Chapter 9

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Chapter 9. Consequences

The next couple of days, Anna hung around Deckard. He didn't seem to mind the company. She wasn't very bothersome towards him. Dom has texted her making sure she was alright. Anna assured him that she left with her friend lying though her teeth. There were moments when they got time alone, they would get into conversation about things of the past. Anna noticed the Deck that she once knew would come out occasionally. He rarely opened up to anyone.

This all felt different to her. Now she was older, he could approach her differently. It made it easy that her father wasn't around. Anna sat on the table as he was cleaning guns and doing what needed to be done. Deck noticed her expression on her face seemed to be more worrisome. He came up to her putting his hands on each side of the table standing in front of her. "You have nothing to worry about," he said trying to comfort her.

"I don't want to lose my job over this." She said looking away. Deck had her look at him turning her head to face him.

"You're not doing anything wrong. If something happens, I will be there to get you out," Deck assured her.

"Why have you turned into a wanted man? You don't seem that way with me," she wondered. Anna could still see the man she knew come out once in a while.

"I have my reasons. You were never a threat to me. I trust you." He said pushing her hair back. The way his hand brushed along her cheek, made her love the way he touched her. Their moment was interrupted by someone walking in. Deck turned around seeing it was Letty. She looked at both of them, then went to her work. Anna got off the table. Deck guided her a little with his hands helping her down. He watched her walk towards Letty's direction.

Anna saw Letty working on some sort of car part in front of her. "You must be Letty," she spoke to her.

"Yeah, that's what everyone calls me around here. What do you want?" Letty asked being very brief with her.

Anna noticed a silver cross around her neck. "Nice necklace," Anna complimented.

"I found it in Owen's drawer. For some reason, I've been feeling a little connected to it. I've been trying to figure out why. Sometimes, I think I know then it just leaves me." She spoke.

Seeing everything was fine, Deck put his attention towards his work. "I'm Anna, nice to meet you," she said nicely. Letty just nodded at her briefly trying hard to keep her attention on her work. Owen came in seeing them talking. He immediately noticed the necklace around her neck. He cleared his throat at Letty getting her attention.

Letty stopped to look him as Anna watched them. Owen held his hand out for the necklace. Letty sighed taking it off handing it to him. She walked away causing Anna to look a little confused. "Why did you make her give it back?" Anna wondered.

"I have my reasons." He answered her. Anything that reminded her of Toretto, he seemed to keep from her. There were some occasions he would find her with it and he would have to take it.

"What are you afraid of?" Owen turned to look at Anna seeing she didn't know what was going on.

"Afraid of losing a good member of my team." Deck looked at his brother knowing the truth. He knew it was more like being afraid of losing her. Owen's eyes moved towards his brother a moment.

Anna walked away from Owen coming towards Deck. She noticed it was around the afternoon. "I should go," she looked at him.

Deck set his stuff down walking towards her. His arms went around her pulling her close to him. "Why?"

"I don't want to wear out my welcome. Besides, don't you have work to do?" She asked him. He smiled at that a little as his eyes remained on hers.

"You're fine. I was hoping you would stay. I wanted to ask you to have dinner with me." That all sounded like something she had heard already. Anna never really gave Dom an answer when he asked her.


"Tonight," Deck answered her.

Knowing Dom's situation, she felt more comfortable accepting Deck's offer. There was no other woman involved like Dom's situation. "Yes, I'll have dinner with you," she accepted. Anna had a feeling it was because Deckard wanted to continue where things left off taking it to a whole different level. He let go of her kissing her cheek.

Her phone made a loud ringing noise echoing through the room. Anna put it on silent. Deck watched her answer the phone listening as she answered. "Hello?"

"Anna, it's Mia, how are you?" She asked her.

"Fine, I'm just enjoying my time off." Anna answered her, not letting her know where she was. Deck could hear Mia from the other end as he stood in front of her.

"Dom is worried about you. He hasn't seen you since you left the club." Anna had a feeling this would all catch up with her sooner or later. She hated lying, but she had no choice at this point.

"Tell him I'm fine. I'm just visiting some friends right now,". Anna said remaining calm.

"Tomorrow we are going to barbecue. I'd like to invite you over," she offered. Anna looked at Deck and he nodded at her to go ahead.

"Yeah, sure. I'll come by tomorrow. I got to go," Anna said hanging up.

Deck knew could use her for his eyes and ears. Anna wasn't aware what he was doing. It was his way to keep tabs on Toretto. That would help him be a step ahead of them as well. He did feel a little guilty about putting her in the middle. Anna was someone he actually cared for deeply.

"I don't have to go if you don't want me to," Anna said putting her hand on his shoulder.

As much as he appreciated that, he trusted her. "Just go."

"Wait a second, why am I asking you? I don't remember saying I was your girlfriend," Anna said realizing what she had just said.

"I think you have. You allowed me to get close to you and you kissed me. It was enough to convince me what you wanted. If you didn't want me you wouldn't have done what you did," Deckard said getting her to see things his way.

"You only assume that," Anna said annoyed.

"Actions speak louder than words Anna. Unless you're fucking around with me and trust me. I'm not the type to piss off." His tone was serious as he spoke.

"What do you mean?"

"Last woman who pissed me off ended up paying the Consequences," He explained. Deck was right she did want him. Why was she so curious to know what it was like to kiss him? Despite who he was, it didn't seem to matter as much to her as she thought.

"I do want you. I always have. It just wasn't the right time," she admitted. He took her hand kissing it. That's all he needed to hear.

"It doesn't matter anymore. We have each other now." Anna leaned in placing a small kiss on his lips. Her kiss was so soft and delicate to him. Just feeling her lips on him made him want her more than anything. The feeling of their bodies entwined together lying close was still on his mind. Like any man, he wanted a woman who could meet his every need. instead, they spent time together while Anna waited for him to get done.

As dinner time approached, Deck had it arranged. Being a wanted criminal didn't mean he could just go into any restaurant. Where he went was limited to some extent. Shaw knew he had Anna right where he wanted her.

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