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March 2016

Normani's POV-
It has been a two months  since Dinah and I have work together, it's also been a month since we had lunch together. We still hang out obviously, but I have interviews and she goes back and forth with music and her baby mother's doctor visit.

Apparently the paparazzi took what the saw and ran a story on how me and Dinah are dating. We still text and all of that but that doesn't stop Just from currently yelling at me for being reckless. Which makes no sense because all we did was have lunch.

"THE WAITER." Just blurts out. "What the hell are you talking about?" "Did you or Dinah say anything about datimg, or being together. " I think for a minute. "No, Dinah and I didn't say- Wait, dammit Dinah." Just sighs as she hears my last words. "What did she say." "She said I was taken and you need to respect that." Just begins to open her mouth, but I hurry to defend her. She always try to call every week and I appreciate the gesture. Let's just say we gotten pretty close, almost like best friends.

"But, she was referring to my boyfriend Cordell." "Normani, there really is no way to fix this." I put face in my hands. "Nothing?" "No, the only you can do is lay low and stay away from Dinah. " "That's really hard considering she is one of the producers on my album. " Just looks at me one more time before walking out the room. Not before shouting over her shoulder "I'll take care of it." I sigh in relief and I finally slouch in ny chair.

"Damn Cordell wearing you out like that." I mentally role my eyes. "Whatever SZA and no he ain't." "Damn girl why not that nigga look like he packing." I look down. "Imavirgin." I mumble fast. "What? Aren't you like twenty or twenty one." "Nope I'm nineteen going on twenty in May." "Hey its okay. Everybody can't say they're a virgin. Just promise whatever you do, you won't regret who you give it to." She puts her hand on my knee and rubs it slightly.  "Thanks SZA, just don't tell anybody how old I am. I'm not ashamed or anything I just don't want nobody to know." "Girl it is okay. Besides you not the youngest here anyway."

I give her a puzzled look and she rolls her eyes. "You do know Dinah is, 17." My eyes almost pop out the socket. "You're lying." She just smirks at me. "Sorry, you're messing around with a minor." "We are not messing around. "She throws her hand up in mock defense. "Whatever,  I got to get back to work. Call me if you need me to bail you out of jail." I shoot a bird at her and she just shrugs and walk off.

Why in the hell didn't she tell me? I should've known tho. How could I, she has a kid and one on the way. That means she had him at fifteen or sixteen. I let our a groan and rest my head on the back of the chair. "Hey Mani. I got a question abou- whoa who died in here?" I ignore her comment. "Wassup Lauren?"

Lauren is someone I met, when I first came out to New York almost a year ago,and we've been close friends ever  since. "Wassup Lauren?" "You okay?" "Yeah. Did you know Dinah is seventeen?" "Seriously?" I nod my head. "I thought she was sixteen." I give her a 'are fucking kid me.' She starts laughing uncontrollably. "I'm sorry I had to. Of course I knew, she's just very mature."

"It's not funny. I have dreams about a minor. I CAN GO TO JAIL!" "Woah, calm down nobody's gonna know." "That's not the - nevermind. What is it you need?" "Yes as you know I'm working on your album along with a few more." I nod my head for her to continue.

"We need to find out what's the first single." I sigh. "Well, I would have to talk to Dinah because she got all the songs." She nods her head. "Okay well we gotta a deadline so let me know, also you have a magazine shoots and interviews coming up." "Why isn't my manager, telling me this." "She was, I overheard her talking and thought I should tell you. " I roll my eyes. "Okay, thanks Lauren and I appreciate it. I also appreciate you working on my album. I know you got yours to work on."

"No, I don't mind at all. Besides I like doing this." She blows me a kiss before leaving out. I grab my notes and my phone along with some personal things. I text Cordell and tell him not to wait up. We have been  slowly distancing apart. It wasn't intentional, but schedule and things never seen to add up. I shrug off my thoughts and head to the studio. We have been working on my album and trying to release. It's fun but also stressful.

When I get in the studio, Dinah is sitting in the seat listening to a slow melody. I put my things on the side and sneak up on her. I trail my arms up her shoulders and wrap them around her. LikeI said we got closer."Hey Mani." She grabs my arm that's around her neck. "You okay?" She clears her throat. "Um yea' yeah. You?" I look at her knowing she's lying. "I'm good, but why you frontin'?" She removes my arms and stands up.

"Dinah talk to me. What's wrong?" She rubs her face with her hand. "DJ's mom almost overdosed on drugs today." I cover my hand with my mouth. I've met her a few times and never have I known she did drugs." "Oh my god is she okay?" "WELL SHE OVERDOSED? " I take a step back for a minute then I come up to her and pit my hands on her hips. I didn't have on heels so I was extra short today.

"Okay calm down. I get it was a stupid question." She sighs again. "No, it wasn't. They say it doesn't look too good. I should've know." It looked like she was about to break down. "How could you know? She always looked healthy. " I grab her face and force her to look at me. "You couldn't have known okay?  Now where is Disin?" "I sent him to my mom's. " I nod my head. "Do you need anything? "

"A hug wouldn't hurt." She smiles gently at me. She not slick but, I wrap my arms around her neck anyway  and she hugs my waist. "You're still a great hugger." I mumble and she chuckles. "Thanks." She pulls back and looks at me. She bits down on her lip gently.

I know  I shouldn't lean in but I just couldn't help it. Her lips look so damn good. I lean in slowly almost barely noticeable, but Dinah sees me and pulls me close by the waist. Dinah lips are so soft. I moan lowly and pull her down more into me.

She grips my hips and hoist me up on her desk. She's in between my legs and she swoops her tongue in and explores almost every inch of my mouth. I scratch her neck a little as she grabs my ass. It felt so good, that I had to break the kiss. She smirks at me and starts kissing my neck since I only had on a tank top.

"Mm, Dinah." I moan out. "She bites down on my neck and I almost lose it. It felt all too good to be real. It made me feel like a teenager.

A teenager. I push Dinah off me gently .

We're both painting hard. "What happen?" Dinah asked. Before I could answer a voice interrupts us.

"Really Dinah in the studio?"

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