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Dinah POV-
November 26th, 2016
Thanksgiving Day
Houston, Texas

Normani and I have just flew in from Chicago. We decided to stay out there for a bulls game. It was boring as suspected, but I just wanted to see Dwayne Wade. Mani said she enjoyed it but she didn't know much. I was teaching her things. It was cute watching her focus. It was also cool kids come up to us and ask for autographs.

When we landed in, we went straight to her mother's house. We had to call a taxi because we didn't have a car. Mani said she had a house here that her uncle left her. I was excited to see her home.

"Dinah you got it?" She said as she watched me grab our bags. "Yeah. It's cool. You just look pretty and grab my phone and card please." She smiles brightly.

I seriously need to talk to her about packing her closet. I grab our bags and follow her to the door. I was a little nervous to meet her dad. Who am I kidding I'm the seventh letter of the alphabet. Right?

"Dinah, Dinah are you alright?" Normani had a worried expression on her face. "Yeah, yeah I'm good. Ring the door." "You mean ring the bell." She said smiling. She turned to ring the bell. Not even five minutes later someone was at the door.

"Mani my baby girl." Her mom said. I stood behind Mani and watched. They let go and her mom looked at me.

"Hey big DJ." I smile brightly. "Hey Mama Drea." I hug her and she squeezed me gently. "You look good Mama Drea." I say as I let her go.

"Oh stop Dinah I already like you." I giggle. "Well come on in. It's a little nippy out. Dinah let me show you to your room." "Wait my room we're not sharing?" I look at her with a sad expression. "Um this was Derek orders not mine." "We won't do anything, Mani wants to wait." I point at Mani. Mama Drea just smiles at me.

"I understand that and personally I don't give two shitake mushrooms, but it's up to Derek sweetie. He's the dad." I sigh and continue to follow her upstairs. We get upstairs to the room and she opens it. The first thing I noticed was my babies on the bed playing with toys with a man who back was turned.I honestly forgot they were here, I thought they were at my momma house. I drop the bags on the floor and walk over to them.

"Dimples, DJ. Hey buddy." I say. They look up at the sound of my voice.  "Mama!" Disin jumps off the bed and comes to me. I pick him up and spin him around. "I miss my lil man. Give me a kiss." He pucker up his lips and kissed my cheek. "Aww thank you." I hear whining from the bed and I coo.

"I didn't forget about you baby." I put him in my right arm and put her in my left arm. "Whoa didn't know I was that strong." I say proudly. "Hey Dimples. Mama missed you." I kiss her cheek and she start to giggle.

"Mama? Wher' Mana." Disin asked poking my cheek. "She didn't come." I say bluntly. "Dinah!" Mama Drea hits me. "I'm right here lil man." I hear Mani say. "Mana! Mana!" Disin starts to clap and that made Dimples clap. "You would think at one you would be talking correctly. It's MONEY. Say it with me." "Mana?"

He tilted his head in question. "Forget it." Mani comes from behind me and grab him. "Wassup DJ. How you doing." He gives her a thumbs up. "That's good. Daddy!" My eyes dart to the man that was on the bed earlier. "Hey baby doll. How's my little girl  doing?" "Daddy." Mani whines I laugh at there cuteness. "Daddy I want you to meet someone." She pulls him toward me. "This is my girlfriend Dinah, Dinah this is my dad Derek." I gulp. "Hello sir, nice to meet you." I shake him with my free hand as I continue to hold Dimples. "Nice to meet you too. My lil baby told me great things about you." "With you as well." His smile was kinda scaring me. "Welp, I gotta head out, but Dinah when I get back I gotta show you my things out in the field." Normani eyes widened but she quickly plays it off. 

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