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Dinah Jane POV-
December 26th, 2016
Los Angeles,CA to Houston, TX

After Christmas day, we went back to Normani's side. Normani really didn't want to do all that traveling, but I insisted because she had a suprise for her grandma. Also because her mom had gifts for the kids.

Normani was upset because were only staying for two days at her mom's and then we are going to her house. "Dinah you don't have to drive so fast in the driveway. It's the driveway." I rolled my eyes. We have been arguing for the whole ride, over small things.

I think it was because she hasn't had any head. I'll fix that in two days. I got out, opened Mani's door and got the kids out. "Disin get your bag man." I handed it to him and he just looked at it. "Put it on!" I yelled. "Dinah, chill out." She had Dimples in her arms.

"Come on babies, let's go see grandma and ma-ma, while mama pouts." She looks back to me and mouths "fix your attitude." I knew she was right and also her dad was in there. I get our bags, which wasn't much and the gifts. "Hello, hello." I say as I enter. They all speak to me and I head upstairs. Normani was in there, changing Dimples.

"The keys are right here." "Thanks." She hands me Dimples. "So, when are you gonna do it?" She looks at her shirt and then looks at me. "Now and your recording." She grabs tbe dirty diaper and head downstairs.

I look at Dimples. "I guess I'm recording." I tickle Dimples and she starts to laugh. Then I get serious. "Listen Jasmine it's time we have a talk." I pick her up off my lap and place her on the bed as I kneel in front of her. She holds out her arms but I shake my head no. We need this talk.

"When I'm done I'll pick you up okay?" She just looks at me. "Listen Jasmine, can I call you that?" She puts her fist in her mouth. "You are eight months baby. Why aren't you walking? I feed you right, when I remember anyway." She looks around the room. "Now your birthday is in May of eighteenth. I need you walking by then. You know why?" She touches my noise and I take that as my cue to continue. "Because I want to propose to Mani." A smile breaks out on her face at that name and she starts to clap. I nod.

"You know her? Good, I wanted to do it on Valentines Day, but seeing as your birthday is in May and so is hers, I thought why not." She finally nods at me. "So that settles it, you will be walking by May and if you don't I won't propose. You got a lot riding on you." She sighs heavily. Same here girl, same here. "If you do this, you deflee have a spot in the wedding."

"Dinah!" I hear Mani yell. My eyes widened and so does Dimples. "Shit, she's on to us. This never happened okay?" I picked her up and headed downstairs. "We'll start practicing at Mani's house okay, we don't want them to catch on." We head downstairs and Mani looked so nervous. "Baby calm down. It's okay. She's gonna love it."

I peck her lips over and over again. "I'll be right here recording. Here hold Jasmine for good luck." She arches a eyebrow. "Are you mad at Dimples or something?" Shit I said the code name.

I look at Jasmine for help and she just rolls her eyes. She's literally eight months. Lucky for me Josh comes in the living room to tell us she's ready.

"Did you see her face baby that was priceless, she loved it

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"Did you see her face baby that was priceless, she loved it. I don't know why I was worried." She said as we get ready for bed. Disin is spending the night with Mani's younger cousin.

I didn't care, I knew he was in good hands. "Told ya. You should listen to me all the time." I tell her and she just shake her head. I put on sweatpants, a loose gray shirt and jump in the bed, literally. "Your such a kid." Mani says as she walks to her old bed and gets in. I grab her waist and lay on her chest. "Are you excited about the little Christmas were having at your place?" I ask. "I'm so excited, it's gonna be me, you, the kids, and SZA." She mumbles the last part but I still hear her. I rise off her chest.

"What? Baby come on I've already  seen the 'Grinch who stole Christmas' movie, I don't need to live it." She hits my head lightly. "Well too bad, suck it up its done." I pout and before I can lay on her head she pushes me down on my back.

"Please don't be mad." She gets on top of me. It's hard not being mad, when she's like this. "Mmm, I guess so." She leans down and kiss my lips.

"Babydoll and DJ birthday is coming up." Normani says. I sigh and look down at her. "Yep, I know. They cost a lot of money. Especially when they're birthday is right after Christmas." Dimples birthday is in May with Normani, and DJ birthday is in March. "What are you doing?" She ask.

"We. What are we doing? You know your my family, just like them. She smiles and looks away from me. "We are taking them to Disney land." I blurt out. Normani shoots up. "Really? I've never been." "And you won't in a while because I was joking." I laugh as she gives me a face.

" I laugh as she gives me a face

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"Not funny." She hits my chest. "Naw, well Dimples is gonna be one so nothing huge ane DJ said he wants a super hero theme party." She rubs on my stomach up and down. "That's cool, nothing major." "And cheap." I say. She laughs. "Let's think about that later, I want to sleep." I say and peck her lips.
The last day we were there, I needed to talk to Mr . Derek. I was scared because he just met me a few months ago. "So wassup Dinah?" "I want your daughter." I blurt out. I was already nervous and he took me back out to this damn field. "Dinah," He chuckles. "I can see that. Yall are together." I sigh. "Can I have your blessing to marry your daughter." I say. His smile drops. "Didn't you guys just start talking?" I gulp. He gets up and goes into the shed.

"Y-yes but I love her and she loves me. At least I hope she does." "And when do you plan on doing it?" He ask. "I want to do it, on valentine's day. That's two months before our one year anniversary." I gulp as he comes back with a gun. "So... I like you Dinah, I really do. But, Drea told me what happen between yall, when yall broke up."

He clocks the gun back. I'm like ten seconds from running and leaving and not looking back. "I was stupid and I regret it. I really do." He holds the gun to my head and I'm trying hard to keep a straight face. This marriage is not worth this. "Listen good Dinah Jane. If you hurt my little baby. My youngest babygirl," He pushes the gun more into my head. "It's over."

I feel the pressure move from my head. "Yes you have my blessing Dinah Jane." He holds his hand out for me to shake and I do. "Thanks sir." We drive back up to the house and I've never been more relived to see people.

 All this for marriage, Normani is definitely the one.

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