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Normani's POV-
"She's beautiful Dinah." I say as I hold her.

"Yep, that's my baby girl." She grabs her hand and the baby wraps her hand around Dinah's middle finger.

"Hi Jasmine Dinasty Hansen" I coo at her. She gives me a faint smile. When I first got here Dinah was a complete wreck. They say she wouldn't talk until I got here.

She didn't even see Jasmine until I got here. They had already took Meghan's body. Dinah had to call Meghan's mom and tell her. That just made her break down again, telling her mom she died.

"Babe, did you here me?" Dinah calls me. "Hmm sorry what? " "I want Disin to come see her so I'm going to go get him." I nod my head and she leans down to kiss my cheek.

"Hello JD. I'm Normani. Now I know, I know my name is hard to pronounce. Don't worry I'll help you. You might not even have to call me that. It can be Manz or Mani." She has her eyes close but she smiles at me.

"Oh you got dimples like your mama." I giggle. "Dimples, that's the nickname I want to give you. " She yawns cutely.

"Okay, DJ be gentle with her." Dinah says as she comes in with him in her hand. "Otay." I was laying on the hospital bed with Jasmine in my arms. She puts Disin next to me and he sits on his knees looking at her.

"Small." I laugh. "Yeah she's small. But one day she'll be big like you. " He claps his hand louldy and Jasmine starts to stir ,but Dinah thumps his head gently and shakes her head no.

"Dinah don't thump him. What is wrong with you?" I hit her shoulder. 
"Aye, you gon stop hitting me Mani." I roll my eyes at her.

"Knock ,knock" The nurse says as she comes in. "It's time for her feeding." I nod my head and hand her to the nurse. "Do you want to see the process on how she'll be fed since she won't be breastfeeding." Dinah shakes her head no. "Okay well we have to run a few more test and check for things since she was born early. She should be able to in two days maybe sooner. "

"Yay." I say and Disin takes this as his cue to clap.

"Thank you nurse, is it okay if we leave and come back I have to set up my house." "Of course and you can back later tonight or tomorrow is fine. " Dinah nods her head as she grabs my hand and pulls me off the bed.

I grab Disin and place his little feet on the floor. I hold his hand as we walk out the room. "Did the gang already leave?" I ask Dinah. "Yeah they did I told them they could go home amd come back tomorrow. "

I nod my head and continue to walk. "I called my driver and he should be out in the front by now." "I drove here Dinah." "Ok? You not driving back. I'll just tell someone to pick up the car. And before you ask there is a car seat in there."

I smile and lean up to kiss her cheek. We continue walking and head out the door. Luckily, there was no paparazzi. As usual, Dinah opens the door for me and I put DJ in first. We get situated and then pull off.

"So, I know you don't want to talk about it, but have you decided what your gonna do?" Dinah sighs and I can tell she's not trying to cry. "Umm yeah, I'm gonna set up the house first, then my mom said she'll watch them for a little bit." "You sure, because my mom would love to watch them." I  give her a gentle smile.

"What?" "I told my mom what happened and she really wants to help. Besides she's retired and has nothing else to do." "Baby, are you sure? Normani I-" "Dinah trust me, its fine. I'll even help out a bit." She smiles and leans over and give me a kiss.

"By the way, I already knew you were gonna help." I turn and look at her. "Really?" I fold my arms under my breast. "Mhm." She kisses my forehead. "How so?" "Baby you're whipped for my kids and I don't blame you. " She leans down and nibbles on my ear.

"They apart of me, just like you are." She whispers and I push her off of me. "I hate you. " I say and trying not to crack a grin.

"I got your text by the way. Well I finally read it anyway. You finished your verse already?" I ask as I eat a gummy bear Disin offered me.

"Oh yeah I did and Kelly said we could get it out by next week or two weeks from now. That might change tho." She groans.

"How come? Oh is because of Jasmine and DJ. Dinah I told you, my mom would love to." "I know, I- we have to promote the single babe and I'm sure they'll ask about us dating. "

"Yeah. I know but I can talk to Just and see what she thinks and as for as promotion, we really don't have a choice, unless we want the song to flop. " I play with my fingers in my lap.

She just looks at me for a minute and then grabs her phone.
The rest of ride is peaceful silence and I honestly don't mind.

Dinah's House
We apparently had to stop because Dinah didn't have anything at her house for Dimples yet.

"Dinah do you need any help?" I ask as I unbuckled Disin. "Yeah can you reach in my pocket and get my key?" "No." I say flatly. "Why not? " She laughs at my answer, as she helps me down. "You know why. Last time I checked your pocket, I got an unexpected suprise." I roll my eyes at the memory. "An HUGE suprise tho. Huh huh?" I just look at her. "I don't know about it being huge." I say in a serious tone.

"A some shit you just don't play about Mani." I laugh at her and pick Disin up and head into her condo, with her right behind me. "SUPRISE!!!!" I jump and squeal causing DJ to be startled. "Oh my-- guys you didn't." Dinah says from behind me. "Oh we did." Camila says as she grabs DJ from me.

It was Dinah's mom, Ally, Lauren and her mom, Camila, producers from the studio, Kelhani and even Zendaya. When I saw Zendaya, I almost have a heart attack. I immediately start fangirling. "Dinah! Dinah! Thats ZENDAYA. " I whisper yell in her ear. I was shaking her arm violently. "Damn, okay I better get a greeting like that soon." She rolls her eyes. "I'm sorry Dinah but...its...Zendaya. " She giggles at me and drags me over to her.

"Hey Z. This is Normani. Normani this is Zendaya. " "Hi. I love your covers on YouTube. " She watched my channel. "I-I-I love you." "Aw, thanks babe. Can I have a hug." She ask and I nod as I go in for a hug. "Okay, that's enough. Damn can I get some love like that." I hit Dinah after I let Zendaya go.

I mingle around a little bit more, then I go to DJ's room, where he's taking a nap and I lay with him. As if he feels my presence, he cuddles into me. I wrap my arm around him and play in his hair. Today was sad but at least something good came out of it.

I just hope Dinah doesn't hurt me.

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