twenty two - girlfriend

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"ms. camillo" mr. edgar calls out, "please go to room forty three and ask ms. lewis if she has scissors."

i groan, "okay" at least i could get out of class.

i immediately text ethan in hopes that he could leave and come walk with me.

come out

i can't

yes you can

no i seriously can't babe, in the middle of a test

my heart flutters at his word choice. we weren't dating so i wasn't sure why he chose to call me that, but i'm certainly not complaining.

ugh okay, good luck!

as i continue my way down the hall, i hear a voice shouting my name, "allie!"

i spin around and see josie, i smile and see that she's jogging towards me. "hey, josie."

"what are you doing roaming the halls all by yourself?" she laughs, walking next to me.

"my history teacher needs something." i tell her, "so i'm going to room forty three."

"oh!" she says with a chuckle, "hey, i was wondering. are you busy today?"

i think for a second. "no, how come?"

"want to hangout with me? we can go out to the mall and stuff." she asks.

i nod, "sure, that would be awesome!"

as we keep walking i realize i'm standing in front of room forty three, josie tells me that she'll text me after school and i nod, asking ms. lewis for scissors.

history class seemed to go by fast, it was finally our lunch break and i walk towards my locker to put my textbooks away. i feel my phone vibrating in my pocket and it's ethan calling me.

"hello!" i smile, sounding way too excited.

"where are you?" he asks.

"my locker." i tell him. "right around the science wing."

"stay there, i'm coming." and he hangs up.

i shrug to myself, shutting my locker door as i wait patiently for ethan to arrive. i see him pass the corner and he's walking towards me.

"want to come out and get lunch with me?" he asks, finally approaching me.

i nod, "yeah, sure."

ethan took us to some fast food restaurant, we got into an argument about who's paying since he always pays, but he shoved my money down my cleavage and told me to shut up so he paid with his debit card.

"i could've paid for myself, at least." i mumble, taking a bite out of my burger.

"shut up, allie. if i have money, i'm going to pay for you." he tells me.

"speaking of money," i say, "did you get the job?"

he nods, "i start on wednesday."

"good job, ethan!" i congratulate him, "i'm happy you got it."

"so you should definitely order pizza on wednesday." he smirks.

i laugh, "i'll think about it."

"what are you doing today?" he asks.

"hanging out with josie at the mall." i tell him.

"josie? grayson's girlfriend?" ethan asks.

i nod, "she's super nice."

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