Chapter 18

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Chapter 18, Consequences

The flight seemed long, but Anna seemed to manage all the way through. They drove to where both Deck and Owen's home was in London. Anna looked out the window as they pulled up to their house. It was located away from the city closer to the country. They had people maintain it and keep it clean while they were gone. Anna got out of the car impressed with how big it was. She had never been to their home. To her, it meant something knowing they allowing her to come in to their life. Deck trusted her enough to introduce her to their home.

"This house is beautiful," she said to Deck. He looked her direction giving her a small smile.

"I'm just showing you one part of my life that no one really gets to see," he spoke. Deck guide her inside to his room. It was located on the main floor while Owen went to his room upstairs. His men carried their bags in setting them off to the side. Deck watched her as she walked around looking at everything. Anna noticed a picture of her when she was younger on his nightstand.

"You kept this?" She asked him.

"You gave it to me remember?" He reminded her.

"Vaguely," she answered him. Deck approached her taking her hand in his. He kissed it as his eyes remained on hers.

"You know they will come looking for you," Anna said worried.

"We will worry about that when the time comes. In the mean time, we relax," he assured her.

"What do you have in mind?"

A small smile formed as he looked at her. "I can think of plenty," he said wrapping his arms around her. They were about to kiss until Owen came into the room causing them both to look over.

"Letty is on her way," Owen looked at them.

Deck didn't seem to like that she was coming at all. "I don't trust her. If she leaves she is bound to run and tell Hobbs," he said annoyed.

"She is not what you think," Owen said sticking up for her.

"That's because you are too oblivious to see it my way." Deck's tone wasn't happy with Owen. He could care less what his brother thought allowing his feelings to get in the way. He left the room leaving both his brother and Anna alone.

"I don't trust her," Deck said irritated.

"I don't see her running and telling anyone. She doesn't seem like the type." Deck sighed at that trying to trust Anna's judgement.

"I'm waiting for her to fuck up, so I can prove Owen wrong." Anna turned him to look at her. His expression changed as he looked at her to more calm.

"Why don't we relax for a bit?"

"You're right," he said guiding her to the bed. They laid down together. Deck pulled her closer to him as his lips went over hers.

Los Angeles, CA

Everyone stood around looking down at Dom as he was still out. Mia was in tears as she sat the closest to him. Brian had his hand over her shoulder trying to comfort her. No words were spoke. Tej and Roman left the room to grab something to eat leaving Brian and Mia alone with Dom. "Dom, if you can hear me. Please stay with me," Mia said with tears in her eyes.

She noticed his hand started moving. She looked up at him noticing his eyes starting to slowly open. Dom was in pain, but it was tolerable. "Mia," he said weakly.

"Dom, I'm here," she said putting her hand over his.

"Letty, where is she?"

"She came here to see you then left. Shaw is gone. He took Anna with him." Mia said looking at him. Dom tried getting up and Brian help him stay still.

"Rest," Brian said keeping him still.

"We've got to save Letty and Anna," Dom said worried.

"She should be the least of your worries. Letty is who I'd worry about." Dom sighed a at that not wanting to believe him.

"There is still good in Anna. I know it." Dom said calmly.

"I don't understand." Mia said confused.

"I will be there for Letty, but her damage may be permanent. I've tried for two years and nothing."

"You don't know that."

"Mia, I care about her."

"You care about Letty. Don't forget that." Mia reminded him. She worried about Dom finding someone and slowly starting to get attached to someone again. He had already given up on Letty realizing there was nothing else he could do. Mia worried about her brother not wanting him to end up getting hurt again.

Letty sat on the plane quietly. She thought about things trying to put the pieces together. It has been a struggle for her trying to figure out why she was here and apart of Owen's team. So many times she wanted to do what she could to avoid seeing Owen, but something about him made he want to come back to him.

For quite sometime she did what she could to avoid him unless she had to see him which was almost all the time. Letty kept to her work unless he needed her for something. As disgusted as she was with herself. She couldn't deny that she had felt something for him. Letty tried so hard to avoid this from happening at all costs. Now, she felt that her constant battle was coming to an end. She couldn't fight her feelings deciding to just put up with it. In her mind, Owen was all that she had.

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