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Dinah's POV-

I was sleeping peacefully, and all of a sudden I hear my baby momma ringtone. I really don't want to answer it but it could be about DJ. I sigh heavily and reach over to grab my phone. "Hello." I mumble. "Dinah I need you. " I rub the sleep out of my eyes.

"Naw, last time you said that, DJ was born." "Eww, not like that Dinah the hell." "Whatever, you want this." "Dinah, focus. I need you to watch DJ today." I look at my phone, to make sure she said what she said." "Baby, you know I gotta go to work today."

"Dinah please. He is your son I shouldn't have to beg you. " I put my head on my pillow. "What time?" "Maybe in like two hours." "Yeah, cool that'll work. You gone drop him off?" "No, you come get him, I know you got some hoe in your bed." Do I?

I look over and see that I do in fact have somebody in my bed. "Aight, you right. See you in two hours." I hang up the phone and turn to look at the girl. "Hey, hey." "Hmm" she mumbles

"You gotta go, my son coming over." "I know he cute." "Oh, you know he cute. I made him." I get out the bed and put on clothes. "So that means no round two." I look back to see her slowly pulling down the sheet. I bit my lip.

Then I look at the clock. I got time. I jump back in the bed. Right when we were about to get it, I got a phone call. "Uhhh, what the fuck!" I reach to blindly answer my phone. "What!"

"S-sorry I thought this was Dinah." I immediately feel bad. "Sorry, Normani. What you need." "It's just Simon said that we have to be there earlier, and I just want to make sure that you know that." I sigh and get out the bed again. "Hold on for a second Normani." Hey Lauryn, I am so sorry, but I got to go in early today." "That's cool China wants to get something to eat."

She starts getting dressed, and I head into the bathroom. "Thanks for  telling me. I might be a little late. I got to pick up my son." "Is he coming to the studio today?" "Yeah he is. He really doesn't have a choice. I hope you don't mind."

"No, no that's cool I love kids." I smile at the thought of her and kids. "Do you need a ride?" "No, Cordell said he'll take me." Who the hell is that? "Who is that?" "If you must know, noisy that's my boyfriend. " I really shouldn't be jealous. "Ok, cool I gotta go Norma-" "Hey Dinah do you have a extra shirt. You kind've messed it up." " She holds up the shirt to show me. "Yeah, look in the third drawer." She walks back out.

"Who was that?" "Lauyrn a friend." "Mhm, whatever I'll see you at work." Before I get a word out she hangs up. Shit. Well what can you do? I finish doing my hygiene and go back out to put some clothes on.  After I finish getting dressed, I head downstairs and get my keys. "Lauryn, I'm gone! You know where everything is, and make sure you lock up. I head out the door and get in the car.

Normani's POV-
"BABY? You ready?" Cordell said. I finish putting on my shoes on. "Yeah, I'm coming." I head down the stairs of his house to see him on the couch. "You need to clean your room, C." "Or you can move in." I stop gathering my things to look at him. "What the hell that got to do with your room." He get up and wrap his arm around me. " "I just want to be with you all the time." He kiss my cheek gently. "Yeah, no not gonna happen. You know my rule." I get out of his grasp and head to the car.

He gets in the car and starts up the truck. "So, how do you like the label so far?" "Umm, it's pretty dope, considering I only been there a day." "Haven't you been there before tho." He said as he heads out onto the highway. "Yeah, but that wasn't business. That was just for like a tour of the place, nothing major. "

He nods his head. "How is the college classes going." He sighs heavily. "They straight. It's just stressful trying to maintain the work and then going to work. " I give him a small pout and i rub his arm gently. "It's gonna be okay, babe. You know this stuff, now all you're doing is going to school for it.

He gives me a big smile. "See that's ehy you my girl. You always know what to say." He leans over and get me a quick peck. "Watch the rode." I point in front of us. The rest of the ride was pretty cool. We just talked about the usual, and made jokes here and there.

"Aight you need me to pick you up today?" He said as he pulls into the parking lot. "I don't know how long I'll be here today. So, maybe call me at like six and I'll let you know." He saids ok and leans over the console to kiss me. "Bye Beautiful. " He says after we break the kiss. I kiss him one more time, then I get out the car. As I was walking in, I couldn't help but think about what he said. "Bye beautiful." I don't know why but I wanted to said hear sexy. Maybe it wasn't what he said but who said it. I shake the thought as I head into the building.

When I get on the correct floor, I see SZA talking to a man. "Goodmorning." I say as I was about to walk past her. "Ah ah, bring your chipper ass back here." I giggle at her. "What?" "What you mean what? Why you so happy." I shrug my shoulders I honestly don't know.

"Mhm." She side eyes me as I walk off. I head towards the studio, that Dinah and I were in yesterday. When I get there, I see a little cute boy and he kinda caught me off guard. I didn't suspect to see him in the producers seat. 

"Hello." I say to the little boy and he turns to look at me with a pacifier in his mouth and immediately starts crying. "No, no, no." I put my things down to pick him up. "It's okay." "Mama." I pat his back gently.  "I know, but she's coming right back."  She better.

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