Chapter 10

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Chapter 10, Consequences

As night time approached, Anna had gotten herself ready for dinner. She had left to get some things since she had been staying with Deckard. They would meet back at the hotel suite. He always dressed nice most of the time figuring she would do the same. Anna stared at the mirror a little longer before heading out of the room dressed in a short sleeveless black dress. There were so many risks that she was taking being around Deck. Her job was one of them. That made her think about what effect it would have on her if Hobbs found out.

She put her worries aside heading out of the room. There was some light coming from the back balcony. Deckard came out of his room seeing Anna in her short black dress. She walked towards him as he took her hands in his. "You always out dress me. Thought I'd meet up to your standards for once," Anna joked.

Deck chuckled at that a little leading her to the balcony. The table had two lit candles on it with the food covered with lids to keep it warm. He pulled her chair out having her sit down. Then he went to his chair sitting in front of her. They lifted the lids off their plates setting them off to the side. Anna did impress him seeing how she decided to look nice for him. "You really know how to make yourself look up to my standards," Deck finally spoke.

They ate their food quietly. His eyes were on hers watching her every move. She was so beautiful to him, he could watch her forever. "Where do we stand? We never really talked about it," Anna asked a little nervous.

He sighed at that taking a few bites thinking a moment. "I'd say we are continuing where we could have left off," he answered her. She nodded her head knowing what he meant. Deck wasn't as talkative like he was back then. He seemed more reserved than what she remembered.

"What If they find out? I'm not sure if they will hold it against me being around you,". Anna said worried.

"I told you that I would get you out. You don't have to worry my dear." His hand went over hers holding on to it. They finished up their food. Putting their plates off to the side, Deck gestured her to come close to him. He sat her on his lap wrapping an arm around her waist.

"Owen seems to be a little short with me lately," Anna spoke.

"He thinks you're distracting me." He looked at her.

"Am I?"

"No, more like the other way around. The way he looks at her. I feel like he is only keeping her around so he can have his way with her," Deck looked at her still holding on to her.

"You mean Letty?" Anna wasn't sure who he was talking about.

"Yes, he should have killed her when he found her. There's no telling when her memory will come back. I see her has a threat." Anna shifted her body moving to face him. He adjusted his arms still keeping them around her.

She felt herself starting to slowly fall for him. Whatever feelings she had for him back then started to grow pretty rapidly. He looked in her eyes a moment. Without any warning, he leaned in kissing her deeply. His hands started roaming exploring her body moving down her back. Anna positioned herself wrapping her legs around him as they kissed. While moving, she rubbed up against his manhood causing him to leave a soft moan. She was too into kissing him to even notice. Their tongues were busy massaging each other as they kissed.

Deck pulled back having her move off him so he could get up. He took her hand leading her to his room. Anna slowly removed his jacket. Deck allowed it to hit the floor. Anna started working on the buttons one by one exposing his chest. It had some hair, but most of him was very built.

Before they could continue, there were gunshots coming from the front room. Deckard had her get down grabbing his gun out of his pocket. He slowly made it to the door leaning against the wall holding his gun. As he peaked through the door barely cracked opened, it was someone he had recognized.

Deckard kicked opened the door shooting at the two men in black. Anna crawled over by the door peaking in seeing the men shooting at Deck. This lasted a while until someone grabbed her from behind. "Let's go," The man said pointing his gun at Anna's head walking her to the front.

"Don't fuck with us man," the man said keeping his gun pointed on her. Anna panicked scared to death. Deck aimed his gun at him shooting him in the head. She quickly ran over to him.

"Let's get our stuff," he said quickly packing up. Anna grabbed her bag. Deck already had his stuff packed. He put his gun in his pocket as they casually walked out like nothing happened. A maid went into their room screaming finding men on the floor.

"Keep walking," he said calmly.

It didn't take long for them to make it to his car. They threw their stuff in the back getting into the car leaving quickly.. He made some calls trying to find another place he could stay at. Anna listened as his tone was serious. When he hung up his phone, he placed his hand over hers. "Who was that?" Anna wondered.

"Someone who was after me for killing their main guy," he said looking at her.

Anna was starting to slowly get use to who he was. Trying to not let it phase her, she did what she could to block it all out.

Deckard pulled up to a beach house. Both of them got out as he grabbed the key under the mat unlocking the door. He let Anna walk in first. The place was very open wth large windows with a view of the ocean. Deck walked in carrying their bags in setting them down.

"This place is amazing," Anna said impressed.

"This is a friend of ours who owns this place. He won't be back for quite sometime." Anna walked into the bedroom seeing the large bed in front of her. She almost despised herself for lying to Dom. Deck came into the room seeing her stand there. He noticed her expression seemed a little sad. "I don't know how long I can keep quiet," she said upset.

"Stay strong and I can promise you everything will be alright. You know I don't want what happened to the last person to happen to you." He said having her look at him.

"It seems like you would have no problem getting rid of me." Anna's tone was sarcastic. He could tell her trust in him wasn't completely there.

"You think I want to just easily get rid of you?"

"You had no problem getting rid of the last guy," she reminded him. He approached her grabbing her arms pulling her towards him.

"I didn't have a problem getting rid of him. The difference is, I actually give a shit about you. Whatever I felt for you back then is still there. This time it's able to escalate into something more. It really irritates the hell out of me that you still have second thoughts," Deck raised his voice at her.

"It really irritates the hell out of me that all you do is hurt people," She argued with him.

"Apparently, not that much or you wouldn't be here," he said making a valid point. Arguing was something he didn't want to do with her. Anna calmed down realizing he was right. She wouldn't be here if it bothered her that much. Deck wanted her hoping he would get his chance to get her in bed with him. Like any man, he had needs that needed to be met now that he had time to think about it. For now, it had to wait. Anna needed to get over having doubts about him.

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