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Normani's POV-

SZA 😈😂- I'm on my I hope you're ready.

I read her message and sent an okay before finishing up my makeup. I made sure to ask Cordell to come but he said his boys invited him out and I understood that he already made the plans , so I wasn't mad.

I finish doing my makeup and then I put my outfit on.

I gotta say, I look good as hell.
I make sure I grab my ID, although they may not check it because I look like I'm twenty-one. Once I check everything over I head downstairs and as soon as I hit the last step I get two messages.

Dinah😑 1:40a.m- Last chance Princess to hang out with me tonight.

I roll my eyes and read the next one

SZA 😈😂- Hurry up hoe.
I laugh at her text and head out the door, not before locking up. She pulled up in a nice twenty-six teen Honda. I get in the car and let out a breath.

"Well don't you look sexy." I say to SZA. "I guess you don't look too bad yourself. " I push er shoulder playfully and she laughs. She puts the car in reverse and back out the drive-way.  "So what's the club we going to?" I ask as I scroll through my phone looking at messages and emails.

"We are going to a club that I don't know the name of but, all I hear is good this." She said not taking her eyes off the rode. "So, we could be going to a gay club or a play boy manison for all we know. " I say obviously joking.

"Yep." She says giggling and I continue to look at my emails, it was from a(n) director. I make sure to save it and look at it later.

"So we not gon talk about this Dinah situation?" I roll my eyes.  "What about Dinah?" "So you think I'm dumb? I see the way she looks at you and how you used to look at her. " She clearly wasn't gonna drop this. "Look yeah I had a thing for Dinah for a minute ,but that changed when she lied to me." I rub my temples. Thinking about makes my head over again.

"What that giant motherfucker do?" "She basically said you're all I think about and that Meghan her baby mother doesn't mean anything to her. She called me her princess and blah blah blah." I sigh. I felt like crying,  but I won't. "So she told you what you wanted to hear. Omg!" She says. I look at hee puzzled. "What?" "She fuck boyed you. " What the fu-. "What the hell you talking about?" "She basically- I can't explain it, but Dinah kinda played you. " "yeah no shit." I say in a duh tone.

She rolls her eyes at me and then looks back at the rode. "Anyway,  all you need to do is get your party on and forget about that Rhino." I laugh at the name she gives her.

She's right Partying will help.
We get to the club and it's kinda packed. I didn't go out much back home, so this is all new to me. I jump in my spot a little as I wait for SZA to get out.

"Come on, let's go." She grabs my hand and pulls me to the entrance. We get to the line, but we done stand there long because SZA just skipped everyone. He let's us in without a second thought.

It was so dope inside. It was dark but  not where you couldn't see ,but it was just right. "Pretty cool huh?" SZA ask. "Hell yeah!" I yell over the music. SZA pulls me to the V.I.P where I see Justine Skye, Ty Dolla Sign, Quincy Jones, and Ryan Destiny. I see other people but, the names I called I've met them all before.

"Hey guys you Normani right?" I wave shyly as one by one the greet me. "You want a drink." Before I could answer SZA beats me to it. "She's the designated driver tonight, sorry guys. " "I didn't agree to that." I say give her a RBF. "I know, I did." I roll my eyes and sit next to Ryan. "Hey girl, what you been up to?" I ask. "Gurl, everything. I got a few things coming up what about you?" She ask as she sips her drink. "Um, nothing much. I got a single, that is supposed to be released later this month. " "That's wonderful. I know how hard you been working." I smile brightly. "Thanks and I can't wait to see what you got up your sleeve." I nudge her shoulder playfully.

"Aye! Mani. Let's go dance. " Justine grabs my hand before i could say anything. By the time we get to the dance floor, Rihanna song comes on. "Biiitchhhhh this my song." SZA says as she starts twerking. I join her and start winding my hips. "Aye, get it Mani.  I ain't know you could dance like that." I just smirk.

We dance for about fifteen minutes. I get thirsty and head to the bar. As I'm walking I see someone that looks like Cordell dancing behind a woman. I thought I was just tripping until I can see his face. He doesn't see me but I see him and he looks like he does plan on stopping.

I sigh and head outside to get some air. I lean up against the wall and let a tear roll down. "Are you okay?" I quickly wipe my eye ane turn around. I turn around to see Liam from one direction. "Holy- you're Liam." "I sure hope so otherwise I have to talk to my mother." He jokes. I giggle cutely. "I didn't catch your name. "Sorry, my name is Normani. " I hold my hand out for him to shake. "Nice to meet you. Now pardon my noseyness, but what is a beautiful girl like you doing out here by yourself?"

"I just needed some air." "I see," He wiped my tear with the back of his hand. "Why you crying? " "I just saw my boyfriend, who was suppose to be going out with his boys, dancing with another girl." He scoffs. "Well fuck him. He doesn't deserve you. " I look down at my feet. "Thanks Liam that is very sweet. " "My pleasure. Now can I escort you back inside and ask for a dance." "Yes, I would love that." He holds his hand for me to take and I do.

We head back inside and straight to the dance floor. I laugh at him while he dance because he look retarded. I start to think he's doing it just to get a laugh, but I think he really couldn't dance.

For the rest of the night I hang with him and he introduces me to little mix and more people. I had fun but I know tomorrow, I will be dreading because I know I have to see Cordell hopefully it won't be too bad.

By the time me and SZA leave not before getting Liam and some other people numbers, its going on five-thirty. We stop at Waffle House on the way home and we eat. She drops me off at home. I go straight to the bathroom and wipe my makeup. I'll just deal with everything else later on. I hear my phone going off meaning O got a message but I'm too tired to look at it, so I turn over and fall asleep

Dinah 😑 6:00a.m- I need you to call me tomorrow, I finished the song and I want you to hear it.

Dinah's POV-

After I sent Normani a text and realized that she'll never text back. I decided to try to get some sleep. I feel like she knows that I hooked up with some other girl. Hell, multiple girls.

They're not like Normani tho. I don't keep texting them or call them like I do with Mani. I miss her. My thoughts are interrupted by my son, who was poking my face.

"What are you doing annoying?" He only had on his diaper. I know how hot he gets during the night so, I don't let him sleep with any clothes on.

Disin hands me his bottle, to let me know that he's thirsty. We've been up for thirty-minutes, watching Mickey Mouse. I groan as I get out the bed and stretch.

My bed is big so I have to pick Disin up and put him on the floor. "Come on man, you might be hungry and need changing." I grab him and place him on my hip and he lays on my shoulder.

We go to his room, that he never sleeps in and I change him. Then, we go downstairs so I can fix him something to eat.

"Aight we got--" My phone starts to ring and I grab it fast, when I see the caller ID. "Hello is it the baby?" I ask immediately. "Yes, I think she's coming two months early."

I wipe my face out of frustration. "Okay. Let me get DJ situated and then I'll come to the hospital. Don't drive call Camila or your mom." "Okay, I'll tell her to text you the address. Dinah hurry please." I nod even though she can't see me.

I grab Disin and head back upstairs. I place him on the bed and pull out my phone. I don't have family in New York so I call the closest friend.
"Hello?" She says groggily. She must didn't look at the caller ID. "Mani it's me don't hang up. I need you to watch Disin. Meghan thinks the baby is coming early." "What time do you need me to come?" "Can I drop him off, my house is a mess?"

"Sure, that works are you on your way now?" "Yes, send me the address, I'll be there by 7:00a.m" She says see you soon and hangs up.

I start getting DJ bag ready.

My baby is coming.

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