thirty one - future talk

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"what's the matter, ethan?" i ask, nervously. "you're being different with me."

i hear him sigh, "nothing sweetheart. why did you call me?"

"i made something for you." i bite my lip as i tell him over the phone.

"what is it?" he asks.

"can you come over?" i ask, looking over at the clock in my kitchen.

"give me ten minutes and i'll be there." he says.

i smile, "okay. i'll be waiting."

i was nervous, why was he being so distant. it's like he's extremely depressed or devastated, but whenever i confront him about it, he shuts me out. he tells me he's fine and that i shouldn't worry about it because he's completely fine, but it's been happening for almost a week.

a few minutes later, a loud knock appears on my front door and i rush to open it.

"hey, precious" he greets me, smiling widely. but the black eye he had distracted me.

"ethan!" i gasp, dodging his puckered lips to look at his bruised eye, "what the fuck happen to you?"

"relax" he sighs, "grayson and i were playfully wrestling and he punched me harder than he intended"

"you swear?" i ask, my adrenaline pumping.

he nods, "yes, allie."

i frown, dragging him into my house as i shut the door. "do you want ice? when did this happen?"

"last night" he tells me, "and no i'm okay"

"ethan" i glare at him.

he glares right back, "allison"

i place my hands on my hips.

"you said you had something for me" he smirks, changing the subject. "what is it?"

"i don't feel like giving it to you if you're lying to me, is that really from grayson?" i ask, angrily.

"holy shit, allie" he groans, "fuck
sakes, yes it is. wanna call him and ask for yourself?"

he was getting angry with me but i didn't care. "i don't know why you're being an asshole, i'm only concerned because i care about you."

"i know allie," he tells me, "but you should believe me. i gave gray a busted lip, i don't know why it's so hard to believe."

i roll my eyes at his words, "okay whatever. i'm not gonna fight with you, come upstairs. my gift for you is in my room."

he follows behind me as i run up the stairs to my room, pushing the door handle open, i tell him to sit on my bed.

he does as i say.

"okay, ready?" i ask, "close your eyes."

"you're making me nervous." he chuckles.

i giggle as i grab the covered canvas from
underneath my bed, ripping the sheet off it to reveal what i have painted for him. a pineapple pizza, the first thing we ate together at desano's pizza bakery when we got ourselves into this fucked up journey.

but not just a pineapple pizza, i painted a black infinity sign at the top, with our initials in each loop.

"open your eyes" i squeal.

his eyes widen at my painting and i grin as his smile appears, "allie, it's perfect"

"i know you wanted a sunset, but i think this symbolizes us better" i smile, handing the painting to him.

"no, it's better than i could have imagined. i love it, allie" he smiles, observing the painting.

"i'm glad you like it" i say, shyly.

"thank you, i love you" he tells me, syncing his lips into mine, i wrap my arms around his neck as i pull him closer to me.

"i'm going to keep this forever." he mumbles, against my lips.

"yeah, i'm sure" i laugh, sarcastically.

"you'll see" he smirks.

we lay in my bed for a few hours, ava and my parents were out visiting family so ethan and i had the house to ourselves.

"where do you see yourself in five years?" i ask him, listening to his calming heart beat that raises his chest slowly.

"why are you asking me?" he asks softly.

"cause we're graduating in two days." i answer.

"well" he starts, drawing soft circles on my bare arm with his thumb as he stares up at my ceiling, "i want a dog, and i want to name him marley because i like the movie. i also hope to see myself living with my beautiful fiancé, so that we get married and live happily ever after with our four kids."

"four kids?" i ask, my eyes widening.

"yeah" he smiles, turning his head to kiss my forehead, "you think we can raise four kids?"

i blush at his words, "nice to know that i'm your fiancé"

"i wouldn't want anyone else" he whispers. "what about you? where do you see yourself in five years?"

"hopefully i follow through with my writing and painting dream, i'd like to be an artist or publicist of some sort. then i'd like to come home to my dog marley and, husband and four kids." i smile.

"that's gonna be a lot of baby making that i have no complaints about" ethan smirks, rolling on top of me.

"you really think we'll last four years?" i ask, brushing the black strands of his hair away from his forehead.

"i think we'll last an eternity" he mumbles, before syncing his lips onto mine.

‼️the end of the book is near, BUT do not fear, i have many other books coming your way, AND a sequel to this story which will be coming shortly. go check out my other stories‼️
recently published this one, so go check it out if you'd like an imagine 😏

 go check out my other stories‼️recently published this one, so go check it out if you'd like an imagine 😏

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