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It literally took almost an hour for Dinah and Normani to get to the restaurant and when they did, paparazzi was there. "Danm it." Dinah mumbles. "Wow, Dinah I didn't know you were known like this." Normani says and she starts to unbuckle DJ.

Dinah smirks because she knows that even though she's famous, they aren't here for her. "Stay right here I'll open your door." Dinah gets out and opens Normani side of the door. Her door was close the entrance of the place so it should be easy to get by. "Thanks." Normani says as she grabs Dinah hand to step down. "You're welcome." Dinah grabs Disin and puts him on the ground. "Dinah..." Normani says.

"He can walk. " Dinah says as she trys to get him to move, but the lights are scaring him."Okay, but out of all of the times you want him to walk, you really pick now. Come on Dj. I got you bud. She moves Dinah hand and picks up DJ. "Mani. Stop babying him." She glares Dinah that says 'You really better shut the fuck up.' Once Normani turns around. Dinah swears DJ stuck his tongue out at her.

"Normani, wait here for a second. I need to tell the driver something. " She nods her head and mouths a "hurry". "Normani, when are you gonna release a single?" "Are you and Producer Dinah Jane dating?" "Are you interested in playboy? All the questions were coming so fast. The only reason she wasn't freaking out is because she was holding Dj. "Aight, let's go in. " Dinah puts her hand on Normani's waist and leads her in the building. Normani doesn't move Dinah hand it actually gives her comfort.

Dinah held the door for them as they walked in. "You might want to invest in some shades." Dinah tells Normani. "You didn't even have any on." Dinah just rolls her eyes. "Can we have a table for two and a booster seat." The waiter nods and getsure towards a table. "After you. " Dinah says. Normani follows the waiter as he escorts them to the table. "Here you are, my name is Keith and I will be your waiter for the day. Can I start you guys off with a drink?" "Yes, I would like a Martini-" Normani cuts her off. "No she won't she'll have a lemonade and so will I." Normani glares at Dinah before smiling at the waiter.

"And what about the little guy here?" Dinah looks at Keith for a second then looks at DJ. "Disin, do you want juice juice or milky milk?" He gets happy when she says juice and starts hitting the table. "He'll have apple juice and we get some rolls please?" "Mhm, will that be all." He looks at Normani and winks. She holds her head down and smile. "Yeah we good. Thanks tho." Dinah says breaking the little moment that Normani and Keith had.

He walks off to go get there order. "So how far along are you with the lyrics? " "Dinah you were there?" "I'm just trying to make conversation."She says as DJ starts to get fussy. "What Disin? Why are you fussy? You want to get out." "gt' out." Normani cooes at him as he trys to talk. "Uh, come here lil man." Dinah grabs him and takes him out of the booster seat.

"Why you talk to him like that?" "Like what? " "Like he one of your home boys." "No, that's just how I was raised. We it's kinda like a habit." "Well, you should break that one." "Some habits are hard to break." Dinah says as Disin plays with her long fingers. "Here you guys go, here is your drinks and your rolls. Is there anything else I can get you?" The waiter says looking at Normani. "You can get the fuck on." Dinah says where no one can here. Well she thought nobody heard her, but Normani kicked her in the leg. "No, thank you. That will be all." "Okay, well when you are ready to order let me know." He walks off and Normani smiles immediately drops when she looks at Dinah. "Must you be so rude?" "He ain't got to be all up in your face and shit."

"Is The Dinah Jane jealous?" Normani said. "And why would I be?" "Because he was all up on this" Normani does a little dance as she says it. "Mhm, okay. Naw I ain't worried about him. He a waiter. Well never mind because I was taught to not judge but he ain't me and I ain't him. You too loyal to Coralville anyway." "His name is Cordell." Dinah just shrugs. "Do you know what you want to eat?" Dinah ask Normani? "Umm yeah wings and fries. I might regret later but for now it's okay. What about you?" "Yeah, I come here all the time."

After they order their food, and the waiter's not so subtle flirting. They try to get to know each other. "So you have 7 brother's and sister's?" Dinah takes a sip of her drink before answering. "Yeah, and I lived in the house with twenty-three people." "Wow, I only have two half sisters. I barley see them." "Trust me, it wasn't always fun but I wouldn't trade those dorks." Normani giggles at Dinah. "So what made you want to become a singer?" "Well, it was one of my many talents, like dancing.-" " "Wait back up, back up you dance?" Normani nods her head. "You already know, you got to show me a lil something. " "I got you. " She winks at Dinah before she she bust out laughing. Startling DJ.

Their food comes and they continue to talk and they have more in common than they thought. Once they finish, Normani tries to pay but Dinah beats her to it. "Come on let's go." Dinah slides out th booth, while Normani playfully walks with DJ on top of her feet. "You all have a great night. Especially you miss. Normani." He winks at her one more time. "Yo, don't you see that baby and I know you see my big ass." Dinah says out the blue. "Dinah.." "No, Normani we out with DJ and this dude act like we not even with you. If I see you trying to talk her ever again its on. She taken and I need you to respect that." On that note Dinah grabs Normani's hand and leads her out the door .

The paparazzi immediately starts snapping pics. Dinah goes into protector mode and shielded them from the lights. "Keep walking. Okay I got you. "  Normani obeys and keeps walking. The driver opens the door for her and she gets in. Dinah gets in after her and they driver takes off. "You okay?" Normani just nods. "Yeah, but one more thing." "What is it?" She slaps Dinah arm. "Ow, girl what the hell." "She's taken." Normani mimicks what Dinah says in the restaurant. "What you are."

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