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9:00 a.m
Dinah's POV-

"Okay bud. I need you to sit right here." I say as I sit DJ down in my seat. 

"I'm coming right back. I just gotta get something." I look at him as if he knows what I'm saying. I kiss his cheek and ruffle his hair.

I rush out the door to make sure I can get back in there with DJ. "Hey Sergio,  do you have the USB file for me, you know the one with Consideration." I say as I made it to his office. 

"Yeah, its right here, why? " 

"Because I know who I want on that song and I got a deadline if I want it to be on her album."

He gets out his seat and head to his file cabinet to give me the file. "Here you go. I don't understand why you won't keep it in your office." I roll my eyes as I grab the USB. 

"Because I am never in there. Someone could easily take it." He nods his head and I give him the deuces as I head back down to the studio.

When I get there, I here someone else voice and it's not DJ. I open the door to see Normani holding him in her lap while talking to him. "When did you learn to talk?" I say as I head in.

"MAMA!" He jumps out of Normani's lap and run in my arms. 

"Bud, I was only for gone for ten minutes, twenty at the most." 

"Dinah can I speak to you for a sec?" Normani said and she starts to stand up. "Here, Disin go play on my phone. " I give him my phone and then places him on the couch.

"Dinah what the hell?" She says once she notices DJ isn't paying attention. 

"What? I wasn't gon that long. " 

"Dinah he was scared shitless." She hiss at me. "He's a man!"

 "He's ONE!" 

"And you know that how?"

 "He told me." I roll my eyes. 

"I'm sorry Normani and it won't happen again." She smiles satisfied. 

"Thanks. "

 "Now gimme a kiss." I pucker up my lips. She smacks her lips and pushes my face away.

I chuckled and then followed her in. "So what are we doing today?"

 "Well, badgirlriri, wanted me to do a song for her. "

 "Who?" I placed DJ in my lap. "You don't know who that is?" She just shrugs her shoulders. 

"O wait, you don't think I am talking about Rihanna?" She sits up immediately. "Badgirlriri?" I laugh, and nod my head.

 "I'm trying to finish one of her songs but I got a deadline." 

"Well, do you at least have a beat?" She grabs a notepad.  "Uh yeah its in my pocket, can you get it. I kinda got my hands full.

She nods her head. She gets up to reach in my jogging pants. She had was blindly reaching for it, because Disin was in my lap. "Dinah move so, I can get it. " I smirked. "I'm not touching you, my arms are around DJ." She looks at me and pats whats she touching.

"Careful, Mani. I'm not fully awake, but I will be if you keep touching me." She gasp. "How about I hold DJ and you get it." She holds her arms out and he couldn't get out of mine fast enough. "Traitor." I mumble as I reach into my pockets. "Here put these headphones on, so the beat one get leaked." She gives me a really face and then put them on.

When I press play, she looks in deep thought, then she starts bobbing her head. I look at DJ, who is just playing with her hair. "I like it, but instead of it being Rihanna by herself, it should be a feature. " I look puzzled. "Like, a rapper, or a singer?" "Yeah, a singer. I think I have one in mine ,but you not gon like it."

I know exactly who she talking about. "No, no ,no." "Oh, come on Dinah, you know she would be perfect for this song." I grab Disin out her lap and put him on the floor with his toys. "Why her? Why not Nicki Manji?" She gives me an 'are you serious face' "First off I said a singer and secondly can you actually do that? I squint my eyes at her. "Right sorry. Look she would be dope for this and you know it." I still wasn't convinced. "Okay how about this, she writes her verse and we just do Rihanna verse and chorus. " She got up and was leaning up against the desk in front of me. I sigh. I already know I'm going to do what she ask.

"Aight Fine." She claps her hand. "IF-" She immediately stops smiling.  "If, you let me take you out." "Dinah I got-" "Yes I know you got a boyfriend,  let me take you out to lunch. A friendly lunch." She looked at me unsure. "Look, even DJ can join." I gesture towards him and he's playing with his toys. "Okay, only lunch and nothing else." She points her index finger at me. "Only lunch." "Great now let's write a song. "By the way the deadline is a week from now."

3:00 p.m
Normani's POV-

"Come on Normani, that would go great right there.

"She points at the verse on my paper. No, Dinah it won't. " I laugh loudly, then I quickly stop, because DJ is sleeping.

 "Yes it will."

 "Dinah,I do advise you run it back, run it on back, bust it open, pop it, twerk it for me' will not work." I say while giggling. 

"Yeah, maybe not." She said finally giving it up. 

"Besides, those lyrics are Beyoncé's. " She opens her mouth but close it when, she realises I'm right.

"Well, I am tired and we haven't even started recording the song." Dinah says. "Wait we got to record it too?" 

"Yes, Normani. I know you new to this but, you got to know a little bit. " "Shut up Dinah, you ready to eat."

 "Yeah, you. " she mumbles. 

"DINAH! Your son is in here. " She shrugs and stands up and stretches.

"Where do you want to eat?"

 "I don't really care long as it is family friendly for him" I point at DJ, who starts whining. I coo at him at pick him up.

 "Aww, it's okay, baby." I kiss his cheek and rub his back.

 "Stop babying him Normani. He a big boy." I glare at her before I rub his hair again. "Dinah he's one." She gathers her things and grabs my phone for me.

"Whatever,  you want me to drive or get your driver?" 

"Which one has a carseat?" I say as we head out to the front lobby.

 "He don't need it. "

 "Dinah.Which one has the carseat." I say a little mad.

 "Okay,  okay but they both do." I nod my head and think about it. "How about we ride in the SUV and you can call the driver ?" She nods her head and leads us out the door as she calls the driver. And I will call SZA.

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