eighteen - jealous

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allie, get out of class

ethan, i can't

yes you can

no i can't


"allison camillo!" mr. edgar exclaims, "the next time i catch you on that phone you'll be sent to the principals office!"

i groan, tossing my phone into my purse as i begin to listen to his boring lesson on history. i just wanted this stupid class to be over.

i decide to ask mr. edgar if i can use the washroom and he surprisingly says yes. when i quickly grab my phone out of my purse, i jog towards the door. typing ethan a quick message before i hear his laugh down the hall.

i walk slowly towards his sound, glancing down a hallway i see he was walking next to a girl i wasn't familiar with, they were facing the opposite direction as me so i only saw her long, silky black hair and body clothed in skinny jeans and a crop top. she seemed to be touching his arm whenever he would say something and he never took her arm off.

i felt a burning sensation in my chest and everything in my stomach flip upside down. not only was it because i have no idea who this girl is. but he seemed to be enjoying their conversation just as much as she was.

i looked down at my unsent message telling him to meet me at my locker and slowly deleted letter by letter as i realize he's already walking with someone, and that sadly took a turn on my whole mood today.

i wasn't hungry when lunch came around, instead-- i walked around and just observed the school, picking up people's trash on the ground. ethan never messaged me back after history class, and i never messaged him either.

"picking up people's litter?" i turn around and see josie megwood, grayson's girlfriend.

i stifle a laugh, "yeah, we don't need anymore pollution. we already have enough."

she nods, bending down to pick up a chocolate wrapper. "you're justin montero's girlfriend, right?"

"i was," i tell her. "we're no longer together."

"don't mind me asking," she says softly, "but why not? you guys were like the 'it' couple at this school."

"he cheated on me," i tell her without hesitation, "with my best friend."

"nikki fields?" she gasps, "i'm so sorry to hear that. that must be so hard to deal with."

i smile at her sympathetic voice, "it's okay. thank you. i've been doing well without them."

"why don't you come eat lunch with me and my friends." she offers, "you'd get along great with them."

i decide to take josie's offer and i don't regret it one single bit. her friends are ridiculously amazing and they're beyond sweet, they weren't like nikki. they weren't all about boys and sexual preferences, they actually discussed hobbies and school work, they were great people and josie and i even exchanged numbers.

it was the last day in the library for ms. jackson's class. i was hoping mr. lawson would join us again since i really want to see ethan and it's practically the only time i get to see him.

as i gather my chemistry textbooks together, i shut my locker and carry on down the hall, i glance down the hall i'm in and see nikki, but she's speaking to someone. as i squint a little closer, i realize it's abigail and i'm confused as i ever been.

nikki was always one to talk trash about abigail. abigail was a rude girl, she was certainly a guy magnet too. i think it's because of her slim figure and long blonde hair. she'll be fake to you at first, but the minute you walk away, you're basically added in her burn book.

i don't bother to eavesdrop on their conversation because i simply don't care what they're talking about. i was the only one nikki had, i was the only one who could handle her wild, sarcastic and bubbly personality. so i don't doubt that she's just trying to make friends with abigail to replace me.

as i enter the library, i immediately see mr. lawson and ms. jackson standing next to each other by the computers. i can't help but let the smile form on my lips as i realize ethan is in here.

when i see him sitting at a computer, i decide to take the empty seat beside him. "hey dolan."

"this seats taken." he murmurs, slowly looking up at me. i slap his shoulder playfully.

"yeah by me." i tease him, but by the look on his face it lets me know that he's being completely serious.

"no, allie." he says, softly, trying to phrase the next words, "ella martins is going to sit with me."

i automatically feel stupid and try and hide my face from ethan as i pick up my books and remove myself from the seat.

"are you jealous?" he asks, i look at him from the corner of my eye and he has a stupid grin playing on his lips.

"n-no" i stutter.

"i think you're lying." he smirks, crossing both of his arms over his chest. "i think you like me."

"okay, hold up," i laugh nervously, "i'm not jealous and i don't have feelings for you."

"so you won't mind if i sit with ella?" he asks, his eyes drilling into mine.

i grin, "no, i'll go sit with nathan o'brien."

he spins his around and his eyes land on nathan, probably the third hottest guy in school. he was certainly a charmer, not to mention his blessed looks.

ethan turns back to me and shrugs, his body language tenses and his jaw begins to clench. "that's fine. go have fun with him, then."

"are you jealous?" i ask, smiling.

he looks up at me and a genuine smile grows. "just a little bit."

hey everyone!
i just wanna thank you so, so much for almost 1k reads in literally three days. it means more to me that you guys are enjoying this book, than anything 💓
thank you for all your dedication, comments and votes, they're much appreciated 💓

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