fifteen - it's over

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"how was the party?" my mom asks, the hard thunderstorm we were having was almost blocking out her voice as the rain hit the windows followed by a loud growl of thunder.

i respond, still tired since it was six thirty in the morning. "it was alright."

"i would have asked you last night, but you were asleep." she says to me, stuffing a peanut butter and jam sandwich into ava's lunch bag.

i chuckle, i didn't look good at all this morning. my hair was down and wavy from saturday night, i decided not wear make up today since my eyes are way too tired to even apply anything onto them. and i'm wearing a hoodie with leggings. great outfit for a rainy monday.

"are you ready?" my mom asks, she was driving us to school again. ever since my mom got her promotion, she's shockingly been a lot happier and she's had a lot more time to herself.

our drive to school was quiet, ava fell asleep in the car which wasn't a good thing since she had to go school. i myself, almost fell asleep as well.

i got out of the car and ran inside the school, at least i was wearing a hoodie to protect my hair. i totally forgot about justin and nikki until i saw ronnie chatting away with some girl against his locker.

"allie," the voice stings my heart as soon i hear nikki. "why haven't you been answering my texts and calls?"

i'm almost blown back by her words, "get the hell away from me."

nikki doesn't seem offended, if anything she acts like she's done nothing wrong. "what the hell is wrong with you?"

i laugh, almost painfully. "you, nikki. don't stand here and act oblivious to what you've done to me. i'm done with you and justin."

nikki's eyes immediately create tears. "he came onto me, allie! i told him it was wrong!"

"your moans sure as hell didn't sound like that." i retort. "just leave me alone, nikki. i want nothing to do with you."

i turn away from her before any more lies escape her lips, continuing my way back down the hallway. i didn't care who came onto who between justin and nikki, it's the fact it happened and that i caught both of them in the act.

as i turn into my locker hallway, i see a very livid ethan and teary-eyed abigail. i was about to turn around so that he wouldn't notice me, but i needed my textbooks. casually walking down, acting as if i hadn't even seen him. i hear just a little bit of their conversation.

"abigail, please. we both need to move on." he tells her, strictly. "stop calling me."

"ethan i love you!" abigail cries, her hand keeps touching his cheek but he's getting angry.

"don't say that to me because you don't fucking mean it." he almost shouts, removing her hand off of his face. "move on, abigail."

i make it safely to my locker without him noticing me, i grab my textbooks and i'm about to walk away until i feel someone grab my wrist.

"babe, why have you been ignoring me?" justin asks, i yank my wrist out of his grip and say nothing, i just keep walking down the hall. ethan had left but abigail was still there with her friends.

"don't walk away from me, what the fuck is wrong with you?" he spat at me angrily.

i don't even have time to process any words, instead i slap him right across the face. my hand starts burning when i see the red print on his cheek that he's holding in pain.

"what the fuck is wrong with you?" he belts, "what was that for?"

i look him, dead in his, dull brown eyes. "for sleeping with my best friend, you asshole."

"we were drunk, allie!" he cries, now suddenly grabbing my waist, "it didn't mean anything."

i shake my head, "don't touch me. we're over, justin."

when i broke up with justin, i felt a wave of relief wash over me, i thought i would've been way more heartbroken after going through all of this.

school was boring, very boring today. walking through my front was the highlight of my day, the rain storm had stopped in the afternoon so i had to walk home. my moms car was in the driveway so i shout her name as i kick off my shoes.

"mom" i walk into the kitchen and she's no where to be seen, nobody was to be seen, not my mom dad or ava. i see a pink piece of paper lying on the counter.

your dad and i are out, we'll be back at around seven. ava is at her friends house, call me if you need me, xo

i sigh and toss the piece of paper into the garbage. checking my phone for the time, i see that i had a message from ethan.

what are you doing


hangout with me

define 'hangout'

shut up

come over, i'm home alone

be there in ten

when ethan said he'd be over in ten minutes, he really meant it. the knock appears on my door and i suddenly feel my hands start to sweat. i open the door and there he stands, a smirk on his face.

"what's that smirk for?" i ask, giggling.

"are you still with justin?" he asks, seriously.

i'm confused at his random question but answer it, truthfully."no, it's over."

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