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 Dinah's POV-
Houston, TX
December 17th, 2016

"Normani come on, he doesn't need that babe." I said as I sat down in a chair. "Dinah Christmas is coming up, I wanna get him something." "Mani, we already got him a gift." She turns back to the rack. "Yes we, not me." I roll my eyes. "Okay well get him some sneakers." "No Dinah. How about you sit there and look pretty okay."  I pull my phone out and begin to scroll as I go sit down like she asked. I was ready to go, we been in the mall for a while now.

My feet hurt and we still had to pack our stuff to leave tomorrow night, but does Mani care? Nope. She wants to do her shopping here. "Okay Dinah I'm ready to check out." I thank god and get up out my chair. We head to the register and wait in line. "You want me to hold those babe?" I ask. "Thank you, what would I do without you?" She says dramatically. I roll my eyes. "Oh my god it's Normani Kordei!"

I hear someone yell. I wasn't disguised because at this point, it was too much work and people don't come up to me because they think I'm mean. Normani on the other hand she was covered up. Her hair wasn't out it was braided, she had on everyday clothes. It was a jumpsuit outfit I bought her. My baby was looking like a snack. As usual. "It's you, really you. Can I have your autograp, I'm trying to be like you." "Aww that's so sweet can you do me a favor and keep your voice down." Mani ask nicely.

"Yes of course." She hands the girl back her paper and pen. "So what do you sing. Like what genre?" I asked. She didn't even look at me. "Uh more pop and urban. But I like to listen everything." I nod. "You got a manager or anything?" I ask. "D the line is moving up." I say okay and walk up. "Not right now. I'm pretty young." She chuckles nervously. "It's okay, look here's my card don't let anybody else see it. I can't have my business out like that." "Oh my-- thank you so much, you are-." I grab her shoulder gently. "It's cool, now get outta her you drawing eyes. Don't forget to call me." She hugs me and leaves with I guess her boyfriend. He looks a little gay, but who am I to judge. I stay in line with Mani and pay for all the things she bought.
I'm pretty sure I'll get a call from my card company later.

"Let's go into the sports store Mani." I grab her hand. "Sure why not. I need knew tights anyway." I walk a little ahead because I need more jumpsuits. I decided to get Dimples and DJ a outfit too.

We get in the store and I let Mani's hand go, to stroll around and browse. I buy Dimples too outfits right off the bat. DJ more picky he only like certain colors. If it's too bright he won't wear it. At least he know what's up, if, you know what I mean. Anyway I end up getting him a matching reebok and a Nike jumpsuit to go with the ones I already have. I buy me some nike slides and new pumas for Mani since she like them so much. I look to find Mani but I end up bumping into somebody.

"Oh I'm so sorry are you alright." I ask helping them pick up there things. "I'm fine, wow Dinah Jane." I look at then say shit in my head. "China Ann. How you doing?" I try to play it off. "Mm, I been good, why haven't you called or anything what's up." Out the corner of my eye I see Mani, I hoped she didn't see me.

"Nothing I been undercover, chilling with family. Trying to stay with people who love me you know." She smiles gently. I always thought she was cooler then her sister anyway.

"Well next time don't be a stranger, come hang with me. I know you and my sis ain't talking no more, but me and Sierra we still fool with you." She squeezes my bicep. I was scared as hell. "Yeah I still got your number, I'll hit you up." She gives me a hug and we say our goodbyes. I head to the line, thankfully it wasn't long. I payed for my things and headed to Mani who was standing outside. "Let's go babe." She walks ahead of me and I'm not complaining at least I can enjoy the view before I get yelled at.

We we're still in Houston, so I didn't have a car at first, but I wasn't going out like that. I called up an old car, he pull some strings, and now I got me a GMC SUV. I drove here because I don't trust Mani with my life right now. I open the door for her and get place our stuff in the trunk.

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