Chapter 16

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Chapter 16, Consequences

As night time approached, Owen and Deckard were busy getting ready for what ever plan they had come up with. Anna stood there watching them loading their guns a moment. She heard something going on upstairs on the main floor. Deck looked her direction seeing her going up the stairs. Not thinking much of it, he went back to doing what he was doing.

Anna noticed Letty from a distance grabbing her jacket and leaving shutting the door behind her. She went upstairs to grab her gun she packed away loading it with bullets. It was something her dad gave her. Anna stuck it in her pocket leaving the room.

She headed to her car opening the door getting in and pulling out of the driveway. Anna allowed Letty to get a head start following her to where she was going. The roads seemed to be normal for this time of night. After following her for a good twenty minutes she pulled up to a street full of street racers. Anna parked her car off to the side getting out. Letty was parked up ahead getting out of her car.

It didn't take her long to locate Dom. Anna watched as she walked up to him. Dom walked up to her while they stood there talking. Anna's phone started to ring. She looked at it seeing it was Deck calling her. "Hello?" She answered.

"Where are you?" His tone was serious.

"I was following Letty. It seems like she must remember something. I'm not sure what brought her to come here," Anna explained.

"Stay put, we will be there soon," he said hanging up. Dom walked over to his car as the races where getting ready to start. The expression on Letty's face was the look of concern. As the cars started to line up. Anna heard a car coming up beside her. She recognized it as Deck's car. The window rolled down and it was Deck in the driver's side.

"The race is about to start," she said leaning down to look at him.

Deck heard her half smiling at her as he rolled his window up. He turned around going another direction. The cars took off as the race started. Letty looked from a distance recognizing the black car. She quickly got into her car pulling out and going after Dom.

She drove as fast as she could trying to catch up with Dom. He was far ahead of everyone. As she came up to a four way stop. A few cars came from the left side that she didn't recognize. They were both two door black cars. One of them was able to catch up to Dom's car. A window rolled down and they started shooting at Dom's car. Letty caught up with them trying to bump the car out of the way.

It kept up attempting to get closer to Dom's car. Letty hit it again this time harder knocking the car off the road. She lined her car up beside Dom's rolling her window down. "Pull over," she yelled getting his attention. Dom nodded his head hearing her having her follow him. Letty let him in front of her as he sped up. They drove for a while until another car came from the the left side of them hitting Dom's car causing it to flip about three times.

"No," Letty yelled driving towards Dom's car. It was flipped up with him still inside. She parked her car quickly getting out running over to him. As she saw him on the driver's side. He looked like he was out of it. Blood was dripping and she couldn't tell where. Letty was able to get the door open and pull him half way out.

"Dom wake up," she said panicking. She was having trouble getting him to respond. All she knew to do was to call for help. Letty looked over seeing the black car that hit Dom's. The driver's side door opened with Owen getting out of it. He walked her way seeing her holding on to Dom. He seemed to be ok with a few scratches on him. "You're fucking crazy," she yelled at him.

"Let him go," he looked at her.

"I came here to help him. I can't," she said upset still holding on to him.

"He is no longer your concern. He gave up on you remember? It has been months since he has tried to save you." Owen said trying to make her see things his way.

She had tears in her eyes not knowing why he did what he did. For once, she felt like Dom could help her. She was trying to take Anna's advice by going to him hoping he could help her remember.

"I can't just leave him," Letty said with tears in her eyes. Sirens were being heard and Owen grabbed her hand.

"It looks like you don't have a choice," Owen said grabbing her hand, pulling her with him. They started to run towards the road and Deck's car pulled up as they got in quickly leaving.

The sirens got closer and Hobbs was the first one to pull up to the car that was flipped over. He got out noticing it was Dom lying there unconscious. "Dom," he said going over to him. There was no response. He called Brian letting him know what had happened. For some reason he had a feeling who did this. Paramedics pulled up getting a stretcher. Hobbs helped them lift Dom on it as they rushed him to the hospital.

He hasn't heard from Anna since they have received the E-mail from her. Hopefully, Dom would come out of this and explain everything to him.


Deckard called Anna to come back. She met them back at their place. When she walked in the door, he looked her direction. "Tell me what happened," Owen questioned her as he walked up to her.

"I went upstairs and followed her. She went to him. That's all I saw," Anna answered him.

Owen expression looked angry with Letty. He turned to look at her. "I want to know what your motive was running to Toretto," he said angry.

"Something told me to go to him. I heard you all talking. I can't even believe I even stayed with you for two years," she raised her voice with him.

That alone pissed Owen off. He grabbed her shoving her against the wall cornering her. That didn't seem to phase Letty one bit. "If it weren't for me you would have been dead. I took you in. Now you want to turn around and fuck me over. You are no fucking better than the rest of them," he said yelling at her.

"Fuck this I'm done," Letty said shoving him out of the way. She quickly paced out of there leaving Owen standing there angry.

"Two fucking years. I should have left her where I found her," Owen said angry.

"I told you," Deck looked at him. Owen looked at him a moment then went elsewhere. Anna stood there keeping quiet. Deck sighed at that then turned his attention towards Anna.

Anna felt like some of this was her fault. She walked in the direction where Owen went. She looked for him until she saw him standing outside in the back alone. Anna opened the door causing Owen to look back. "It was my fault. I told her that maybe Dom was trying to help her," she walked towards him. Owen's expression was calm as he looked at her.

"No, I had a feeling it would come to this eventually," he said nicely.

"You care for her. I can tell." Owen put his hand on her shoulder as he kept his eyes on her.

"Maybe too much. For the two years that she has been with me. I started feeling strongly for her. Riley was just a fling. I cared for her but not like I do for Letty. If anything would come in harms way of her. I'd gladly dispose of them." He took his arm away sitting in a chair.

"You love her?"

"Even if I did, there wouldn't be a chance in hell for us," he said half answering her. He sat back in his chair. Anna pulled a chair up to him sitting in front of him.

"Does she know?"

"No, even if she did it wouldn't matter," he sighed at that. Deck came outside seeing Both Anna and Owen talking.

He went up behind Anna standing behind her chair. "I've made arrangements. We leave tonight," he looked at his brother.

"Where?" Anna looked up at him.

"Somewhere safe." Deck answered her.

"Why can't we stay here?" She asked him.

"We want to always be one step ahead," Owen assured her. Both brothers were still running from the law. This made Anna feel a little uneasy.

"I'm not sure about this," Anna said worried. Deck leaned down kissing the top of her head wrapping an arm around her. Owen got up leaving them alone.

"Like I said to you many times before. Trust me," Deck said holding on to her.

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