Chapter 2

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Chapter 2, Consequences

Deckard drove to the police station to see what information he could find. When he pulled up, he got out of his car shutting the door. He noticed the back door open seeing the trash off to the side. This made it easy for him to sneak in through the back and take the stairs to the third floor.

He turned the knob on the door noticing it was unlocked letting himself in. Deck came in through the door looking into the lab recognizing Anna from the bar. As he watched her a moment, he learned that she worked for the police as their lab tech. His feelings started setting in remembering he had felt something for her in the past. Deck put his focus back on finding a computer.

Only Hobbs and Anna were working late besides security. Most people had already gone home. Both of them seemed to enjoy the quietness. Time seemed to linger on through the evening. Anna started walking out of the lab closing everything up. She stopped hearing someone typing. She felt a little hesitant to see what was going on. Allowing her instincts kick in, she walked towards the noise.

Hobbs came out of his office noticing her stand there. Anna stayed silent directing him to the noise. She started feeling a little nervous. Hobbs moved slowly towards the sound of typing. Hobbs noticed the man at the computer in front of him. He walking up behind him being very cautious. The man continued typing and hacking into personal files. Anna recognized him as the man she saw at the bar. Hobbs gestured her to stay where she was.

"Can you give me one good reason why I shouldn't arrest you for breaking an entry and hacking into police files?" Hobbs spoke coming up behind him.

"Well if it isn't Agent Hobbs. You have something I want." His tone was calm. Anna took a few steps forward hearing the man talk.

"Didn't we meet this way before?" Hobbs asked him. Instead of answering, he got up punching Hobbs across the face hard enough to knock over a cubical near by. Hobbs got up throwing the guy onto a table. Anna stayed back moving away when they moved towards her direction. Things were being broken and glass was being shattered. He grabbed Hobbs shoving him pretty hard. Hobbs hit his head hard enough knocking the wind out of him. "Hobbs," she yelled.

The man turned to look at Anna leaning against the wall. She was scared not sure what he was going to do. "We meet again," he said walking towards her. For some reason, she looked familiar to him.

"Who are you?" He didnt answer grabbing her hand pulling her up. Shaw kept his eyes on her. Anna stood there trying to keep her cool hoping he wouldn't try to hurt her. Slowly, he approached her getting close.

Hobbs got up feeling a little out of it. He noticed how close Shaw was to her. Hobbs pulled out his gun shooting at him. Shaw pushed her out of the way dodging his shots. Hobbs went after him out the door leaving Anna alone for a moment. Relieved that she was alright. A few minutes had past, and Hobbs came back into the room. "Anna, you ok?" he called out to her.

"I'm fine," she said getting up. He came over helping her stand up. "Who was that?"

"That was big brother Shaw." She nodded a little shaken up. Looking at her watch, it was only ten at night.

"When you shot at him, he pushed me out of the way instead of using me for a target." Anna was a little confused by that.

"I noticed. I'm just glad he didn't hurt you." Hobbs made some calls having people come to the office to clean up. He had her go ahead and leave while he took care of of things there.

"You need any help?" She offered.

"I'll take care of it. Go on ahead."

Anna decided to head to the bar to see if any of her friends were around. It was a short walk down the street from the police station. As she walked in, people were scattered everywhere. She started being a little cautious of her surroundings after what happened at work.

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