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After Christmas- Christmas
December 28th, 2016
New York, City

Normani's POV-
"Dinah stop they're are people downstairs." I say, but it didn't sound convincing. "As in people you mean your friends." She says as she gets off me. I sigh and fix my shirt. "Babe, I didn't know they were coming. I just said SZA." "Yeah, well there's one roach, there's more." She said in a dead tone. I smack my teeth and fix my ring. I love playing with it or just looking at it. "Shutup Dinah." She rolls her eyes and goes into the bathroom.

She's in a bad mood because Dimples is teething and I am refusing her some punana. "Let's just get this on with, I'm sleepy and Dimples kept me up."

My mouth drops open. "You didn't even do anything. I woke up." "And you were laying on me. Everytime you moved, you woke me up." She says. I rub at my temples and walk down the stairs.

"Well finally, took you long enough to come down. You see her straight Dinah?" Ryan asked in a joking manner. "Not yet." She mumbles and the girls laugh. I roll my eyes. "Okay guys lets open gifts." I say as I clap my hands. "Disin!" Dinah yells. "Ya?" He says and his voice just melts my heart. "Present time." She says as she heads into the kitchen.

"So Mani, how is she in bed? Is it big, is it all the talk people talk about?" Jude ask and I look at her crazy. "Girl what? No we haven't did it yet." She makes a face and I laugh as I pull out presents. "Guh, Mani's not gonna do it anytime soon."  I hear SZA say. "Why Mani are you scared? Because I can show you some things. Like this trick with a grape--" I cut her off. "Woah, Woah Bri, stop. I'm just waiting till marriage, that's all." They all make a noise like "mm." "What?" I ask. "Nothing, I just don't see how you can do it. I just can't do it." Ryan says. "Well have you seen your boyfriend, I wouldn't either." I say and the girls laugh. "Okay Mani, I got the kids, let's open presents."

I grab Dimples and set her in my lap. "You ready to see your gifts babydoll." SZA says. "SZA don't get to close to my baby. You haven't had your shots yet." "Fuck you aweavadurchy." I laugh at her Martin reference.

I lean down and grab a present that has Dimples name on it. "Look Dimples." I open it and it was a set of clothes. They were pretty too. "Merry Christmas Jasmine from Ryan and the girls. Say thank you." She looks up at me and smile. "This one is for Disin. Here DJ." Dinah hands him his gifts. He grabs it with his chubby hand. He rips at it and pouts when he can't get it.

He looks at the closest person to him and ask them to open it. Jude giggles and opens it for him. She gasp for dramatic affect. "Look Disin its a art set?" She saids questionly. "Yes it is a air brush set, along with a easel and other paint supplies you need." Brittany stops smiling when she realize how we are looking at her.

"What?" "The boy is one, what the hell is he gonna do but, make a mess." I say. "Correction he's a man, what the hell is he going to do?" I roll my eyes as SZA does as well. "Oh I get it. Wait, he's the man and your the boy. Figures since the way your brain work."

I don't laugh out loud this time, I just play with Dimples and open her other presents. We continue to open presents and talk until there's a knock at the door. "You expecting anybody Mani?" Dinah asked. I shake my head no. "Stay SZA good boy." She pats her head and I giggke a little. She goes to the door and opens it. "Hello Ladies." I hear that voice, that makes my heart swell.

"H-hi Z." I wave shyly. Kelhani pushes Dinah out the way. "Move man. You know, your tall as hell compared to me." Kehlani says. "KeKe, anybody is taller compared to you." I hear Zendaya say. I laugh a little too long and they looked at me. I coughed it off.

"Not to be rude, but what the hell are you doing here?" SZA asked. "Well if you must know beautiful, we were invited." Kehlani says as she sits by SZA. SZA scoffs and rolls her eyes at Kehlani. "I apologize for her, but happy late, very late Christmas. Normani I bought you a gift." Zendaya said.

I almost forgot Dimples was in my lap. "T-thank you." I say as I hand Simplest to Jude. I grab the gift and hug her. Her hands wrapped around my waist. Not as strong as Dinah's though. Dinah! The thought of her makes me pull away. I look at Dinah who eyebrow is arched and arms crossed. I clear my throat. "Th-thanks, I'm sorry, I didn't get you anyth-" "Don't worry about that Mani. Open it." I nod my head and open it. "It's kind've heavy." I mumble. I open it and it was a shoes. Gucci flip flops at that.

"Zendaya, these are beautiful, thank you so much." I hug her again and she chuckles. "I told you it's not a problem." "Mani, she isn't cold you don't have to keep holding her." I can here the anger in her voice, so I move away. "Um, so who's hungry?" I ask nervously. "Me?" Disin says in a shaky voice, sounding like Seth. They all head into the kitchen. I place my gift under the tree, when I feel a presence.

I turn around and is met with an angry face. "I promise Dimples we will do it in a minute, calm down okay." I say as she gives me a look. "Dimples here." Dinah hands her some juice who happily takes it. "Come here." She pulls me into the other room. "What the hell was that?" She asked. "Um, I love you?" I smile. She gives me a fake smile and it drops immediately. "Look Dinah," I grab her waist. "you are all I want and all I see. I can promise you that." I say.

I kiss her lips over and over until she cracks. It took a while, but she does. She groans. "You- my princess are so addicting." I giggle as she pinches my butt. "You hungry, I can make you a plate." I say. "Yeah I'll be there in a minute okay." She pecks my lips and I nod. I walk out and Kehlani zooms past me.

"So how are you gonna do it?" I hear her ask.

"Keep your voice down, I don't want to her to know."

I trust Dinah, I trust Dinah. I have to keep repeating that so I won't jump to conclusion.

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