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Normani's POV-
October 3rd, 2016
The Most Dangerous Drug Tour
Bay Area

'Tell him that I love him'

I was sitting on the stool doing the second to last song. It was making the crowd and me get a little emotional. Of course, that what the song was supposed to do. I got them in their feelings and then on the last song, we turn up.
That was what I loved about concert and music, you could be in your feelings one minute and the next you vibing.
"You know what you do after you cry, and had your fit. You know what you do?"
They crowd screams a bunch of whats.
I giggled. I walk around the stage. "You put on your best dress, your makeup, those stilettos you been saving, and you just show that man or woman what they've been missing.
I cue for the music to start.

'Before this goes wrong, we should take a break'

The crowd starts to go crazy. I smile while I sing and wave at some fans.

'Cause you feel like you know, you know everything
Before I go and say some thangs I'm gon' regret to you
I'mma call up my ladies, and tell them how you drove me crazy'

They start to scream and dance with me. I do the routine, while singing. Which I remind you, it's not easy.

'They said the club is going up tonight shoulda been there'

"Sing" I yell and point my mic out. Theg of course of sing and I nod my head in appreciation. B.O.B part comes on and that's my dance break. I love break dances it's my favorite part. They song ends and after I introduce my band and dancers, they yell out "one more song." repeatedly. I shake my head no, but my dancers encourage me. I look at Will my tour manager and he says okay. I look at the horns and mouth 'Nobody Else But You.' They nod and wait for my cue.
"Okay since I love yall, I'm gonna do wanna last song, this song you guys might know it, might not. I cue the horns. This song I don't do with dancers because I don't perform it on tour. I snap my fingers three times and the beat drops. The crowd starts to scream again.  

I turn to face them and sing. I guess we had Dinah's playback because I didn't need to say her part. I do my part and dance around a little bit. Dinah's part came and the crowd starts screaming, I couldn't even hear the track. I strut around stage like I did at VMA's.

'Naw I don't want nobody else but you.' 

That's my cue start singing and I do. For the bridge I point my microphone out because I forgot the words. When it's time for Dinah's part again I feel a hand wrap around my waist. I jump until I hear the voice rap. She moves the mic away from her.

"Hey baby." She kisses my cheek and goes back to singing. She grabs my hand and we sing to each other. The song ends and I can hear the crowd go crazy. I'm still looking at Dinah cheesing like hell.

She puts her arm around my shoulder and we head off the stage. I throw up the deuces as we leave out.
"What are you doing here?" We were in my dressing room and I had just got done talking to my crew. Dinah was sitting on my couch. "I thought you had a concert or something." She looks up from her phone. "I did and I finished it, I came over here to see you. I got to see the second half of your concert. When you start singing our song I thought, why not help you out." She smiles showing her dimples.

I wiped my make-up off while she talks. "Well thank you. Are you at your mom's house or what?" I look back at her for a few seconds. She was staring at me in awe. "Uh- n-nope, I just got in ,came straight here. I might go to my condo. Where you at?" I grab my shower bag and towel. "Hotel, but I want to see Mamalika for a while." She nods her head. "I'll take you. Go take your shower and hurry up." She lays on the couch and wraps her jacket around her. "Mhm okay and get your feet-," I push her feet and slap her thigh. "off my damn couch, with them shoes on." She rolls her eyes, but listens.

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