Chapter 40

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Chapter 40, Consequences

It was starting to get late as everyone was working. Anna glanced down at her phone seeing it was almost midnight. Deck was out with Hobbs getting their stuff and bringing his car back there. Mia stood next to her as she watched her work at the computer. She looked at her showing concern. Anna briefly glanced up at her then put her attention back to the computer. Mia started hesitating a moment before she decided to speak. "Dom really cares about you."

Anna looked up at her a moment. "It doesn't matter I married Shaw."

"Are you sure you even married him for the right reasons?" Mia questioned her.

"I did it because he wanted to make sure I was taken care of just in case something happened. I've done things that I may regret, but Shaw doesn't want me to end up in jail." Letty looked their direction hearing their conversation. She shook her head at both of them. As far as her and Dom went, she wasn't sure if they would ever be together. Her feelings for Owen were there. There were so many things she had to sort out before thinking about her and Dom. Letty doubted that there would be a chance for them.

"Dom only thinks he feels something for me." Anna tried assuring Mia.

"No, I know my brother better than that. When Dom feels something he usually means it. He doesn't play with people's emotions and for some strange reason I think you feel something for him too." Mia kept her attention on Anna. Not wanting to argue the point, Anna sighed at that a little. Maybe Mia was right. She did feel something for Dom, but it wasn't anything like what she felt for Deck.

Two vehicles pulled up. One was Hobbs and the other was Shaw's car. Both of them parked getting out. Both men came through the door of the warehouse. Dom was standing at the table with Tej and Roman talking. Everyone gathered around while Hobbs stood there. "Anything yet?" Hobbs spoke.

"Still checking it's taking longer than we thought." Anna spoke. Deck walked over to Anna standing next to her.

"We got all day to do this tomorrow. I think we need to call it a night and rest," Hobbs announced.

"I'm hoping this won't take too long," Dom spoke.

Anna walked away from everyone as Shaw and Dom looked back at Anna seeing her walking towards Letty. "We both know Owen is going to continue his plan. I think the thought of feeling rejected by you has almost sped up the process." Anna whispered to her.

"What's that suppose to mean?" Letty looked at her keeping her voice down.

"My point is. Owen was taking his time with this, but now feeling rejected by you angered him giving him a reason to go get the job done. You know he could have done this already. It was you that was holding him back." Anna was right Letty knew he could have already done his job and went home.

Despite what I feel for him. It could never happen." Letty reminded her.

"I know. It almost feels like that he doing this partially to take his anger out on you. Who knows I might be wrong," Anna sighed. Letty looked over at everyone else's direction catching Deck glancing their direction probably wondering what they were talking about.

"I heard Mia talking to you and what she said is true. Dom does have feelings for you." Letty said slowly.

"I'm with Deck. It doesn't matter." Everyone broke up around the table grabbing their stuff.

"We should get some rest," Letty changed the subject. Anna nodded as she walked towards Deck. He led her towards his car. Both of them got in his car. He noticed Anna being quiet the ride back to the hotel.

"Something on your mind my love?" Deck looked over at her.

"I'm just tired." He knew there was more but decided to let it go for now. They arrived at the hotel. Both of them got out of the car and Deck grabbed both of their suit cases. No one really took noticed of them as they walked in the building heading to their room. Deck had the key setting a suitcase down as they made it to the room. He swiped the card and opened the door. It was a nice suite looking over the night sky with a view. Anna followed him to the large bedroom. He set the suitcases down on the ground. He got close to her wrapping his arm around her waist pulling her close to him. Her hands laid on his shoulders as she looked into his eyes.

"I want this to all be over."

"At least you have the money." Deck said knowing that he probably won't be with her.

"I don't care about the money. I want to get away from here with you. If you can't be with me then it's not worth anything." Anna said disappointed. He sighed at that knowing it would come to this.

"You knew what risks you would be taking being with me."

"Then why did you want me to marry you? Just to guard your assets?" Anna argued.

"You should know me better than that." Deck said calmly.

Anna tried arguing and instead he leaned in kissing her deeply lifting her up. This moment lasted a while until he pulled back to look at her. "I don't just marry anyone. You're one of the few women I could trust and that I actually care about. You're the only woman I ever loved enough to even consider marrying." His hand rubbed along her face as he kept his eyes on her. His words were enough to keep her at ease. Anna knew what the risks were, but she still hated it.

"Please you can't leave," Anna begged. Deck found it a little unusual that she didn't want him to go. He figured there must have been a reason behind it. Anna let him go backing away. Deck could tell by her actions that something was wrong.

"What is it?" His toned sounded concerned.

"I'm pregnant," she said slowly. That almost caught him off guard a little. He leaned in kissing her lips a moment. A small smiled formed on his face.

"Well I guess I'm not going anywhere," he said holding her. Deck knew that he would have a family to protect. So now he would not let anyone get in the way of that. The one thing he wasn't going to do was leave Anna behind with his child. It was the only good thing in his life he had left.

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