First Bite

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Hi, My name Is Amber Paige Marie, I am 13 I have long, red (well now i do), straight hair, and freckles. 

"Amber Paige Marie, get your bottom down here" My mom yelled Upstairs. uh oh. What did i do this time? OK i need a good excuse. 

"Coming!" I say acting joyful, i walk down the stairs. "Yes ma'am?" I ask politely.

"Where were you yesterday?" She asked.

"Yesterday? Oh i was actually at a study session at Scar's house, why?" I say.  That's actually not a lie.  Scar is a nickname for one of my best friends, Scarlet James.

"Oh ok, i was just wondering." She says.


Goes the door. Speaking of Scar. Yes i know its Scar, that is our 'secret' knock for the door so we know its each other.  I run up to the door. And swing it open. 

"HEY SCAR!!!" I scream.

"HEY BOO!" She yells. Boo is my nickname for her. We  smile at each other.

"Oh boo, nice monkey pjs." She laughs. Huh? I look down, sure enough I'm wearing my monkey shorts, and monkey shirt. I blush.

"Annyyywwaaaayyyyssss, I was wondering if you wanted to come and hang out with me, my brother and a couple of his older friends" She asks winking and elbowing me.

"By older you mean???" I ask suddenly interested.

"mostly 13 year olds, and some 14 year olds" She adds " From his BASKETBALL team!" 

We both laugh

"But your not wearing that right?" She says pointing at my monkey shorts.

"OF COURSE NOT! I am going to wear my monkey slippers, NOT my bunny slippers" I joke around. I invite her inside. We run upstairs to figure out a outfit for me. We settle on a short shorts, and a 'Rolling Stones' cropped t-shirt. She brushes my hair, while i put on my make- up. We both walk over to my shoes, and we look through them.

"These!" She says holding up my red skating shoes. I shrug and put them on.

"Check!" She says. Check means we check each others make-up, clothes, and hair. I examine her, while she examines me.

"You look per-fect!" She says.

"Oh wait!" I say, i reach my hand up and fix a strand of her hair.

"Now your perfecto!" I laugh. I un-plug my phone and we walk downstairs. My yorkie terrior meets us at the end of the stairs.

"Hey Sparkle" I say bending down to pet her and i keep walking.

"Hey Sparkle!" Scarlett says petting her on the head. We walk out into the garage, and i grab my skateboard, and she grabs hers. As we were skating down the road. I see my 17 year old brother Anthony, running with Gunner my Rottweiler. I skate over to him.

"Hey Ant, Hey big boy" I say petting Gunner. I kiss Gunner on the head, and he licks my cheek. Eww. 

As we skate up into the park entrance i see Scarlet's 13 year old brother with his friends at the basketball courts. We skate up to the courts. I walk up to her brother.

"Hey Gus" I say messing up his hair like he was a little kid. He makes a face and fixes his hair.

"Hey Amber" He says back. 

"YO GUYS!" Gus calls over his basketball team. Most of them are cute, I see 3 that are hawwwttttt.

"Guys this is Amber, My friend, and my sisters best friend. And you know Scarlet." Gus says introducing me. I wave.

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