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Dinah Jane POV-
April 5th, 2016 Bay Area

"So they said this is where she'll be staying." I nod my head as I listen.

"And you'll take care of her right?" The therapist give me a gentle smile.

"Look, we have a five star rating. I give you my word. She's in good hands." I smile back at him and shake his hand.

"Can I talk to her for a minute?"

"Yes, but I want to get started right away." I nod and told him I won't be long.

"Jasmine look I know you don't want to be here, but you brought this on yourself. " I was talking to my baby mother. After her little incident, I wanted her in rehab immediately.

She's not to happy about it.

"But, Disin..." She whispers.

"I know but he's your son and he was at your house. I can't let that happen again."

"Dinah.. what's going to happen to him. "

I gestured toward the couch for us to sit. "He's gonna stay with me for a while."

She scoffed

"You? Not your mother."

"Yeah me. You know, his other mom."

"Dinah you're no better than me. You always women over. "

"Oh I'm no better? Who's in rehab me or you. " She just holds her head down.

"Look, yes I like women... alot. But, that's my son too and I love him. He's in good hands." She nods her head.

"Now give me a hug and promise me you'll stay here." She says and I promise and I kiss her cheek.

I release and make my way out the door. "Dinah?"

"Take care of my son." I nod my head and leave out the door. I get in my truck and put my head on the steering wheel.

I let a tear roll down my cheek. How can I take care of him by myself. I wipe my eye and someone knocks on my window. I jump out of shock.

I turn my car on so I can roll down the window. "Sorry, I didn't mean to scare you. "

"It's cool. Can I help you?"

"Uh, yeah sorry. I just saw you and I wanted to know if you're okay." I give her a weird look.

"Because you know, you're crying and I'm a physical therapist, we study body language. " She looked down at her feet.

"Yeah, I'm good. Thank you for asking. Do you have a name Ms. therapist?" She blushes and hold her head down.

"You have a beautiful smile." I smile and try to open my door to get out.

"I'm Dinah and you are?" I say as I get out the car.

"I'm Keke, Keke Palmer. " I open my hand for her to take.

"Nice to meet you, may I ask what your doing here?" She sighed.

"My dad. You?" "My son's mother. She almost OD'd ane I didn't know she even took drugs." I could feel my eyes get watery.

"I'm so sorry Dinah." She rubs my arm gently. She kinda cute.

"No, it's alright." I try to play the victim role because I want her number.

"So, you got a son is he like adopted or..." I chuckle.

"Nope, I got a lil buddy." I gesture down to my pants. She looks and bits her lip.

"Wow. Can I umm see it." I was a little caught off guard.

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