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Dinah POV-
April 9th, 2016 7:05a.m

As soon as Normani sends me her address, I put it into my GPS. It wasn't even a long ride lucky for me. I decide to park legally because I hate parallel parking.

Normani's Apartment look just like the ones in the movies. I knock on the door and wait.

She comes to the door and for a second I forget Dj in my arms. She looks down because we're on the stairs. It look like she just woke up.

 It look like she just woke up

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"Hey DJ." She doesn't even acknowledge me and takes him into her arms. "Hi Normani." I say nervously. I put my hand in my pocket. "Hey Dinah you can place his bag on the table by the T.V.

he opens the door and I follow behind her

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he opens the door and I follow behind her. I put the bag on the table and turn to see to look at Mani. She had a toy in her hand and he was trying to get it. "So, his juice and milk is in his bag. He ate before we left so he should be good, but he eats like his mom so, he'll be hungry in an hour." She looks at me and nods for me to continue.

"He likes to be held, so don't hold him. I want him to start walking soon." "Well, to bad because lil man will not be walking if he doesn't want to. Isn't that right DJ?" I roll my eyes. I step closer to her and she pushes her hand out in front of me.

"Why you getting so close?" Disin reaches out and grabs my index finger. "I miss you and plus you holding my son." I know its gonna take more for her to even try to start talking like we use to. "Naw boo. You can stay right there. I don't miss you. " "Normani, stop fronting. You miss me, I know you do, otherwise why you let me put my hand on your waist." She looks down and see my hand is infact on her waist.

She scoffs and put DJ down on the floor. "Look Dinah. Don't you got somewhere to be?" "She called and she's no where near dilated. I pull her close to me and put my hands on her hips. "Baby girl...." I kiss her cheek gently. She moves her face so I couldn't kiss her.

"Dinah, I'm seeing somebody. " I shrug my shoulders. "Cordell I know that. " She shakes her head no. "No, we broke up." Her eyes start to water, but the tears don't fall. "What he do?" I say through gritted teeth.

"He- I went out last night with SZA,and he was there." I nod my head to continue as I sit on the armrest of her couch. I hold her right hand as I wipe a shedded tear. I really don't like to see her cry.

"What happened after that?" "Well, he started dancing on some girl and grinding on her. He didn't look or act like he had a girlfriend." Her voiced cracked. "Aye where he stay?" I try to get up but she pushes me back down by my shoulders. "No, he's not worth it. Besides I was just finishing packing up his stuff." I clench my jaw tightly.

"You don't deserve that. Not from him, not anybody. " "Huh. You mean like you did?" I look at her and I see her eyes are so cold. "Yeah, but mine wasn't intentional." I grab her hand again. "Baby girl, you told me yourself you got a boyfriend. I was just playing around with these other girls." She scoffs and mumbles bullshit under her breath. I sigh and grab her waist and pull her into me.

"Look, I don't give a fuck about these girls. I don't care, what you see, or what you hear." She looks down and I bit my lip. "Dinah..." I grab her hands and place them on my shoulders. "Please baby...please." I say as I pull her closer to me as if we weren't close enough. "Strike two Dinah... okay." I nod my head obediently. "Okay..." I say in a whisper. I lean up, because I want her to kiss me. "Okay.." She says and rubs her hands all the way up to the side of my neck. She leans down and kiss me.

I moan through my nose and smile. I put my hands in the inside of her jacket so I could have skin to skin contact. She runs her fingers through my hair and pulls gently.

Normani pulled back all of sudden and looks down. Disin was hitting her leg. "Looks like lil man jealous." She bends down and pick him up to kiss him on the cheek. "Princess, come on. Put him down and give me some sugar." I stand up, but keep my hands on her beautiful skin.

"Mmm, you need to put some clothes on." She looks up at me. "Why? Ain't nobody here." "Yes, but your window open, people could look through. " She rolls her eyes and goes to DJ bag.

"I'm finna go gimmie a kiss." I say as she puts DJ on the couch,  after she gives him his cup and turns on the TV. I pull her into me as she's faced foward. "Dinah, come on you got to go." She wraps her hand around mine. "I know, but you ain't kiss me goodbye yet." She sighs playfully but turns around.

I lean down and grab her cheek and rub her jaw gently with my thumb. She smiles and stands on her tip toes and brings me down. I moan and I grab her ass. She squeals in suprise.

"Dinah-go- I don't mmm." I cut her off and slide my tongue in her mouth. She gently pushes me off and I groan. "Go." She grabs my hand and walks in front of me to the door. "Aight, call me, if you need anything okay." I tell her. I put my arm on the door frame over her. "Yep. And bring me some food back please?" I kiss her one more time. "I'll think about it." She gasp and look at me. I giggle and walk to my car.

It wasn't looking too good. That's what the doctor told me when I arrived. The baby was fine. Meghan wasn't doing too good. When I got there, she was smiling and laughing with me. You couldn't tell if she was sick or not.

I was scared as hell. She's in surgery now. They had to do an emergency c-section. She's been in surgery for almost two and I'm scared as shit. I called Normani and told her what happened. She tried to come down here but I told her no stay there. Once I told her Ally, Lauren, and Mila was her she was reluctant but agreed.

"Family of Meghan Markle?" The doctor calls out. I stand up along with Mila, Ally, and Lauren.

"How is she? The baby? Wait how is Meghan?" He holds his hand up and for me to stop talking. "The baby is fine. You had a beautiful baby girl." I smile happily.

"Guys I got a baby girl!!" They all patted my back. "And Meghan?"

He looks down."No, no, no..."
"I'm so sorry. " I drop to the ground.
"Dinah , we're gonna help you. " "Two kids, two fucking kids, how can I do it by myself." "We got you. Dinah. Okay sweetie." Ally says as she combs through my hair.

"Mila?" "Yes Dinah?"

"Call Normani.

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