Chapter 8

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Chapter 8, Consequences

Owen kept busy with his work. Letty worked beside him quietly as he had his thoughts on his next plan. He was still pissed at Deck for what he had said to him about Letty. As much as he didn't want to admit it, Deck was right. He could have left her to die. For some reason, he felt a connection with Letty. She had been there for him for two years allowing him to get to know her.

No sign of her memory has come back since she had been with him. So for two years he fled until things seemed to calm down. He instructed her to avoid Toretto at all costs. Any time they would have any encounters, Letty would know to avoid him. Owen turned his attention watching her work. She looked so innocent, but was capable of being so dangerous. Letty had that proven to him since working for him. It made it difficult for him to fight his feelings for her. They have developed as time passed. Owen sometimes feared it was only a matter of time before she would get her memory back. For now, he just focused on now.

He walked over to her as she was working. "I know I've said this before, but for some reason I want to protect you. If anyone would hurt you, I'd make sure they were dealt with," he spoke.

Letty heard him trying to avoid him. It frustrated him that she tried ignoring him. What he said to Deck made him sound like a hypocrite and he knew it. "I can take care of myself," Letty finally spoke.

"That's what you said last time and look where you ended up. If it wasn't for me you would have probably gotten yourself killed.," Owen reminded her.

Letty knew she needed him as much as she hated it. She felt that she owed it to him to be there. He did take her in.

"I've heard that before. You know, it's starting to wear on me," Letty said annoyed. She stopped what she was doing leaning against the car.

"I don't want you to forget that. I fear that you will."

"Like I said I can take care of myself." Owen wasn't going to let her go. She could take care of herself, but the next accident could be her last.

"Being a part of this team. I am responsible for you." Owen's tone was calm. Letty moved from her spot opening the car door. She wasn't going to listen to this any longer.

"I need some air." She turned the car on shifting it to drive. Letty sped off leaving him stand there watching her. He sighed at that knowing she would be back soon.

"Are you sure this team has anything to do with it?" He heard Deck's voice. Owen turned around seeing him coming up to him.

"I know so," Owen looked his way.

"I beg differ. You feel something for her. That's why you kept her around so long isn't it?" He questioned him.

"What if I did? It doesn't matter," Owen said annoyed.

"The last woman you had was Riley and she was killed by Letty. Don't tell me your still dwelling over that bull shit," Deck said giving him trouble.

"What does it matter? You didn't like her." Owen sat down a moment pulling out a cigarette. Periodically he would smoke but not often.

"You knew where she came from. She was an officer that had a problem with authority. So you took her in and pretty much fucked her. Then had her go and let her be the bait with Hobbs. I never liked the girl myself." Deckard didn't really like many new people that had been brought in after what he had been through. Owen passed him his cigarette. Deckard took a puff tossing it on the ground getting up. Owen looked back seeing him walking back inside.


Anna enjoyed her first day of vacation as much as she could. She spent time catching up on laundry doing focusing on whatever else needed to be done.

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