eleven - by force

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"okay aunt kristen, i'll be home before eleven." i say over the phone. she says goodbye and hangs up.

ethan is going through his drawers, trying to find a hoodie he can wear. he asked me if i wanted to go get fast food with him, and i decided to say yes since i have nothing better to do and this is an opportunity to get to know him better, personally and not sexually.

"which one?" he holds up two hoodies, a simple black one with the adidas symbol in the middle, and a plain grey one with nothing.

"ethan dolan wants my opinion?" i tease him with a grin, crossing my arms over my chest.

"shut up, what one do you like better?" he asks, trying to hide his genuine smile.

"i like the black one." i tell him, "it'll match your pants."

he slides the hoodie over his head and through his arms, "okay, let's go."

the car ride was silent, he had rolled down my window since the breeze was nice and it made my hair fly all over the place. the sky was pink and the sun was almost setting.

"so," ethan says audibly, "what are your hobbies?"

i think for a few seconds, "i love to paint, and i love listening to music. what are your hobbies?"

"the typical video games. i also like long-boarding." he says, turning into the parking lot of desano's pizza bakery.

"you up for pizza?" he asks, "because if not we can go somewhere else."

i smile, "no, it's okay. i like pizza."

we walk in beside each other, taking our own seat by the huge window. i've never been here before but it was nice being here with ethan.

"i like pineapple, so we'll get half pineapple and whatever you like." he tells me. i'm surprised that he likes pineapple pizza because that's my absolute favourite.

"no, i like pineapple too!" i say excitedly. "it's my favourite."

ethan's eyes soften and his genuine smile appears on lips as he tries to it with his hoodie sleeve.

"why don't you ever let me see you smile?" i ask, curiously.

he shrugs. the waiter approaches us and ethan orders like a gentleman.

as we wait for our food to arrive, we discuss our favourite interests and favourite things to eat, we talk about where we want to travel and where we would like to be in ten years.

he tells some terrible knock knock jokes but i laugh at every single one of them. i tell him about my family and he tells me about his parents, lisa and sean. and how him and grayson have a twenty year old sister named cameron.

watching him talk about things he loves, brings an uncontrollable smile onto my face. i like hearing his passions and dreams because it makes me feel like he's a normal human with goals and accomplishments, not just some guy who's using me for sex to keep a stupid photo hidden.

"what do you like to paint?" he asks, taking a bite into the greasy, warm pizza.

i swallow my food down, "whatever comes to me, sunsets, stars, oceans. nature, things with meaning."

"i think that's pretty cool." he admits, taking a sip from his pepsi. "you should make me a painting."

i roll my eyes, "okay now you're just making fun of me."

he shakes his head, vigorously. "i'm being dead honest. i think it's cool that you paint, and i'd honestly really like it if you made me one."

"i take back what i said." i say, leaning forward onto the table.

"what did you say?" he asks.

"that i don't like you." i tell him, "you're actually really genuine and down to earth."

"when i want to be," he remarks, "depends on the people i'm associating with."

"so am i special?" i tease, a grin appears on my lips as i watch him roll his eyes playfully.

"somewhat." he tells me, making sure i notice his wink.

"so," i sip my water, "are you and abigail on or off?"

"we're on." he tells me, "but i'll end it tomorrow."

"that's quite a relationship." i say jokingly.

ethan laughs, "says the one cheating on their boyfriend with me."

"by force." i tell him.

"you can end this whenever you want." he smirks.

but i think we both know i won't.

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