fourteen - shape of you

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i open my eyes to sunlight, yet i'm facing the opposite way that i had fallen asleep, i feel arms holding my waist tightly and ethan's head is resting on my shoulder. i can't help but smile when i'm wrapped up against his warmth.

i have a massive headache and i just want to stay in bed all day. i reach over to his night stand table and grab my phone off his charger, realizing it was only eight in the morning.

i had missed messages from justin and nikki. i almost vomit as i click justin's.

hey baby, are you home safe? i couldn't find you at the party last night. message me when you're awake.

"tell him to go fuck himself." a groggy, deep morning voice escapes ethan's lips as he pulls me closer towards him. i giggle as i realize he's awake now. his morning voice was sure as hell the sexiest thing i've ever heard.

"i'm sorry, did i wake you up?" i ask.

"no," he tells me, "the fucking sun did."

i set my phone back down, not caring about anyone who texted me. they're useless to me now. ethan had let go of me and rolled onto his back, shutting his eyes again.

"what do you think you're doing?" i ask, turning to face him. "go make me breakfast."

"excuse me, but i'm exhausted from taking care of you last night. why don't you go make me breakfast?" he suggests, opening his eyes.

"but i have a hangover." i pout.

"your fault, not mine." he shrugs.

"fine." i sigh, "do you have pancake mix?"

"check the cupboards." he tells me. turning away from me as he pulls the covers over his head. this boy is not a morning person at all.

i grab my phone before getting out of his bed. texting my mom saying i'll be home around noon.

i walk down the stairs in ethan's large tee shirt, his house was nice as hell, way nicer than mine that's for sure. as my bare feet make contact with the cold floor, i enter the kitchen and start snooping around in his cupboards to find some pancake mix.

when the box catches my eye, i feel my mouth start to water. i read the ingredients and pull them out of the fridge, along with measuring cups. i preheat his stove for the correct time while i mix the batter and milk.

"you look hot when you cook" ethan wraps his arms around my waist and i jump from fright as i thought he might have been asleep again.

"thanks," i chuckle, "now let go of me or i'll dump this on you."

"that's rude, i'm showing you affection right now and you're blowing me off." he frowns. unwrapping his arms from around me.

"it's because i'm cooking." i tell him. "why are you being so affectionate anyways?"

"i'll stop if you want me to." he shrugs.

"i never said i didn't like it." i say softly, pouring the pancake mix into a pan on top of the stove.

"what are you doing today?" he asks me.

"laying in bed." i tell him truthfully, "not only am i hungover, but it's sunday. and sunday's are my lazy days."

he nods and walks over to the cupboard, grabbing two plates and setting them down next to me.

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