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"Damn you look beautiful. " That's the first thing I hear, when I get out the truck. I see Cordell. "What are you doing here?" He shows me a pass and a camera. "How you doing Mani?" Don't call me that. " I say. I glare at him.

"Okay, okay. But I miss you Normani and if you could just--" "No, don't even think that. We are never gonna happen, I don't play about cheating? " He chuckles. "O, really. " "What's that supp--" "Normani, let's go, they're ready for you." I look over to Will who is telling me to come on.

I look at Cordell who is just smirking. I squint at him, as if that will help me figure out what he was saying.

I shake the thought and head to the red carpet. Flashing lights were everywhere, of course that is to be suspected. I take my spot on the mark and I start to pose.


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I make a mental face at the last comment. What the hell was that.

I do a couple more poses then, I head over to do some interviews.

"Hi it's Amanda Basin and here with me right now in the flesh, I have the one and only NORMANI KORDEI!" I smile a bright smile at her intro. "Hi, how are you?" I ask politely. "Oh, I'm better now, how are you." "I'm good, this is my first big award show. I'm kinda nervous." She nods her head as she listens to me. "So, your performing tonight right? How excited are you. Like how do you feel right now." I let out a nervous chuckle.

"I feel excited, exhausted, happy, all in one. I just can't wait then again I feel like I could wait a hole other month." She s eagerly at me.

"No worries girl you gonna kill it, and I know it, and your fans especially know it. Thank you so much. Normani. I hope you kill it." I give her a thank you and I walk to the next one.

I do two more, then Will says I have time for one more. Luckily it's someone who I actually like.

"Oh my Gosh, Normani you lool A-Ma-Zing." I give her a hug, that she happily recuperates.

"Thanks, how's the family?" I ask playfully. "Good, good but this isn't about me, this is about you. How does it feel to perform at Billboards as a new artist?" "Honestly, it feels amazing. I knew one day I wanted to be here, but not so soon, but I'm not complaining." "Great, so I have to ask," She smirks at me. "Oh no." I giggle. "The fans including me want to know.... when is the album coming out?" I sigh "It's coming out soon, unfortunately I can't give you a specific date, but it's gonna be worth the wait." I wink at her.

"Imma hold you to that. Now for the questions the fans want to know.." "That last question wasn't what the wanted to know." I say jokingly. "Well, that was me and the fans this is directly from your fans on social media." "Okay I got you. "

"Is it true that you and Dinah Jane are.... performing your hit 'Nobody Else But You'?" I release a breath. "Hmmm, maybe, maybe not but I do have two performances tonight, maybe they'll get a treat. Dinah's performing too so, maybe we can." I say with a little smirk. She glares at me playfully. "Okay, Ms.Kordei I'm watching you. Thank so much for talking with me. I can't wait to see your performance. " "Anytime girl," I hug her one more time. "Bye Chelsea." I say.

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