver while their men took over driving the truck.

"Go with Deck," Owen insisted. The last thing he needed was was for something to Anna and his brother being on him for that.


"Just do it." Owen had Anna open up the passenger door. He moved his car up to the semi. Anna noticed his car starting to smoke. Deck moved towards the back of the truck reaching for her. "Jump," Deck called out to her.

"I can't I'll fall,". Anna panicked.

"Just trust me," Deck called out to her.

Owen started losing control of his car. "I can't hold it much longer go," he briefly looked at Anna. Anna jumped and Deck caught her arm. Deck almost slipped catching her and Anna was hanging off the back of the truck. "Deck," She yelled for him. He finally got a good grip of the truck pulling her up. She landed on top of him as he pulled her up.


Deck and Anna got away with the truck. Owen on the other hand lost control of his car crashing it into a fence. The police came surrounding his car. Owen got out slowly with blood dripping from the side of the head. Hobbs pulled up in front of him getting out pointing his gun at him. "Got you, you son of a bitch," he said eyeing him.

The police took Owen into custody as he kept quiet saying nothing. Dom had shown up after the police left. "At least we got one of them," Hobbs said coming up to Dom's car.

"We got lucky. I'm not so sure about his brother," Dom said a little hesitant.

"We can do this. Owen made it easy," Hobbs said very confident.

"I hope your right," Dom sighed.

What's wrong?" Hobbs noticed something about Dom was a little off. He wondered why he didn't seem so confident like he normally would be.

"I'm mad because I couldn't save Anna." Hobbs sighed at that not surprised that he still felt something towards her.

"It is what it is Dom. Give it some time. Letty is safe now. She made her choice." Dom sighed at that hating that Hobbs was right.

"Like I told Letty it's just going to take some time." Hobbs nodded understanding. Dom drove off while Hobbs got into his car heading to the police station.


Deck made it back with the semi truck. The guys unloaded what they needed. He helped Anna jump down. "Where's Owen?" Anna wondered.

"He will be back soon. I trust he will get back later," he assured her. His hand touched her arm and she winced in pain a little. "What happened?" He asked concerned.

"I hit it when I jumped," Anna said rubbing it. He led her inside to their room. Anna removed her shirt noticing the bruise on her arm. Deck walked in the bathroom noticing the bruise on her arm.

"At least it isn't broken." He said coming up to her observing it. Anna felt his lips on her forehead. She looked at him wrapping her arms around his neck. Deck looked in her eyes until her lips met his. He kissed her passionately enjoying every moment of it. Deck knew he wanted to be with her for the rest of his life. At this point no time seemed to be the right time. He pulled back breathing a little heavily. "There's just one thing," he said rubbing his hand along her face.

"What's that?" She wondered.

"Marry me," he asked her meaning every word. That caught Anna off guard, but that was his intentions. Nothing would become between them and he would make sure of it.

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