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January 2014
Normani' s Pov-

"Um, excuse me . I'm looking for Simon Cowell?" I said as I read the paper with his name on there. "

"Yes do you have an appointment?" The receptionist asked.

"Yes Hamilton, Normani Hamilton." She checked the computer and then smiled gently.

"Yes here you are, if you could just follow me and I'll show you." I smiled thankfully. I grabbed my things as i followed her.

"So you from here?"

"No, no I'm from Houston, Texas."

"Ahh the home of BBQ right?" I laughed at her "accent". I nod my head.

"Yes amongst other things." She smiled.

"I'm SZA by the way."

"That is a beautiful name." I say honestly.

"Thank you I'm gonna be big one day, so you remember that name okay." I giggle and nod my head. I could see her name in lights.

"I hope we get a chance to work-"

"NORMANI, my star." The voice startled me but I immediately knew who it was by the accent.

"Mr. Cowell how are you? It's so good to see you again." He gave me a hug, which I returned.

"Simon, Normani call me Simon and I am wonderful but we have to go to a meeting soon.

"Are you ready to meet your crew. Thank you SZA." I almost forgot her. She nodded.

"Hey SZA maybe we can get together sometime." She smiles showing her teeth.

"I would like that Normani." I waved goodbye to her as I turned back to Simon.


"Yes you know manager, publicist, things like that." I nod my head in sort of agreement. He started walking abd I follow him.

We past all types of room but one room really catches my attention. The vibe and the feel of the music, it didn't have a voice but the beat. The beat really drew me in. I peeked in the room and my breath hitched in my throat a little. She had a cap on and her blonde hair flowed down her back. I knew she looked good even from the back.

"Normani, love let's go." He gently grab my hand and pulled down the hall.

"Don't worry, she's one of the best producers in the game. You'll get to work with her along with other artist and producer's." After he said that he kept walking, and looking at his phone.

"Here we are."

He opened the door to a room with like five people maybe eight at the most.

"Everyone this is your boss, Normani this is everyone."


"Yes we work for you now."

"Cool." They all chuckled at me.

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