one - promotion

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come on allie, i mentally motivate myself. i reposition my phone in my right hand as i slide my bra strap down my arm. i'm anxious and worried but i know he'll love it.

i stand in only undergarments, staring at myself in the mirror in my bedroom. i need to stop being such a little pussy and send him a goddamn picture of it already.

once my breasts bounce freely as i toss my bra across the room, i'm left with my black laced thong. i wiggle those off next and finally, i'm ready to take a nude photo of myself.

this was way out of my comfort zone, i mean, i haven't even slept with someone before. i've never felt comfortable doing sexual things like that before, even if i have been dating justin for nine months. although i sure do want to lose my virginity before senior year, and to someone special like justin.

i take a huge breath and replay my best friend, nikki's last words to me.

you can do it, he'll love it. he'll probably even screenshot it so he can jack off to it later.

i shake my head and laugh at my slutty friend, raising my eyes back to the mirror as i scan my bare body, what if he thinks i'm ugly?

i raise my phone up in front of me, and i see my body through the screen as it faces the mirror, i wasn't sure how to position myself so i did what i felt most comfortable in.

"allie!" my mom shouted, "come down for dinner!"

i jump from fright and drop my phone, i didn't even get the chance to snap a picture because i was too busy trying to make my ass look big. i roll my eyes but grab my clothes and shove them on.

"what was that thump? did you trip?" my dad asks, looking up from the newspaper he was scanning through.

i shake my head, "no, i dropped my phone."

he doesn't say anything, he just buries his face away in the daily news.

i grab a hot, steamy plate of pasta from my mom and join my dad and little sister, ava for dinner.

"well," my mom starts, enthusiastically like always, "guess what i got today at work?"

"what did you get mommy?" ava asks, excitedly.

i swallow down some noodles before my mom clasps her hands together, "a promotion!"

"is that a pony?" ava asks, wide eyed. oh that seven year old brain of hers.

"no honey, it's not." my mom tells her.

"congrats mom," i say smiling, "i'm happy for you."

"thanks, allie." she says to me, "did you hear my news, tom?"

my dad shakes his head, "what did you say, katherine?"

my moms eyes saddened and she didn't answer, she just looked away and continued eating.

"mommy got a promotion!" ava shouts with excitement.

"oh that's wonderful dear, good job." my dad says blandly, never removing his eyes off the newspaper.

"it'd be nice if you gave her some attention, maybe a sincere congratulations?" i step in, eyeing my dad.

"it's okay," my mom warns me, "really"

i sigh and bring my empty plate to the sink, scrubbing off the left over tomato sauce before i set it to dry.

it bothers me how the marriage of my parents is slowly falling apart. it's like my dads completely fallen out of love with my mom, when she's the one holding all the strings to make it all work.

i want ava to grow up with both of her parents like i did, they were love birds when i was her age. but after i turned nine, i could see that they weren't genuinely happy anymore. more just like roommates.

making my way back up to the stairs and entering my room i see that i had two messages from nikki and one new person added me on snapchat

"added you"


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