Chapter 26

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Chapter 26, Consequences

It was still daylight before they made plans to leave. Anna was on her laptop studying the building, so she knew where all their doors were located. Her headphones were in her ears listening to music while eating a mixture of junk food. A bag of M&Ms, chips, and a soda was in front of her. Knowing the age difference, Owen knew she did act younger at times.

Owen could hear the music through her headphones. Deck was not too far from her working on loading guns just in case anything got in the way of their plans. He then glanced Anna's direction noticing the food on her table. Her phone started ringing flipping her music to her phone call. She got up going elsewhere to talk.

"I can still tell some of her mannerisms are quite immature," Owen said looking at his brother.

"I'm well aware of that. That doesn't bother me much at all. She's smart and she will get us there without getting caught," Deck said having confidence in her.

"Why is she so interesting to you? I never understood it." Owen wondered. Deck put his stuff down keeping his eyes on his brother.

"Yet, I'm suppose to understand why you are so interested in Letty? She's mature for her age. Anna sacrificed everything to be with me. I'm not just some man she wants to use for money like the rest of them. She gives a damn about me and my needs," Deck explained. Deck answered him with a simple answer without getting too personal. He liked to keep his relationships private.

Anna came back after her phone call. Deck took her hand in his as he leaned in placing a soft kiss on her cheek. Owen could tell by the way he looked at her how much she made him happy. He almost envied his brother for finding some sort of happiness in his life.

"Anna," Owen said getting her attention.

Deck's arm was still around her waist while she turned her attention towards him. "Don't worry, I got this. The only thing we have to worry about getting past is the guards."

"I will handle them," Deck spoke.

"Just as long as we can get in and get out. Don't leave any evidence behind. I want this to run smoothly," Owen ordered.

"I'm bringing the laptop with me. There's got to be a connection to the system some where. That way I can have control to shut it down." Anna explained.

When night time had finally fell, they all got their stuff ready heading to the address Anna had given them. She rode with Deck with the laptop on her lap. He seemed very confident in her plan. The drive was only twenty minutes away from where they were.

Deck let her out from the back. He left to park his car and take care of the security guards up front. Owen met her in the back. There was a small grey box hanging on the building. Anna used a small pin to open the box. It opened allowing her to find a small outlet for her plug. She plugged it in seeing it plugged in. Anna downloaded the controls to the alarm being able to shut them down.

Owen picked at the door getting it to open. Some lights were still on as he went in.

Anna followed behind quietly. "Get any information you can," Owen instructed her.

"I'm on it," she said find a computer. As Owen walked in, he noticed all the weapons stored in a case. There was a lock over them. A few of their men came in the room behind him. It didn't take Owen long to break the lock. They grabbed all the weapons they could taking them with them. Anna was downloading all of the information needed formatting it all to a disk.

After a while, Deck came in finding Anna at the computer. "It's nice to have something run smoothly for once," Deck said standing beside her.

"You and me both," she said looking at him. The disk automatically came out of the driver. Anna put it in the case handing it to Deck.

"Come on let's get out of here," Owen ordered everyone. Anna quickly made it look like no one was ever in the room. They exited out the back having one of their men shut the back door behind him. "You're trespassing," one man spoke.

Deck noticed there were more men than he expected. He held up his gun shooting one of them while the others spread out. They started shooting at them. Shaw's men started shooting their guns. Deck moved Anna behind him while he kept shooting. It allowed Owen to escape with the weapons.

"Be ready to run," Deck looked back at Anna. He took out a grenade he had in his pocket pulling the pin out with his teeth throwing it in their direction. His hand went in hers while he had her run with him. The grenade exploded injuring some of the men.

Both of them got in the car getting away. Police sirens were coming from a distance. Anna took a deep breath not wanting to believe what she just did. "You did well," Deck looked at her.

"Then why do I feel so guilty?" Anna looked at him.

"You'll get use to it. This is only your first time," Deck said taking her hand.


Dom was done racing leaning against the car. His phone rang. "Hello?"

"I'm in town. I just heard from some sources that there was an explosion at a military base. Weapons were stolen," Hobbs spoke.

"Do they know who did it?" Dom wondered.

"I think Shaw had something to do with it. I'm just not sure how they got past their security system. It would have to take a genius to figure it out," Hobbs said unsure.

"Letty is with them. She agreed to stay with them," Dom informed Hobbs.

"I hate to say this, but she is building a record for herself. I may have to take her in. She helped Shaw steal tons of military weapons along with a few robberies." Hobbs explained.

"I can't believe she allowed herself to do this. How did you find out?" Dom questioned him.

"Easy, fingerprints. Her fingerprints matched up." Hobbs explained.

Despite what he felt for her, he had to put his feelings aside. Dom knew he had to get her out of there. She was still family to him. He started to hate himself for giving up on her. Dom felt that if he didn't stop fighting for her she wouldn't be where she is now.

"I'll do what I can to get her out,". Dom said hanging up.


They arrived unloading the weapons bringing them in. Anna sat inside seeing the carry everything in. Owen came up to her having her look at him. "You did well and everything ran smoothly as promised," Owen said giving her credit.

Her eyes were on his as he looked at her. "It would be easy if you had the right person to do it," Anna reminded him.

He smiled at her a little. Deck came up to them. "Everything is accounted for," he looked at his brother.

"Good,". Owen walked away from them while Deck was next to Anna.

"Still have any doubts?" He asked her.

"Maybe a little." His hand rubbed along her face trying to comfort her. Anna turned to look at him. Deck leaned in placing his lips over hers giving her a soft kiss.

"Soon this will all be over," Deck's tone was very comforting towards her.

"I realize that I've sacrificed a lot for you. I just hope you appreciate it." Deck smiled at her a little.

"I do."

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