Chapter 52

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Chapter 52, Consequences

For now, they waited for the call from Hobbs. He wouldn't be there until tomorrow since he took a later flight. Anna was on her laptop while Owen was drinking his vodka on ice watching he television. She felt arms around her neck as they pulled her close. Deck looked down at her kissing the top of her head. His whole perspective seemed to change. He seemed more calm and gentle towards her.

Things were so different compared to when they met. "So tell me what changed?" She asked him.

He moved around the couch sitting next to her. "I guess I realized that vengeance isn't always important. All that mattered to you before doesn't seem to matter. All I care about is keeping you safe." He held her in his arms. Cora shut her laptop embracing him.

Owen's thoughts were on Letty. He would love to feel what his brother felt with Anna. Her arms around him kissing her neck and loving her with everything he had was something he wanted. It was only something he could only imagine himself doing. Owen could hear Anna giggling a little as Deckard kept kissing on her. He never imagined his brother being married to the young girl he once knew back in his military days.

"I need to grab a few things at the store." Anna said getting off Deckard.

"Call me if you need me." She gave him one last kiss before grabbing her stuff and leaving. Anna headed out to the car getting in. She pulled out driving a few blocks away. There was a store not too far. As she got out, she went into the store grabbing milk and a few other small items. Anna paid the cashier and walked outside. She threw the bags on the passenger side and heard a car pull up. It stopped behind her car blocking her in.

The engine turned off and they got out of the car. "Dom." She said recognizing him.

He walked over to her dressed in jeans and a black shirt. "Are you ok?" She asked worried.

"I'm fine."

"What are you doing here? Shaw and Hobbs are going to be looking for you."

"I know. This will probably be the last time we will see each other like this. Just promise me you won't tell anyone you saw me." He said slowly.


"Please. I wanted to see you." His tone was serious. He had her get in and ride with him somewhere quiet. When he arrived it was in the middle of no where. He parked and turned the car off.

"You know it's funny how I still think what it would be like if I was with you. I think of the moments when I can actually be happy. I've looked at every aspect of it. As much as I want it to happen. I know it can't." He spoke.

"You can still have that with Letty." She reminded him.

"I don't know. We are so different now. Look I know this may sound strange but Shaw and I have been taking. He knows my feelings for you. If something happens to him he wants me to take care of you."

"Wait a second. He hated you wanted you dead and now you're my care giver if he dies? Please tell me what the hell he was thinking?" Anna asked confused.

"Things change and trust me I had no interest in talking to him. I guess he knew in a way that I would be there for you."

"I can take care of myself. I don't need to be babysat." He could tell she was annoyed with this. "Did you forget that you were stuck with Cipher or did you finally realize you fucked up and can't out of it?" She got out of the car standing outside. Dom slowly got out walking over to her.

"I don't want you to get hurt." Dom said worried.

"I'm capable of taking care of myself. I just want to know why in the hell you guys act like I can't do anything." She snapped.

"Because he loves you just like I do. If something happened to you. He could never forgive himself."

"You have Letty." Dom started getting annoyed at the fact that she tried using Letty as a shield.

"Why can't you accept the fact that I had feelings for you and I was willing to do anything to protect you from Shaw and now this? Letty is a friend and I care about her like family but it's not the same. I've told you that before. I'm only in this mess because Cipher threatened to kill my son not giving me a choice. Quit being so damn naive about everything and accept that someone else cares." He raised his voice.

Anna thought a moment before speaking. Maybe Dom was right. She did keep trying to push Letty on him instead of accepting the fact that he had feelings for her. "So you have feelings for me. How would that have worked if you would have just left like you did now? You would have hurt me by just all of a sudden taking off and leaving."

"I would have figured something out." His hand rubbed long her face as he looked at her.

"I married Shaw because I loved him. It took him so long to get to the point to show more of a loving side of him. I guess I can admit that I have feelings for you. Marrying him was more of making sure I was taken care of at first. Then it slowly turned into something more than just that." Anna wrapped her arms around Dom pulling him in a hug. His arms went around her holding on to her. He closed his eyes taking in every moment he had left with her. His phone started vibrating in his pocket. He pulled back pulling it out of his pocket. "I got to get going."

"I know." She felt his hand in hers as she slowly backed away. He let go having her get in his car. They drove back to her car. She started to get out and he grabbed her arm. She leaned down looking at him a moment. Dom knew he wanted to just run away from all of this and take her with him. He wanted to tell her that he loved her and that he would be back. Instead he grabbed her hand kissing it. She backed out shutting the door watching him drive away.

Anna got into her car driving back to the hotel. She parked it getting out grabbing the bags out of the passenger seat. When she made her way up, she swiped the card and the door unlocked. She put the groceries away. Deckard was sitting down at the laptop. He knew why she took so long. So he had no reason to be suspicious.

She walked past him going into their room lying on the bed. Deck looked over at her a moment before going back to his computer. He got up turning it off going into the bedroom. His arms went around her as he tried to comfort her.

"I hope you will still be here when this is all over." She turned to look at him as he leaned in kissing her lips. Anna noticed he was wearing a grey tank top and pants. Owen must have left seeing him dressed down like this. The way she kissed him made him want her. She got up changing into pair of short shorts and a tank top. As she came out of the room, Deckard grabbed her setting her on his lap. He looked her up and down seeing what she had on was a little exposing.

She unbuttoned his pants and he allowed them to fall to the ground. "That is the last thing you should be worrying about love. I'd walk through hell for you if that was the only way to keep you safe. You keep me sane. I never knew loving someone so much could make you do things you would have never thought of."

"I'm not perfect." Anna was so close to him she could almost kiss him.

"You are to me. You made sacrifices to be with me. You didn't give a damn who I was and you loved me back." Still Anna worried about losing Deckard. Losing him would be like losing a part of her. He knew he couldn't keep her from worrying. All he had left to give was to love her.

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