Chapter 39

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Chapter 39, Consequences

Anna felt nervous about meeting Hobbs. He had been after both brothers for quite some time. Deck glanced over at her as he was driving noticing her not saying a word. His hand went over hers squeezing it a little. She had a feeling of what the consequences would be after their meeting with Hobbs. He pulled the car over for a second putting it in park.

"Everything will be alright," he assured her. Anna looked at him trying to hold back tears. She couldn't hide from him knowing he could see right through her.

"You might end up in prison and I will probably end up alone." He sighed at that leaning in kissing her cheek briefly. Deck knew it was possible that it would come to this. His expression towards her was calm. He felt nothing but sadness knowing he could be put away for a long time. She was the only good thing in his life and he hated that could be taken away from him.

"We should get going." Anna nodded as Deck pulled on to the road. Within ten minutes they arrived at a quiet parking lot. Both of them got out of the car and Hobbs was standing there with a serious look on his face and his arms crossed.

He eyed both of them as they approached him. "Deck is willing to help," Anna said being the first to speak.

"Help with what?" Hobbs questioned her. His tone sounded not too happy to see either of them.

"Apparently, my brother will stop at nothing to get what he wants. I'm willing to work with you to get him." Hobbs wasn't sure if he could believe him or not.

"If you don't trust him. Then trust me. Owen is planning on stealing more military weapons along with killing anyone who gets in his way."

"I'm working with Toretto. I'll consider it, but he messes up once I'll put his ass away he won't know what hit him." He glared at Deck.

Deck snickered at that folding his arms. He had both of them get into his hummer driving them to where Dom was. They stayed quiet the whole ride there. Hobbs still didn't like the idea, but he knew no one knew Owen any better than his own brother.

When they arrived, they got out and Hobbs walked in front of them. He opened the side door slowly walking in. They all looked up at him and then immediately noticed Deck coming in behind him. They got out their guns aiming them at Deck. "What is he doing here?' Dom asked angry at Hobbs.

"He is willing to help."

"You know what he is capable of and you bring him here? You know we can't trust him." Dom argued.

Hobbs approached him giving him a serious look. "I get it but he is capable knowing how to catch his brother. I'm watching him carefully and I warned him if anything gets out of hand I'll handle it. Put the guns down." Hobbs ordered. Everyone put their weapons away.

Dom knew he could trust Hobbs word more than Deck. He hesitated before giving him an answer. "If it was a bad idea I wouldn't have brought him. So for now you need to put your differences aside." Dom decided to take his word for it.

"If he messes up I have you to blame for this." He knew Dom wasn't happy but took his word for it. Anna came up from behind Deck standing next to him. He immediately noticed Anna giving her a blank stare. She knew she hurt Dom. None of them were aware that her and Shaw were married. Anna wondered if knowing that would even phase him.

"What is your brother's plans?" Dom asked Deck.

"He plans on trying to steal some nuclear weapons. It will take him a few days to work up a plan. He had promised someone that he would get them and they would pay him a large sum of money for them. They are now activated through a computer. I just have to figure out how to hack into it and deactivated it," Deck explained.

"Then we go after him." Hobbs spoke.

"We have three days." Dom spoke.

"I suggest we go one step ahead. We need one day to figure out where these weapons are linked to."

"I can handle that." Tej said coming up to them.

Deck looked at him briefly then back at Dom and Hobbs. Anna stood there quietly not saying a word.

"So can I," Anna volunteered.

"Looks like we got all the help we need." Dom spoke folding his arms. Everyone broke up getting to work. It did make everyone nervous knowing Deck was there working with them. They tried hard to take Hobb's word for it. Whatever reasoning it was for Shaw to be there. Dom would watch him closely.

Deck went elsewhere for a moment with Tej. Anna was at the computer. She heard someone coming up behind her. When she turned around Dom was behind her. "I was worried about you," he said giving her a hurt look.

"I'm fine. There is nothing to worry about." He noticed diamond on her ring finger and small diamonds on the band of the ring.

"When?" He asked her.

"About a month ago. Shaw said he would take care of me and if anything happened he would make sure I had enough money to survive." She turned to look at him.

"So you only married him for money?"

"No, it's not about the money. I love him." In a way he could relate to that knowing him and Letty had a history like her and Shaw did. Deck walked their direction seeing Dom talking to Anna. As he got closer Dom moved away while Deck got closer to her.

That didn't seem to phase Deck at all. He was already married to her and he knew she wouldn't just leave him. "What did he want?" Deck asked curious.

"Nothing, just noticed the ring and asked when." She answered him.

"Nosey isn't he?"

"Don't worry about it." Anna kissed him briefly. She glanced over at Dom catching him looking her direction. He seemed to still have a hurt look and Deck couldn't help but look at him briefly snickering.

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