Chapter 6

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Chapter 6, Consequences

Dom and Anna spent time talking, feeling comfortable around each other. He liked that she was easy to talk to. It was about one in the morning. Anna kept her word keeping quiet about her encounter with Shaw. The last thing she wanted to do was break his trust causing him to come after her.

Anna still saw Dom as a good person. So whatever happened between him and Shaw was beyond her. "Tell me what happened between you and Letty," Anna said making conversation.

It was easier for him to talk about it now than before. He learned to cope with the fact that Letty wasn't coming back. "I was convinced Letty was dead until Hobbs told me otherwise. When we finally crossed paths, she didn't act like she remembered me. I've tried everything I could to get her to remember," he explained.

"Do you think if she got her memory back, she would come back?" Anna wondered.

"It's possible, the damage also could be permanent. There is really no telling at this point. I've been trying to help her for two years. I figured since it took that long, it was best for me to let her go," he said upset with himself. Dom shifted keeping his attention on her.

"I don't think you have. I can tell you feel something for her. Don't let anyone get in the way of what you really want," Anna said giving him advice.

Dom smiled at that appreciating it. "Believe me, I'm not. Even if she did come back, it would take a while to get back to where things were." Anna nodded listening.

Dom's phone beeped. Anna watched him as he answered it.

"Hey what's going on?" He spoke into the phone talking for a few minutes. When he hung up, he put his shoes on. What is it?" Anna asked.

"It's Letty," he said worried.

"What about her?"

"I need to check on her." He said walking out the door. Anna followed him to his car getting in with him. He headed where they told him she was seen. He made it there within five minutes. There was a couple of men surrounding her. Dom slowly pulled up making himself not noticeable. Some people weren't aware that she was working for Shaw. So this was nothing new to him.

"Why would someone call you about Letty?" Anna wondered.

"Not everyone is aware with what's going on around here." He explained.

"I thought you given up on her."

"Not entirely. Even if we're not together anymore. I'll still be there for her. She's family. I don't give up on family even if they do," he looked at her.

Dom continued looking closely seeing things being loaded into the back of a van. "That's him," he had her look his direction.


"Yeah, he must have come back after our encounter from last time." Dom pulled around parking his car off to the side. Anna was a little worried about getting caught. She thought she may have instigated this, wishing she didn't.

"We shouldn't be here," Anna whispered. They got out of the car. Dom turned to look at her having her stay quiet. The black Audi Anna recognized was none other than Deck's car. He got out of it making sure things were done accordingly. A few men started walking their direction. Dom led her away having her follow him elsewhere. They immediately noticed Dom's car yelling for the others.

"Someone's here," A guy yelled back.

Deck walked over to see what was going on. He noticed the car sitting there. Pulling out his gun, he walked around looking for whoever was there. Dom heard a trigger click behind him turning around. It was Letty with the gun pointed at him. He walked towards her as she followed him keeping it pointed at him.

"He's here," she said getting Owen's attention.

A couple of his men saw Anna grabbing her leading her to Owen. "Can't stop can you?" Owen said coming up to Dom. Owen looked at Anna noticing her not saying a thing.

"You know why I'm here," Dom spoke.

"Give it up Toretto,". Owen warned him. Letty kept her gun pointed at him. Dom looked at her a moment then back at Owen.

"No, when she goes I will," Dom said keeping his eyes on Owen.

"It's been two years I doubt she will now. I'm only going to give you one warning. Stay out of my way," Owen said eyeing him.

Deck noticed their men holding Anna. He stayed out of the way allowing his brother to handle it. Owen gestured Letty to put her gun down. "You know I can't do that."

"Suit yourself. I guess the war isn't over," Owen said leaving him stand there. Letty followed Owen. His men let Anna go leaving her there. One of them threw a grenade towards Dom's car. He moved Anna out of the way quickly as it exploded. Dom was on top of her protecting her. He turned to look back seeing it burning in flames. Helping her up, he looking back seeing them already in their cars driving away.

It took Deck everything he had not to go back and get Anna. He had to follow through. As much as he hated Dom, he knew he would keep he safe. He followed Owen back to the hotel that they were staying at. For protection, they registered under a different name. They rented out one of the presidential suites not too far from where they were. He parked his car locking it making his way up to the room.

Deck made Owen aware that Anna would not be harmed. He opened the door coming in seeing Owen sitting at the stool. "You think Anna will follow through?" Owen questioned him.

"I know she will. I don't have any doubts," Deck answered him.

"What the fuck has gotten into you? Lately, you seemed to lose focus on your work," Owen said half annoyed.

"I'm perfectly capable. You're just pissed because I decided to trust her."

"I think it goes deeper than that. You were so pussy whipped with her then and now it's happening again," Owen argued with him.

"What I feel is not your concern. It's more than that. So I'd choose your words wisely," Deck threatened him. That alone didn't seem to phase Owen. Deck knew it just all talk to him. Like any human, he had feelings for Anna. He couldn't help the way he felt.


"Besides, Why didn't you kill Letty like you were suppose to? You keeping her around doesn't justify anything." Deck said leaving the front room. He left the hotel not caring where he would end up. He was capable of taking care of himself.

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