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Normani's POV-
December 24th, 2016
Los Angeles, CA
Bay Area
Christmas Eve

Dinah's family is extremely funny. They always have good spirits, if they're not laughing they're singing, if they're not singing, they're playing. I barley saw Dj half the time when we got there he was with his cousins and uncles. Dimples on the other hand, I've never seen her Dimples so much. She was with other babies, and they were talking gibberish. I sat with them for a while. It was fun.

When I met Dinah parents, they met me with open arms. Her dad said I'm the first  one who she brought that wasn't pregnant. I didn't know whether to thank him or be offended.

Dinah's mom was so funny, she kept hitting Dinah on the head. Even tho Dinah was taller, she would still hit her head.

At Dinah's family house we had no choice but to share a room, we had to share Dinah's room with Regina and Seth. I didn't mind though, it was like sharing with Disin and Dimples they were just older.

Regina wanted to sleep by me but Dinah was being clingy, so she moved her on the back side of her and seth was in front of me. "You smell good, what you wearing?" I ask Dinah. "I used the kids  shampoo, you know Johnson Johnson." I hit hear arm that's around me. "Dinah why?" "Well I forgot mine." "You could've used mine." "Naw I couldn't have my hoes smelling another girl."

I turn around to look at her but she pulls back and holds me. "I'm kidding, I'm kidding." She licked her lips. "I only got eyes for you. You my baby. My boo thang, my--" "Shuthhup."   Seth says and he turns back up. I couldn't help but laugh. Dinah pouts. "Go to sleep Sethy." I rub his hair gently. "Can I have my kiss, so I can sleep?" I ask. "You don't want to stay up with--" I cut her off with my lips. "One for the money." I say. "Two for the show." She says. I pecked her lips twice. "Three for the kids." I kiss her three times. "Aight goodnight sexy." I say. Before I go to sleep, I hear Dinah hit Regina. "Hey piece of crap, you sleep."

 I was sleeping peacefully, but I felt like something or someone was looking at me. My eyes flutter open and I seth Seth and Disin staring at me. "Yes?" I ask politely. "Ma said not to wake you up."

I rub my eyes to make sure that's them and not my imagination. When I realized it's not an illusion I sigh. "Okay, so what do you guys want?" I rub my eyes as I wait for an answer. "It's Chwistmas!" Disin says rather loudly. I hear Dinah groan. "Look, let's go downstairs, huh see if anybody else is up." I grab both of their hands and downstairs, not before I brush my teeth.

"Merry Christmas Mani!" Is the first thing I hear when I come down the stairs. "Same to you all. I'm surprised to see you all up at this time." I say Mamalika as I head into the kitchen. "Girl, early? This is nothing compared to a regular day in our household." I smile at her. "Would you like some coffee?" Dinah aunt asked me. "No thank you I'll have some orange juice." I was about to get it but her mom stopped me, saying I was a guest and she'll get it.

Not too long afterwards Dinah Jane comes strolling in, looking like a hot dead zombie. "Merry Christmas." The family says as she walks in and sits next to me at the counter. She smiles gently at them before putting her head down. "You okay?" I asked. "Yeah, my siblings were just being annoying and woke me up." I give her a small pout. "Aww, I'm sorry." I kiss the side of her head and rub her back up and down.

"Dinah I cooked, go make you a plate. Here you go Mani." She sits a plate down in front of me. "Thanks." "Why does she get a plate made and I don't." "Because she's a guest, annoying." I giggle.

Breakfast goes by quickly. I end up feeding Dinah's kids because somebody who is there parent, forgot.

We sat around in the living room as the kids open their gifts. Dinah even though she act like she didn't she got her siblings gifts too. The boys got sports wear and the girls got, whatever they asked for when she was on the phone with them last month. After everyone open their gifts the kids went outside to play. I was going to join them, but Di

nah told me to stay. "Aye dad? Can you come outside please." He nods and moves Malikia feet off of him. Dinah grabs my hand as we head outside. "So, you've always been talking about how have so many kids with so little space and I thought maybe I could help with that. Merry Christmas dad."

Once we reach the outside, there was a brand new SUV outside in the driveway.

"Woah-! Is this mine? Like all mine?" He ask, eyes filled with tears. "Yes. Dad, its yours." He goes to Dinah and picks her up and swing her around. "I love so much baby." "I love you too dad."

"What the hell- where's my gift?" Mamalikia says. "Mom shut it, I bought you a house." Dinah says playfully. "Well I want a car." Her mom says. "Okay, when you have another kid we'll talk about it." "Deal."

They shake hands and I can see her mom smirk. Welp, there's a baby coming in nine months. "You shouldn't did that Dinah Jane." Her dad mumbles. I laughed out loud. "Go take it for a ride." He grabs the key and get in.

"I'm proud of you baby girl." I tell her as she grabs my waist. "Thanks and I got you a gift that I didn't want you to open in front of them." She kissed the side of my head. Dinah's gifts had to be shipped in, since I got them customed made. She just thought I got her a watch and some sneakers.

"What is it? What you get me?" I already loved what she got me, this must just be just fluff. After her dad took a test drive, we head back inside. The ladies go into the kitchen and everybody else, watching TV or outside playing. Dinah leads me upstairs into our room. "Okay let's make this quick, I want to watch the game." I roll my eyes and watch as she reach into her bag. She pulls out a small box. Shit! This is too soon.

Should I say yes? I can't concentrate. She kneels in front of me. "Baby, princess, my everything, it's no denying that I can't live without you. You  are my world. You and those kids are everything to me." I was on the verge of tears. "Dinah wh...what?" I couldn't form words. "Baby I know your not ready for marriage," "Wait no I didn't say that-" "No, princess I understand that. That's why-" I cut her off. "Dinah, baby girl. That's not the-" "Baby stop cutting me off." She says and I nod.  "Now I got you this promise ring. Because until then, I promise to always take care of you. You are my world and what I'm trying to say is," She opens the box and I gasp. It was small and delicate.

It was beautiful, not to much, and not to little. "I love you Normani Kordei Hamilton." My breath hitches. "Me?" She giggles. "Yes princess you and until you become my wife, I promise to never leave, or do you wrong. C-can I put it on?" She ask nervously. "Yes, yes. Please hurry up." "Calm down."

She says and takes it out the box. "It goes on your right hand, since it's a promise ring." I giggle at her confusion. "Right I was just practicing." She chuckles nervously and puts it on. "Come here." I pull her up. She stands up and grab my waist.

"I love you too, by the way." I say. "I was hoping you were gonna say it, otherwise i would've looked stupid." I smack her arm as I lean in too kiss her.

Would I really say yes if she was going to propose.

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